wireless networking


Dedicated LVC Member
Aug 18, 2005
Reaction score
Surprise, AZ
Wireless networking from the garage . . . wow. This is so cool. Now I can be next to my sugar and reference LVC at the same time. This is so sweet!
Thank you, thank you, it was a tough bit to get through. I ended up reading at least 15 lines of instruction out of the manual. True, it was difficult, though now it is done. My only issue is that the AC adapter that was sent w/ my laptop doesn't work. My battery died and I'm back on the house LAN. Oh well, at least the hard part is done.
It's nice to have the interweb in the garage. I have to use a booster that I bought to reach my wireless router in the house when I was running my Windblows laptop. My Powerbook doesn't seem to need it, but nonetheless, it makes for some easy time when working on my cars.

What are the adapter specs? and ofcourse, the obvious question. Well, Didja pluug iit iin?
Just be very careful when you set it up. Make sure you set up the firewall in your router to accept only the computers you have to allow access. Otherwise, any of your neighbors can jump on your network and play away...and even have access to your computers. When my son first set up his wireless network in his new home, he ran some sort of check and there were 4 wireless networks in his neighborhood he had access to!! He does this stuff for a living...and even has his home security system on his wireless network so he has access to it no matter where he is in the world. But it takes work (and knowledge) to make it secure so others can't hack it.
Good point, I had found four networks in my area. Mine as it finally came online line made the fourth w/ WPA security. The alpha-numeric code was in lower case and measured at least three inches or better on the screen, wow. For the money and time spent on this project, it would be too easy to say that everyone ought to have a set-up lke this.
Since this upgrade is mostly done, for the next step, I would like to get the superchips PC program that flashes your chip in the car and does all of the monitoring and DTCs. However that will be later as it is pretty spendy.
I don't have my wireless passward proteced. but I have Zone Alarm firewall on all my cpu's . I've goten up in the middle of the nite and seen that all 3 lites were on my modem.
If some one is getting the internet free from me no bigie.
but I hope my free firewall is protecting me .... a few times I've gotten a firewall pop up from ZA that stated some thing was tryn to acess my computer but ZA blocked them!

It it hard to password protect my wireless set up??

my buddy sent me a link to a White Nationalist (he from india) message board as a joke .... when I was poking around I found the have the best Tech part. becuse of fear of the govment raiding thier homes and grabing there computer with the Racist crap on it! funny were you find the best info on stuff!
Naah, it was easy once someone told me the secret. You have to dial-in to your router from a PC, via LAN line, fill in your data in the appropriate fields and viola! You need to have the DNS number; (I am a computer guy, follow your equipments directions and/or get a geek of your own.)

HTTP//192.blah. blah. blah....
i have broadband, it's not quite so good as they make it out to be

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