Why the media blackout?

Jayce 1971

Active LVC Member
Dec 4, 2007
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Have been watching the news stations trying to find out any info about where Paul is in the standings. Funny thing is, I haven't heard anything in the last two weeks. Even when he was in second place in Nevada, the media seemed to cover it up. With Rudy losing support, and Thompson dropping out, Ron should be the third place rep. candidate. But you won't hear anything from CBS, NBC, or Fox. I've never bought into conspiracy theories, but this one's bangin' loud at the front door. Why the blackout? I don't ever recall seeing such unbalanced coverage in the media...perhaps I'm just naive or just noticing?
Because in a 5 man race, Ron Paul is 5th, with about 5% of the vote nationally.

Get used to 5. That seems to be where he is and where he'll finish.
Who are the other four?

Paul is ahead of Giuliani, Thompson dropped out (not that Fred was ever ahead of Ron, {or Rudy, for that matter}). That should be third. Only McCain and Huckleberry are ahead. How does that equal 5th place? I know that the standings seem to change after every primary, but this is a gross neglect by the media for the American people.
MidiJunkie.....True dat.
Saw the movie today. Not one of his better efforts unless you like lots and lots of blood and guts.
I never saw so many Burmese get sawed in half with 50 caliber rounds. Stallone was also having fun with exploding watermelons, er, I mean head-shots. Had to be a least a dozen of those.:eek:
Because in a 5 man race, Ron Paul is 5th, with about 5% of the vote nationally.

Get used to 5. That seems to be where he is and where he'll finish.

You're incorrect Bryan. Rudy is going to drop out after Florida. Paul has more delegates AND more total actual votes than him, so actually Paul is running 4th so far. Polls don't count, actual votes do. Huck will run out of money as well before convention. It will be 3 candidates in a brokered convention.

Curious to see if Rush or any news (or new) media outlet covers this:

Ron Paul Endorsed by Alabama Republican Assembly

By the way, it WAS an 11 man race. Now it's 5. Ron Paul's still in there despite the media's attempts to silence him.
Let's be clear, Paul has 4 delegates.
Romney has 59, Huck has 40, and McCain is at 36 right now.
Rudy has one, but the press considers Rudy to have abandoned those early states, with no intention of winning.

Rudy is still considered a front runner because at one point he did have a commanding lead in many states, and, though it's increasingly unlikely, he could win some states in the coming days. His lack of delegates is attributed to his grand "strategy" of waiting to make his move in Florida and then grabbing the big states on Super Tuesday. Paul has no such strategy and his support has remained pretty consistent from the beginning.

Rudy will probably be ahead of Paul by at about ten delegates after Florida and even more come next Tuesday.

No one honestly thinks Paul is going to win the nomination. And while I initially like having him around making good points, but because of the way he presents it, and the circus that's associated with him, I'm increasingly worried that he's attributing some really good, principled ideas with a negative image. When I watch the debates now, while I'm clearly not supporting Paul for the nomination, I have to tell everyone "...I know, he seems a bit mousy and cartoonish. And the signs on the highway are ridiculous... but the principle behind most of what he's saying is spot on... really, listen to most of that."

Republican Chart.JPG
Rudy will probably be ahead of Paul by at about ten delegates after Florida and even more come next Tuesday.

Rudy really wore me out with his New York New York banter. At some point I was like shut up about New York please.

Paul gets you nodding your head up and down and then can't leave well enough alone. He has a keen ability to turn that up-and-down headbob into a side-to-side head shake.:shifty:

Huckelberry has no legs. He is basically done. He didn't get to be elected Governor of Arkansas by being a conservative, that's for sure.

The media talks about how McCain is the only one that can beat HillBilly. That makes me believe Romney is actually the one that can beat Obama.;)

Really, if Romney grows some big, hairy cajones, he can beat Hillary.

I don't trust McCain one second with a Dem majority.

Romney would at least keep them in check.

And sad to say, Guiliani would probably make the best President, but he won't be around after Super Tuesday. He may even quit after Florida.
And sad to say, Guiliani would probably make the best President...

Can't believe you actually said that. Giuliani is a statist and a gun grabber and is not pro life. He's nearly as bad as Hillary when it comes to the Constitution and personal freedom. Don't tell me you've swallowed the man's campaign promises like Sean Hannity has.

Even Romney would be better, and I don't trust him either.

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