Who Did You Vote For?


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Mar 2, 2004
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Chicago, IL
Its Super Tuesday --- Who Did You Vote For?

I voted for Ron Paul...


How many times have we disagreed on things? I have to admit that even though I thought I was right about the issues we discussed, I was definitely wrong about you.

You are the MAN.

By the way, I've decided to be a precinct leader here in Louisville and drum up Ron Paul votes for our primary, which isn't until May. I have never in my life (until now) actively participated in a campaign. I have never in my life (until now) contributed any money to a candidate for public office. Ron Paul has inspired me.
If only this thread was representitive of the country

That'd be great with all the votes for Ron Paul. Unfortunately it's our little microcosm, so I gotta go out and rattle some voters. Talk to ya later!:D :D :D

I think that Ron Paul would be good for this country as would Fred Thompson, Too bad the american people rejected Thompson & Paul has not been given a fair shot by the media.

I think that Hillary, Obama & McCain all suck!

I liked Bill clinton, but Hillary just doesn't seem genuine, Obama's father was a radical Musslim & that concerns me, + I think think that somebody would try to kill him & he is just too far left for me, and then we have good ol' McCain who I always felt was against his own party on way too many issues & he flat out sucks! He is pretty old too, I think he is 71.

I am sick of Hillary & Obama always talking about 'RACE' & Hillary is probally the worse about doing it. If This is our choice after the primaries then I will probally have to side with McCain in the general election. Still a crappy choice though IMO! Maybe a miracle will happen & the american people will wake up. Aint holding my breath though.

Oh well just my 2 cents.


How many times have we disagreed on things? I have to admit that even though I thought I was right about the issues we discussed, I was definitely wrong about you.

How many times have I told you I wasnt either democrat nor republican and that im not as liberal as you make me out to be?
Its Super Tuesday --- Who Did You Vote For?

I voted for Ron Paul...

I can respect that.

Aren't you registered as an independant? Does Illinois allow independants to vote in the primary?


How many times have we disagreed on things? I have to admit that even though I thought I was right about the issues we discussed, I was definitely wrong about you.

You are the MAN.

By the way, I've decided to be a precinct leader here in Louisville and drum up Ron Paul votes for our primary, which isn't until May. I have never in my life (until now) actively participated in a campaign. I have never in my life (until now) contributed any money to a candidate for public office. Ron Paul has inspired me.

Great Job I too am a precinct leader here in my town, we actually door to door beat feet for this campaign. I am so sick and tired of the corrupt evil corporate Elitist bastards who REALLY run this country and it doesnt matter who wins thwey will just pick up where the Idiot left off. RON PAUL all the way!!

I think that Ron Paul would be good for this country as would Fred Thompson, Too bad the american people rejected Thompson & Paul has not been given a fair shot by the media.

I think that Hillary, Obama & McCain all suck!

I liked Bill clinton, but Hillary just doesn't seem genuine, Obama's father was a radical Musslim & that concerns me, + I think think that somebody would try to kill him & he is just too far left for me, and then we have good ol' McCain who I always felt was against his own party on way too many issues & he flat out sucks! He is pretty old too, I think he is 71.

I am sick of Hillary & Obama always talking about 'RACE' & Hillary is probally the worse about doing it. If This is our choice after the primaries then I will probally have to side with McCain in the general election. Still a crappy choice though IMO! Maybe a miracle will happen & the american people will wake up. Aint holding my breath though.

Oh well just my 2 cents.

RICH YOU DA MAN TOO!!!! We HAVE TO MAKE A CHANGE!!! Fred Thompson is a TRUE man for the people too!! Its like its the last hope with RP!!

They will rig the elections like they did when Bush "Won" Florida last time around. Hellery, Insane McCain and Ohblahblah are ALL puppets for the BIGGER picture.

I cannot urge people enough to get activated and get EDUCATED about how sick and demonic this Government really is and look at their track records and look at History in general and put all the pieces together yourself, your MIND WILL BEND!!
How did they "rig" the Bush election?

I don't know whether it was rigged or not? All I know is that I voted for this idiot & he has really screwed this country up! Even most right winged republicans can't stand him.

Geno is right about the amount of dirty corrupt things going on. Just imagine all of the stuff going on that we really have no idea about? It's most likely very scary & we couldn't even begin to imagine it. I don't think that we will ever have a JFK or Ronald Regan type ever again. Big business and other players just wouldn't let it happen. The president isn't making decisions for himself. It's a dirty game! We really do need to make a change & stop going with the flow.

You know, 10 years ago if someone told me about the 'new world order' or the 'north american union' I would have looked at them funny, I know better now! It's coming. Canada, the US & mexico will be joined. Look at the NAFTA super highway, it's already started! I'm not some conspiricy nut either, it's just the simple truth.

You know, 10 years ago if someone told me about the 'new world order' or the 'north american union' I would have looked at them funny, I know better now! It's coming. Canada, the US & mexico will be joined. Look at the NAFTA super highway, it's already started! I'm not some conspiricy nut either, it's just the simple truth.

Your right Rich your not a nut but thats what they want you to think bud. They want all of us to be Sheeple (Sheep+people) They want all your friends and family to laugh at you and ridicule you and say your a wack job.

Its all about the smoke and mirrors, they want us distracted and medicated and in debt
and living paycheck to paycheck struggling, stressed and so on. It is a plan that has been in motion for MANY years my friends.

When you see the truth its a real life horror movie. You really want your mind bent get this flick

Do your research, stay off BS Controlled media and stick to the net, PBS and C-SPAN the ones with the ONLY NUTS left in the Country of spineless controlled media.

Your rights are going away at an alarming rate, wake up America and see the truth. It is happening NOW! NC Already has chipped Licenses with the new Amero logo on the BACK!!!
This gets no media? Nope, never, why? they want you distracted plain and simple, instead the media is flooded with who Paris Hilton blew this week and Britney Spears 3 am trip to the Rite Aid for a pregnancy test kit!!! CMON WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!

I for one and totally terrified, it is incomprhendable what is going on and I will not stand for it, do you want to be them or U.S.?

Stir the pot EVERYWHERE, educate as many people as you can. This is serious.

The REAL War on terror should be held at the steps of the White House.
Here you go, scary enough?

IN NC right now this second they know where you are at a push of a button, just cannot believe people dont do anything they just sit by and watch, then when it is too late they say "What the hell happened?" Reead on:

North Carolina Residents: Real ID Guinea Pigs
By Jim Palmer
August 8, 2007

A couple of Days ago, I received a phone call from an aide from the office of Representative Jim Guest of Missouri. Jim Guest had recently been to North Carolina, to make more people aware of the Real ID and its negative impact.

Their mission of teaching soon turned into a shocking discovery. While in Raleigh, Representative Guest held up his driver's license to demonstrate what information the current driver's licenses have on them and how much information can be held in a one-dimensional bar code, compared to a two-dimensional bar code. He pointed out that a one-dimensional bar code can hold the information that is on the front of the license. This includes your name, address, license number, etc. A two-dimensional bar code holds enough information to fill a set of encyclopedias.

Before Representative Guest could finish his talking points, a man stood up and said, "My license doesn't have any of that", referring to the one-dimensional bar code. Jim's aide asked him when he obtained his license and he informed the aide it was very recent. The aide looked it over and said that it had the two-dimensional bar code and even more interestingly, it had a hologram with the headlights of a car and an outline of North America. Holograms are often used as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chip.

The danger of RFID technology is that anyone with a scanner can walk by a person with the license and gather their information. That information could include their name, address, date of birth, fingerprints, digital image, social security number and any other information put on the RFID chip.

I was not able to reach anyone by phone at the NC Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), who would or could confirm that driver's licenses are now being issued with a RFID. In fact, no one at the DMV (at least those that I spoke with on the telephone) seemed to know what an RFID chip is.

However, I did reach an examiner in a Wake County Drivers License Office who said North Carolina does use RFID Technology and that she thought it had been in use since November of 2006. I spoke with another DMV employee in Raleigh who informed me that I would need to contact Marge Howell in the communications office. I have tried several times to reach Ms. Howell and only get voicemail. I will post an update after I speak with her.

In a blog posted March 01, 2007 by Jay Ovittore of Greensboro, he describes his run in with the DMV. "I went and got my new NC drivers license today at the local DMV. I had to get my address changed. Come to find out the new issue NCDL has a RFID chip in it. Not only can RFID technology be used to track a location of what it is in, but it can store information as well. It is easily hackable, if you can even call something so easy a hack, with a RFID scanner, which for a price is available to the general public. So I had some questions. I asked the DMV officer if they had any literature for what is going to be stored on the RFID chip, you know like my social security #. I was told, 'What is being stored on the RFID chip's is not going to be public information'. I raised a little hell and then left before I got myself arrested by the Gestapo like officials."

In the Charlotte City-Data forum one user posted their experience with the New North Carolina Driver's License.

"It was a sad day for me today as I called the local DMV. My cousin showed me her Renewed drivers licenses yesterday, and to my surprise there on the back was a new type of hologram. However as I came to find out today thru DMV sources it's not just a hologram it in fact is a new trackable chip. They said in fact it was a new homeland security project for this state. The officer also said that the cards which are trackable is just the first step in the new project, she also stated that other states had their own projects but that eventually all states would in fact be merged into the same system. This news shocked me to say the least but she also added that they were in fact doing facial recognitions as well to go into the database. However, before answering my questions she had a couple of her own such as, why do you want to know? Have you been involved with fake ID's etc. etc. I laughed and assured her that in fact I was just a concerned citizen, and that I found it ironic how we are not the terrorists but that we have to submit to being treated as such. She however didn't seem amused. What as a nation have we allowed? Well as for me my drivers licenses don't expire until 2010, and until I move to a state that doesn't have such a policy or the policy itself is rescinded I'll stick with the ones I have!"

Looking at these posts and getting the information from Representative Jim Guest makes me wonder if the people of North Carolina are being used as Guinea Pigs for the Department of Homeland Security and their implementation of the Real ID.

I wonder how many North Carolinians are aware that they are broadcasting their private information, without even knowing it. How many of them know that an electronic stalker could track their every move? They may not even know that their information will be placed into a database accessible not only by law enforcement and all other DMV's in the United States but by the governments of Mexico and Canada.

Homeland Security will be in charge of this massive data mine. However, they have yet to protect their own computers from being hacked more than 800 times in the past two years! Why would anyone in their right mind hand over all of their sensitive data to an arm of the government that cannot even manage its own systems?

One final note, I can understand the correlation between having a pair of car headlights on your driver's license (even if it is just a clever way to mask the RFID chip), but why the outline of North America? Is this new driver's license going to be the North American ID that will replace the passport to enter Mexico or Canada? Perhaps this system is in place to help forge the way for the North American Union, which the mainstream media outlets are trying hard to ignore away into that black hole, which swallows up important information in favor of reporting the drunken misdeeds of the latest celebrity. Either way, this form of identification that has been proven to be fallible should not be used. The people of North Carolina need to demand that this stop immediately. The people of the United States of America ought to stand with them.

Take Action before you have to renew your license Contact You Legislators at
NC Senators: http://www.ncga.state.nc.us/gascripts/members/memberList.pl?sChamber=Senate

NC House:

Your federal Legislators both House and Senate can be located at

Support Representative Jim Guest and Learn more about the Real ID at:

Article found at http://www.alipac.us/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=76768
I don't know whether it was rigged or not?

Let me answer that for you, it wasn't.

All I know is that I voted for this idiot & he has really screwed this country up!

that is distortion unless you can prove it.

Geno is right about the amount of dirty corrupt things going on.

No more so then under any other administration.

The president isn't making decisions for himself.

Of course not. That is what his advisors are for. Still, he is the one ultimately calling the shots. No evidence otherwise, just speculation and hyperbole

It's a dirty game!

That's politics

We really do need to make a change & stop going with the flow.

That's just mindless nonsense. Precisely what changes need to be made? It is very easy to say that "we need to change",because things aren't perfect. There is no substance behind it. Might as well say "we need to stop bad things from happening". No substance. You need specifics.

Look at the NAFTA super highway, it's already started! I'm not some conspiricy nut either, it's just the simple truth.

No, it isn't "simply truth". It is bases on very questionable evidence (and not much evidence at that), and distortion.
Here you go, scary enough?

IN NC right now this second they know where you are at a push of a button, just cannot believe people dont do anything they just sit by and watch, then when it is too late they say "What the hell happened?" Reead on:

I read the article...now exactly what constitutional rights are being taken away?

Drive is considered a privillage. As such, a license (and whatever is put on that license) is part of that privillage. Not rights involved that can be taken away.
:) I've been listening to Obama for months taking about "A TIME FOR CHANGE" I hear you Obama THANK YOU for you encouragement So I listened to Obama and voted for change RON PAUL:Beer
I can respect that.

Aren't you registered as an independant? Does Illinois allow independants to vote in the primary?

In illinois, you can vote either republican, democrat or no affiliation. For no affiliation, you jsut get the propositions. You can choose differently each election.
In illinois, you can vote either republican, democrat or no affiliation. For no affiliation, you jsut get the propositions. You can choose differently each election.

I see
:) I've been listening to Obama for months taking about "A TIME FOR CHANGE" I hear you Obama THANK YOU for you encouragement So I listened to Obama and voted for change RON PAUL:Beer

HA! That's pretty good. While I don't agree with Ron Paul on Foreign Policy, at least there is some substance there.

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