Who will be the GOP nominee?


Dedicated LVC Member
Oct 14, 2005
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Not who do you like, or who is the best... The question is, who do you think will ultimately win the nomination.

Favorites don' always win it, that's how John Kerry was nominated in '04.

But if you had to place a money bet on the eventual GOP nominee, who would it be on?
Fred was wise to wait until now to announce. Despite the fact that he hasn't raised a lot of money, he's neck and neck with Rudy. He may be able to save a lot of his campaign cash for the general, whereas Obama and Hillary may spend a lot of money targeting each other.

Granted, I'd prefer Hunter, but Fred has electability that Duncan does not. Rudy's too much of a liberal to attract conservatives, and so is Romney. McCain's campaign is in its death throes thanks to his Shamnesty debacle.
I have a hunch Rudy will implode.. but having watched him all my life, he's not a guy who can be taken for granted.

If Thompson wasn't in the race, I'd bet on Romney. I'm still waiting to see how the Thompson campaign can handle itself.
As you know, Duncan Hunter was my early pick but he just couldn't gain traction and the media was ignoring him. If we have another attack in the next several months, I wouldn't count him out, but right now, the media wants to annoint Hillary and Rudy.

Fred has the straight talk America needs to win over joe lunch-bucket and the moderate dems.

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