Who is Obama and what does he stand for?


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
Read this on another forum.

Guy hits it on the head about Obama.

He is black, yet he is white.

He went to a Muslim school and had a Muslim father, yet he is Christian.

His grandmother was a white racist, yet his grandfather was a white war hero.

He claims to have grown up "underprivileged", yet went to the best private schools.

He sharpened his teeth in the corruption of Chicago politics and was close to people like Rezko, yet claims to be free of corruption and lobbyists.

He sat for 20 years in pews while listening to racist and anti-american hate, yet now claims to reject it.

He will give a free college education and healthcare to all americans, yet will "fix the economy".

He is the best friend of Israel, yet can't wait to meet with Ahmadinejad.

He speaks of change, yet his positions show the same failed liberal policies.

He speaks of peace, yet has policies (appeasement) that will no doubt lead to more and bigger wars.
I hope I have more than just change in my pocket after his administration.
Originally Posted by Joeychgo

I dunno - all I have after Bush is change.

no freakin joke!!!!!

What ever happened to Pelosi and Reid? I thought they were going to fix everthing almost 2 years ago?


A little light reading:

Pelosi, Dean, and Reid Hail 'New Direction'
By Susan Jones
CNSNews.com Senior Editor
November 08, 2006

(CNSNews.com) - Early Wednesday morning, soon-to-be House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Election Day "a great victory" for the American people, not to mention Democrats, who -- at the very least -- will control the House of Representatives.

"[T]he American people voted for change, and they voted for Democrats to take our country in a New Direction," Pelosi said, invoking the Democrat's "New Direction" platform.

She said taking the country in a new direction "is exactly what we intend to do."

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean, echoing Rep. Nancy Pelosi's "talking points," also issued a statement early Wednesday morning, saying the Ameican people, in giving Democrats a sizeable edge, "sent a clear message for a new direction."

Pelosi said Democrats would restore civility and bipartisanship in Washington, along with integrity and honesty. She said the Democrats "intend to lead the most honest, most open and most ethical Congress in history."

Pelosi said the American people, in giving the Democrats control of the House -- and possibly the Senate, depending on the final vote tally -- voted for a "fairer economy...where "all Americans participate in the prosperity of our great country."

Among other things, Democrats are expected to raise taxes on the people who make the most money and hike the minimum wage, a move that businesses say will put some of the lowest-paid employees out of jobs.

Most of all, Pelosi said, the American people made it clear "that we need a New Direction" in the war on Iraq.

"'Stay the course' has not made our country safer, has not honored our commitment to our troops, and has not made the region more stable. We cannot continue on this catastrophic path," Pelosi said.

Democrats want to "redeploy the troops," which Republicans describe as "cut and run," a victory for the terrorists who predicted the U.S. would not have staying power in Iraq.

Pelosi urged President Bush to work with Democrats "to find a solution to the war in Iraq."

"Democrats are ready to lead and prepared to govern," Pelosi said. "Tonight, the American people have entrusted us with their hopes and aspirations, for themselves, their families, and their future. We will honor that trust.

"Tonight we have made history; now let us make progress."

Dean: 'New Direction'

Dean said Americans had voted for "hope and opportunity" and rejected "the Republican culture of corruption and the politics of fear and smear."

"I want to congratulate all of our Democratic candidates who ran strong campaigns, worked hard, and offered the American people a clear choice and a strong vision for a new direction based on the priorities of the American people. The American voters also sent a message to Democrats that if we show up, work hard and ask for their vote, we can win in any part of the country."

Dean said the real work begins on Wednesday, as Democrats advance an "agenda that puts the American people first.

"Democrats are unified and ready to change the tone of politics in Washington to get things done for the American people," he said.

Dean promised that Democrats will "respect all Americans" and "value your beliefs and your families as we restore America to its position of moral leadership throughout the world.

"Together America will be stronger. Together we will move America in a new direction."

Dean plans to hold a post-election briefing on Wednesday morning in Washington.

'New Direction,' part three

In a statement released Wednesday morning, Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid also invoked the "new direction" mantra:

"The American people have spoken and they have demanded change. They want, they deserve and they are going to get a new direction -- at home and in Iraq," Reid said.

"Americans chose Democrats because we fought for the people and we fought for change. Now the Congress must honor that choice with a new beginning."

Reid said he's already reached out to Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and asked him to work with Democrats - "to move America forward."

"America needs change, and change starts in Iraq," Reid said. "The president must listen and work with Democrats to fix his failed policy. Americans have demanded a new direction. Democrats are ready to deliver."

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