Who am I? Who are you!?!

sheldon be swift

New LVC Member
Jun 18, 2008
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Sure, I probably could have come up with a better title for a self-introduction post...but would you still be reading this if I had?

Either way, as my handle so cleverly alludes, my name is Sheldon. And yes, I'm a fellow LS owner; a 2003 V8 to be exact. I've had my LS since 2005, and admittedly haven't yet accomplished much of what I have planned for her. The only "completed" project is the audio install.

Useless, uninteresting information aside, I'm new here. I came from http://lincolnforums.com/ in search of a more populated forum (more people = more knowledge, I hope ;) ).

Now that I've introduced myself, here are a few questions:

- I've diagnosed a "knocking/rattle" in the front/right wheel to be a problem with the caliper assembly (the "clip" as I've been calling is apparently worn out)...what-all would replacing this entail? I'm very handy but am just working up to and off of a very basic knowledge of automobile servicing.

- Two times in the past year my vehicle has gone into "reduced engine power" mode. The first time, turning it off and on cleared the message and showed engine temperature as normal...so I assumed it was some sort of computer error. The other day, it happened again. Turning it on and off didn't change anything, so I popped the hood and unscrewed the cap in the back right (no idea what it is...indicates something in PSI on it). Once the steam stopped, I started the car and the engine temperature returned to normal. I do know I need to replace the AC filter...but I had assumed the message "Replaced AC Filter" was referring to the cabin filter. Is this accurate?

Sorry to tie in questions with my introduction....but I've moderated forums in the past and am thus not a huge fan of double posting when it can be avoided. Thanks guys, I look forward to contributing everything I can to the community.
I think you opened the 'radiator cap'. (The place you put coolant in the radiator.) Since it's very easy to get a vapor lock-type problem in the cooling system, wait 'till the engine's cold, and by using the place you mentioned, and the black plastic cap on the top front of the engine with the hex depression in it---it goes into the cooling passages also---be sure to give it a complete fill. You may have to 'burp' it a little.

Changing the 'cabin' or 'AC' filter is simply done by removing the passanger-side cowl cover---just in front of the windshield---and pulling the old filter up and replacing it. There's a step-by-step explanation around here somewhere that tells how to do it.

KenS from Ben's Place
Thanks for the quick reply! I'll take a look tomorrow after work...my biggest issue is I don't have anywhere I can really "dig in" and get dirty (I live in an apartment. Using the information you've provided, I'll look into it and report back. Any ideas on the caliper assembly? :)
Yeah thats the coolant reservoir cap (some people here call it a "degas bottle", I have no clue wtf that's supposed to mean. Its a coolant reservoir, because that's what it does, it holds coolant. :shifty: )

That can usually be remedied by flushing and refilling the cooling system and following the procedure for bleeding the air out. (look in the Tech Articles section on this site)
If it continues to act up the thermostat may be sticking closed.

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