Will this work?

cobra said:
I was wandering if this would work. http://www.autoanything.com/products/product_gnn.aspx?p_id=1718&se=superchips_max_microtuner
I go to look on the superchips home page and they say they don't have it for a 1997 Lincoln MarkVIII. It's on sale for $310. I want a programmer instead of a chip because I want to be able to read DTC's.

OBD2 cars dont use performance chips, they died with OBD1 cars at the end of 95. OBD2 cars use that device for reprograming. They also sell computer programs you can put in a laptop and tune on the fly.
cobra said:
I was wandering if this would work. http://www.autoanything.com/products/product_gnn.aspx?p_id=1718&se=superchips_max_microtuner
I go to look on the superchips home page and they say they don't have it for a 1997 Lincoln MarkVIII. It's on sale for $310. I want a programmer instead of a chip because I want to be able to read DTC's.

yes ,it will wok,you need model # 1725,
my dad has this for his 1998 mark,dont even need to know the computer code to order it,

he has gained almost 3 mpg highway with this tuner.

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