Dedicated LVC Member
When we were in the process of moving to florida back in 03 there was one thing that made me hesitant about coming here, that was hurricanes. since i came here i have seen some tropical weather, i have been without power for almost 22 hours at one time, i witnessed roofs get ripped off near the dunedin causeway, saw trees uprooted and power lines down, but none of this was from hurricane force winds, none of them since 03 ever came close enough to tampa bay. tampa bay hasnt taken a direct hit in 100 years, so i guess i picked the right part of florida so far. i cannot imagine what it was like when katrina made landfall on the northern gulf coast, but i sure saw the damage it caused, the states it devastated and the lives it took, and just as we approach the 3 year anniversary of katrina, the new hurricane gustav is heading right back for the same area. as of right now they know it will reach cat 3 stats by the time it hits the gulf coast, but, depending on the waters of the gulf and the speed of this storm it could possibly make it to cat 4. i cannot even begin to imagine the gut wrenching knots those folks have in their stomachs right now, its almost like a bad dream. with gustav threatening the gulf coast, tropical storm hanna to my east , and 3 more waves out in the atlantic it sure is getting crowded out in the waters. though i dont fear a direct hit where i live, i am pretty close to living at the narrowest part of the state from west to east coast, i can cross the state dead east in just over an hour and a half, so if the east coast of florida was to see a cat 3 or higher, by the time it got to me it would not weaken much and could do some serious damage. i'm not affraid of hurricanes, if one is coming i will accept it, but i could not stomach being in new orleans or anywhere close to there right now, i'd be haulin azz out of there yesterday. i hope we do not see another katrina if this storm does hit them, they screwed up sooooooooooo bad when katrina hit there i dont think the americans could bare to watch another screw up that bad. we still have a few months of hurricane season and although we passed our peak already, mother nature does what she wants when she wants and she has some good stuff swirling out there for us right now, this could be a bad next few months.