Wider tire on 17" wheel


Well-Known LVC Member
Aug 2, 2015
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Ok has anyone gone wider on factory 17" wheel ? I assume wheel is 17x8 ( ? ) I was wondering about going a little wider perhaps. Anyone ?
yes, a lot has.

I though the OEM size was 235/50R17 (at least that was what was on my car when I bough it) currently I am running a 245/45R17, but at one point I had a real sticky set of 255's on it. cant remember if it was by 45 or 40 though. it was recommended by an older member on here. car was/is at stock riding height and no issues with the wider ones.
yes, a lot has.

I though the OEM size was 235/50R17 (at least that was what was on my car when I bough it) currently I am running a 245/45R17, but at one point I had a real sticky set of 255's on it. cant remember if it was by 45 or 40 though. it was recommended my an older member on here. car was/is at stock riding height and no issues with the wider ones.

Yeah stupid goofy oddball size factory tire. I've looked at a 255/45/17, checked it on the compare calculator was very close to factory size. Just wondering about going bigger (what she said)
I have run a couple sets of 255/45 R 17's. Good fit, no rubbing and look fantastic. Handling is improved with the wider tires with a tradeoff of a slight drop in gas mileage. Speedometer will read .9% lower so you are very close with reading speed.
I have run a couple sets of 255/45 R 17's. Good fit, no rubbing and look fantastic. Handling is improved with the wider tires with a tradeoff of a slight drop in gas mileage. Speedometer will read .9% lower so you are very close with reading speed.

willtheyfit.com is a nice tool to visualize the size change and it calculates the speedo error for you and gives you the actual variance at 30 and 60mph

Stock wheels are 7 1/2" wide.

17x7.5 but 16s are 7.0 wide, AFAIK. Someone said the rim is stamped as such. Both are 60mm offset though. I don't have 16s to read myself, though

I'm guessing it's a generational thing. That person had Gen 1 16s and I found this listing on ebay for a 00-02 16x7 (according to the stamp) 5-spoke chrome rim http://www.ebay.com/itm/2000-2002-LINCOLN-LS-RIM-FACTORY-OEM-POLISHED-16-USED-ALLOY-/151810363987?hash=item23589a5253&vxp=mtr

16 wheel front.jpg

16x7 wheel back.jpg

16 wheel front.jpg

16x7 wheel back.jpg
Ahhh..... My mistake. I forgot the 16" wheels were 7" wide.....
in all fairness, the OP was asking about 17s...

Fair, but I just learned this and I just want to tell everyone. :)

Really though, it's just I've only ever seen 7.5 written as the width for all LS wheels and then someone said his 16s were stamped as 7"
maybe its rounded off due to a conversion coming from the metric system? :shifty:

#RoyaleWithCheese #TheyDontKnowWhatTheFukcAQuarterPoundIs
I just installed a set of 235/55/17 on mine. it was finally time for the original tires to be retired. I went +1 size on the sidewall to help with the ride, plus that is a much more common size and cheaper. The tire calculators said my speedo would be off -2 mph at 70 but it is actually only -1 according to my GPS.

I can live with that.
The tire calculators said my speedo would be off -2 mph at 70 but it is actually only -1 according to my GPS.

All civilian US cars* over-report your speed by a couple percent as an insurance thing. There'd be problems if someone proved their speedo said they were under the speed limit and a radar gun tagged them as speeding. If you checked your GPS before changing tires, you'd have seen your speedo was 1-3mph high at 70.

*I specifiy civilian cars because I sat in 2016 Explorer police interceptor** and noticed the speedo had "Certified Calibration" printed on it. I assume that means it's an exact display.

**I was in the front of the PI, not the back. I was driving, in fact***. I'm not a cop

***No, I didn't steal it

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