

Well-Known LVC Member
Aug 21, 2007
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Why are some drivers so stupid??
I was driving tonight and I passed an oncoming car with its lights off. Who drives at night with their headlights off!? This wasnt some teenage punk in a busted up beater, it was a brand new Black Audi TT!
There was a cop right behind me, pulled a U-turn and lit him up right away.
Why would you do that? If you make a salary where you can afford a new Audi, why would you drive at night with your freakin lights off?
Im thinking about this way more than I should be, but I cant think of a single, even rediculous, reason why someone would do that.

Just thought Id rant.:bash:
i see that alot, people will leave gas stations, under the bright canopy, and think their lights are on, or (i got stopped for this once) have your parking lights on while parked somewhere and when you start going again you see your dashlights are on so you think your lights are
i highly doubt it was someone wanting to look cool
all the more reason not to own a car without automatic lights. I am suprised that a brand new Audi wouldn't have auto lights

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