which other states do this


Dedicated LVC Member
May 25, 2008
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Grand Rapids, Michigan
So I got a speeding ticket a couple of weeks ago, 20 over in a construction zone he only wrote me up for doing 10-15 over, any who I get a letter in the mail from the treasurey department saying in addition to what I paid for the ticket I have to pay another $100 dollars for "driver responsibility fees" some bill crap like that for accumulating seven or more points within a year. Anybody else have that in their state?
Most construction zones are marked that fines are double.

I think its true in most states.
Mississippi had the 2x ticket fine in a construction zone as well, but we don't have points. 3 speeding tickets in a year and you lose your license for a year. It's simple and very effective to those that care about a license :)
So I got a speeding ticket a couple of weeks ago, 20 over in a construction zone he only wrote me up for doing 10-15 over, any who I get a letter in the mail from the treasurey department saying in addition to what I paid for the ticket I have to pay another $100 dollars for "driver responsibility fees" some bill crap like that for accumulating seven or more points within a year. Anybody else have that in their state?

If your speed wasn't unreasonable or imprudent under the conditions, you may have not actually committed an offense.

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