Let's be clear, Paul has 4 delegates.
Romney has 59, Huck has 40, and McCain is at 36 right now.
Rudy has one, but the press considers Rudy to have abandoned those early states, with no intention of winning.
Rudy is still considered a front runner because at one point he did have a commanding lead in many states, and, though it's increasingly unlikely, he could win some states in the coming days. His lack of delegates is attributed to his grand "strategy" of waiting to make his move in Florida and then grabbing the big states on Super Tuesday. Paul has no such strategy and his support has remained pretty consistent from the beginning.
Rudy will probably be ahead of Paul by at about ten delegates after Florida and even more come next Tuesday.
No one honestly thinks Paul is going to win the nomination. And while I initially like having him around making good points, but because of the way he presents it, and the circus that's associated with him, I'm increasingly worried that he's attributing some really good, principled ideas with a negative image. When I watch the debates now, while I'm clearly not supporting Paul for the nomination, I have to tell everyone "
...I know, he seems a bit mousy and cartoonish. And the signs on the highway are ridiculous... but the principle behind most of what he's saying is spot on... really, listen to most of that."