Why two x pipes?


Active LVC Member
Jul 22, 2004
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Pensacola, FL
I dunno much about those eBay pipes but I can explain to you the reason Mark 8 guy's put XX pipes on their cars. At highway speeds single X pipes cause "drone" (read: slight noise/vibration that when sustained for long periods of time, cause a person to go insane). XX pipes fix that. They cost more and probably reduce flow a bit, but the trade off is worth it I guess? Most exhaust shops look at you like you're crazy... but tell them a guy on the internet told you XX pipes make your car faster and they will do it for you with no problems.
I only have One Xpipe and do about 90% highway driving and many long trips and have neaver heard that "slight noise/vibration that when sustained for long periods of time, cause a person to go insane" befor so I would say 1 or none if this is somthing your having made for you I see know reason for two. you wouldent put two more cats on would you?
We introduced the whole twin xx pipe deal in 98' It is for mild added low end torque and drone control, plus the sound from it is so exotic. Its awesome, really quiets the system down dramatically.
The sound from 2 x-pipes is just intoxicating. Anybody who has heard Bill Hamilton's exhaust will agree. I copied his exhaust exactly, down to the mufflers, which I got from Geno.
crash said:
The sound from 2 x-pipes is just intoxicating. Anybody who has heard Bill Hamilton's exhaust will agree. I copied his exhaust exactly, down to the mufflers, which I got from Geno.

It is too bad that the mufflers that Bill had on his car are no longer available.....or I would get them myself. I am now lookin around for mufflers.....not sure what to use. :Bang
thanks for the info guys. I think I am gunna go with those x pipes from ebay, I'll probably get two of them. I'm leaning towards lms for the mufflers, but I'm still undecided(open to suggestions)....I would go with them for the xpipes too, but it's just a lil too much.

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