I love workin out. I've been takin Designer Whey protein for over a year on and off, i've experimented with a bunch of different proteins, Isopure, optiumum whey, designer whey, and some more. I looked online to see what the best protein is out there and saw an article from Men's Health magazine that AtLARGEnutrition has a protein that won best protein 3 years in a row. the link is below (i will most likely be ordering this soon)- im almost done with my tub of designer whey so im going to be trying this one.
it got great reviews, good taste, easy to mix, has alot of stuff for recovery and an all around good protein, and not to mention slow and fast proteins (whey and casein). i like designer whey, but i don't really think it does that much for me. this protein from atlargenutrition also helps with fat loss and muscle building, so thats going to be beneficial. my plans are to drop like 15-20 lbs of fat and put on a few of muscle. i can currently bench 220 lbs for my max, and last time i squatted was a year ago and i did 315 on regular squat, and 330 on box squat. i plan on getting my max bench press to atleast 240-250 by the end of this year. long post i know, but mainly wanted to share my story and wanted to know what proteins you guys use, and other supplements?
First off, here is my supplement stack:
C4 Extreme Pre-Workout Supplement
L- Glutamine
BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acids)
Premium Whey Protein
C4 Extreme:
I have been using this pre-workout supplement for awhile now. This pre-workout supplement delivers extra energy and other benefits from the ingredients that are used. There are many positive things about this supplement that I like. First off, the taste and mixability is awesome. I have not had the chance to try out a bunch of different pre-work out supplements but from what I am hearing on reviews is that it tastes and mixes much better than some other pre-workout supplements out there and doesn't have the bland and unattractive taste that some other brands do. You don't have to choke it down. It literally tastes like Koolaid.
Right on the container, it says "NO3 Technology". To explain, one of the ingredients is Creatine Nitrate. This form of creatine is what I call "super creatine". No kidding, it is like 10X more water soluble than your typical creatine monohydrate and simultaneously this form of creatine actually increases nitric oxide levels within the body. This makes it a vasodilator. So it opens up the veins and pathways for blood flow creating awesome muscle pumps while increasing nutrient delivery.
Then comes the energy blend. The ingredients here include N-Acetyl-L-tyrosine, Mucuna Pruriens, Methylcobalamin, Caffeine, Niacinamide, Folic acid, Synephrine.
*N-Acetyl-L-tyrosine is a more rapidly absorbed and bio-available form of L-Tyrosine that is less prone to urinary excretion. L-Tyrosine is an amino acid precursor to the adrenal and growth hormones epinephrine, dopamine and norepinephrine. These hormones support HGH release, and contribute to higher energy levels, awareness, and mental alertness.
*Mucuna Pruriens is widely known as the velvet bean. Mucuna Pruriens contains L-Dopa, a naturally occurring amino acid derivative that converts to dopamine in the brain. Dopamine supports growth hormone secretion—one of the most powerful compounds for body recomposition. Dopamine also converts to norepinephrine in the brain. Norepinephrine increases metabolism, amplifies energy levels and triggers an adrenaline response from the body.
*Methylcobalamin is a potent form of Vitamin B12, an essential B-vitamin. Vitamin B12 greatly supports cellular metabolism and energy productions and aids in the production of fatty acids - broken down fats that are then easily burned.* Vitamin B12 also promotes healthy nervous system function and blood formation.
*Caffeine is a powerful psychoactive stimulant. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, warding off fatigue and promotes increased alertness and energy levels.
*Niacinamide is a water-soluble B-complex vitamin. Niacin, or nicotinic acid, also known as Vitamin B-3, e improves joint mobility, muscle strength, and nervous system function. Niacinamide decreases muscular fatigue and increases maximal muscle working capacity.
*Folic acid is a water-soluble B-vitamin that promotes positive mood and higher energy levels.* Folic acid also supports healthy cell formation and repair.
*Synephrine is a potent adrenergic stimulator that augments energy levels and ATP synthesis. Synephrine, although milder, is structurally similar to Ephedra. The compound enhances adrenaline stimulation and promotes weight loss by amplifying fat burning, metabolism, and thermogenesis.
Then there is Beta Alanine and Arginine AKG (alpha-ketoglutarate).
Beta Alanine produces higher intramuscular carnosine levels which amplifies energy levels, supports muscular endurance, and improves performance. Beta Alanine is an effective fatigue arrester - it acts as a buffer, preventing lactic acid accumulation in skeletal muscle (which occurs during exercise) allowing the body to perform better, longer.
Arginine AKG is a precursor to nitric oxide. AKG promotes vascularity and strength and supports growth hormone and insulin secretion. It is an effective vasodilator, enlarging the blood pathways into the muscles, supporting improved blood flow, muscle pumps, and more efficient nutrient delivery.
So as you can see, LOTS of benefits from this supplement and in my opinion are all safe ingredients. I have a high tolerance to stimulants, so they say 1-2 scoops and I always take 2.
L-Glutamine is an amino acid. It is naturally occurring in the body and can be obtained from food sources such as chicken, beek, milk, and fish. It is NOT an essential amino acid, BUT here's the key. I am an intense trainer, and when that happens all of a sudden Glutamine becomes more essential to the body, hence my whole reason for supplementing this amino acid with my routine. Glutamine is one of the most abundant amino acids found in the muscles but high intensity training can decrease these levels and a person could even become deficient of normal levels. In short, Glutamine helps prevent catabolism which is the break-down of muscle tissue but also decreases recovery time between workout sessions. Another thing I like, being a bodybuilder is that is increases growth hormone levels. This goes to show there is safer alternatives to steroids! And if you think it is just another product that GNC and other stores are trying to market, Glutamine has actually been used in the medical field to help treatment of burn victims to help them heal and has been used to treat ulcers. I feel really good about this supplement and all of the benefits are to my liking. I will continue to use Glutamine pretty much forever, lol.
BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acids):
BCAAs are the essential aminos leucine, isoleucine, and valine. The combination of these three amino acids makes up approximately 1/3 of skeletal muscle tissue in the human body. BCAAs are found in protein-rich foods but are most abundant in whey protein. But as with Glutamine, supplementation becomes necessary because now the body needs more fuel since it is burning more fuel. The BCAAs are metabolized in the muscle rather than the liver which is an important reason why they are so great with intense training. This pretty much guarantees that muscle growth is going to occur and they are going to have a tough time being burned off as fuel for energy. It is basically like having an extra gas tank in your car that can be used in high demand situations, like intense driving,lol. When adequate amounts of BCAAs are ingested they create their own metabolic pathway which results in increased protein production. This means more muscle tissue will be grown and muscles will be repaired faster while the body is creating its own pathway to signal muscle growth. BCAAs amplify this effect and put the body in a greater state of protein synthesis and recovery and will prevent a deficit of protein synthesis that can occur after an intense workout. And as we all know, protein synthesis is needed for gaining lean muscle mass and recovery. These two concepts of metabolic pathways are really the key to why BCAAs are so important.
Premium Whey Protein:
This is the most common and widely used supplement and also for good reason. Quite simply, muscles need protein. The best whey protein by far is whey isolate(which I use), not only does it have the best amino acid profile, it has many other properties. Proteins are constructed of chains of amino acids all bonded together, depending on the number of chains (peptides) and structural shape, they have different classifications - Secondary, tertiary, quaternary etc. Without getting too complicated, in short not all protein structures are the same. There are immune system boosting benefits along with of course, feeding those hard-working muscles. Since I am working out harder and synthesizing protein at a much greater rate, here is where the protein comes in. I provide my body with more protein to complete the equation.
So, these are the 4 supplements I am currently taking and I feel good about all of them. I could overcomplicate this whole idea of bodybuilding, but I have decided to keep it simple and keep it down to these 4 supplements of which I think are all important and beneficial.
The Protein I am taking is Dymatize Gourmet whey/caseine blend Protein powder from GNC. Vanilla is my favorite flavor. I talked about the Wheybolic Isolate protein, but for the price I decided to go back to the Dymatize and when mixed with the glutamine post-workout it turns to water just like the isolate stuff does.
I pretty much just pasted this from a Facebook note I created. I wouldn't wanna type this chit all over again. Uggghhh lol