Windows Getting Tinted This Week...Question??


LVC Member
Jan 6, 2006
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It seems like the census choice for tinting the LS is 15%. My last car was a Mustang and I believe I had 20% put on it but I wanted it a bit darker so I am planning on getting the 15% on my LS. My question is I am also wanting to put 50% on my this noticably darker when looking at it than an untinted windshield?? I live in Kansas where we have a 35% and the AS-1 laws but I'm not really too worried because I had my Mustang for 4 years...Any pictures or links to an LS with 50% windshield would be appreciated!! Thanks!!
ut oh, you might have just stirred up a very touchy subject :shifty: haha but ya, 50% on the windshield might be the way to go if you REALLY wanna tint it, any darker might be too dark... you might even wanna consider going a little lighter... i was thinkin about doin mine the same as the tint on the top that goes down about 6 inches, how dark is that? i got 5% (limo) all around my windows
If it stops snowing anytime soon I can get you some picks of my car. I have 20% on the sides, 50% on the windshield.
Pics would extremely appointment isn't until Friday so no big hurry! What would be the next available tint lighter than 50%?? Or I guess that would probably be a question for the people at the thint shop...?
5% On all the windows, 30% on the windshield. Honestly, No lie, day or night (the windshield) I notice NO difference in visibility, you can see just fine. and it's noticeably tinted, I've been pulled over several times, they've never given the tint a second look. You cant see in and it's nice and dark during the day, car is always cool in the hot florida summer sun. Nighttime however the side windows need to be rolled down in some situations.



I've got 35 on my wondshield and 20 all the way around. It is a little darker at night, but you get use to it. Just a reason to buy brighter lights.:D
I also have the 5 on the side 35 on the front and I post pics but here they are again....I can see out just as good and have no problems buddy was in the car yesterday and after 2 hours of driving around I asked him if he noticed any difference in the windshield and he didnt.....I love it and will do it from now on ......Helps with headlight glare at night and sun glare in the day..... here are the pics

windshield 8.jpg


windshield 4.jpg

windshield 9.jpg

windshield 6.jpg

windshield 3.jpg

no tinti.jpg
the first one is with flash so you can see the tint..... the 2nd to last is through the tinted winshield and the bottom is no window tint (window down) hope it helps.....
wow Silver, thats 35% on your windshield?? looks like nothing, thats awesome... im definatly goin with 50% or maybe even 35% now
looking out of the car 35 you cant tell....if you stand 3 feet past the front end you cant see me sitting in the car....I love it.....Hope you go do it too and youll love it.....
Thanks for all the help...I'm still not sure what to do but now I have a better idea of what it looks like. Both silvers and cruzns cars look great....Thanks!!
Thanks for the pics. I went out and got 30% tint on the windshield right after seeing them. :D

I would post pics, but I left my digital camera in GA, s/b getting it soon.

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