Will these Ready headrest TV's match the interior


Well-Known LVC Member
Dec 20, 2004
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well basically these are ready made in the headrest.. SO i would replace the ones i have now with these......

My question.
Will that BLK be close to the BLK interior LS. i mean it has to be the saem. How do i figure out if its the exact same BLK color. I dont want Really dark headrest and a faded blk interior..

You guys know what i trying to say. Please let me know
There are different shades of black but there isn't any specific shade of black on the LS interior. I would say that it would be fairly close if not a match.
I kinda want to check those grey ones out but dont want them to b oversized. did u win that auction? let us know!!
mikedeezy123 said:
I kinda want to check those grey ones out but dont want them to b oversized. did u win that auction? let us know!!

Hey not a very good picture but here is what the 8" monitors look like installed. They are pretty big but the picture is great. Better yet, go to my photo gallary for a bigger picture.

does n e 1 know if that color grey they offer is like the dark grey interior on our lss? I have an amost blackish charcoal grey interior and don't know if it will match.
i got em in the mail..

here is what they look like...

Im still concerned that they wont match.. cause the blk interiors i see are like charcol grey...

Ill only buy a black one....but still this blak seems a shade too much for the LS blk.. dont u think

working on elchory's LS.
Yo i am tryin to finda a match for my charcoal grey interior, if u find one let me know.

mikedeezy123 said:
Yo i am tryin to finda a match for my charcoal grey interior, if u find one let me know.



There is NO BLK lincoln LS interiors for 2000-2002..

I basically got his thing in BLK....dam

The closest is the DEEP charocol..WTF

Thanks for letting me know......:mad: :mad: :mad:
kudisbetta said:

There is NO BLK lincoln LS interiors for 2000-2002..

I basically got his thing in BLK....dam

The closest is the DEEP charocol..WTF

Thanks for letting me know......:mad: :mad: :mad:

Look guys, the tan didn't match my interior either. I went to a decent auto paint store and got one can of interior paint for my LS code and it matched perfect. I just took mine to an audio shop and they couldn't even tell I painted them. Trust me just tape of the monitor and paint away. Look at my pics for results.

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