whitewalls or blackwalls?


Dedicated LVC Member
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
i just want to know how many people on LvC prefer whitewalls to blackwalls. my personal preferance is whitewalls. anyone else?
Depends on the car.
My TC had whites, my thunderbirds have a strange combo of 3/8" red and 1" white (these are org tires from the 60's) my stang, LSC and the Healy have blackwalls and my van has RWL (rased white letters).

I could never see the Healy, LSC or stang with whites, maybe RWL on the stang.

Van could swing either way :eek:

Thunderbirds used to have 2 1/2" wide whites till i found the orginals but they could have been ordered with black walls but would look really wierd.

Current Stable:
00 Stang vert - side pipes, super chip, CAI
98 LSC
96 Haulmark enclosed race trailer (going to eBay soon)
94 E-150 5.8l
65 T-Bird Coupe
65 T-Bird vert
64 Austin Healy 3000

Gone but not forgott'n:
95 Gen I Base
92 Merc Grand Marq -Police package...sigh
90 TC
85 T-Tbird Fila
I say if it's boxy at all it hould have whitewalls or white letters.
but if it's aerodynamic like a Mark VIII, it should have blackwalls.
I've seen a Mark VIII with whitwalls and it looked AWFUL!!
whitewalls look better on a big car! i have a cadillac eldorado, and a lincoln towncar, they both have whitewalls as does my truck. i just think they look better!
thick whitewalls or 1' whitewalls
I agree it depends on the car. Also, I think it depends on the wheels too. I could see a Mark 7 with 100 spoke 16's with white walls... It depends on how you do the car up. And for the new topic, if you're gunna have white walls, go all out!!! I plan on putting wide whitewalls on my T/C when I replace them this summer!
Wide white walls, i don't know Brian get some one to photoshop a pic of what they would look like!!!
I totally posted in the other thread that it TOTALLY depends on the person and the car. What style are you trying to convey?
Brian, I have to correct myself the other thread is called ( Whitewalls or traditionals ) sorry for the confusion!!!!!
it's ok, i decided aganst that name right after i posted it
Well then... your own thread got hijacked by the thought of your misnamed thread!


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