Worst President Ever


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 25, 2004
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Did you see GWB on TV last night? He was so "broken-record" that they went to commercial during his press conference.

Approval rating the lowest for any second term President

Significant loss of support for private SS accounts after wasting 60 days on the road.

Economy "soft".

People dying every day in Iraq due to his stupidity.

Search for WMD ends without finding even one or any trace of an infrastructure to support them.

Outrageous fuel prices. Blames Congress for not passing an Energy Bill 10 years ago. How about your daddy GWB?

Can get nothing done despite controlling both Houses.

"Worst President Ever"

Opinions are like @ssholes, everyone has them. And unfortunately some @ssholes have opinions. I do not believe that George Bush was the best choice for president, but he was miles ahead of the traitor that he was running against.
mespock said:
I still don't get it. What is so bad about being liberal!
If you have to ask the question Rich, time to switch sides buddy.

onebadmk8 said:
He is a piece of $hit. Bottom line, the WORST ever in Living History.
What exactly is living history? And history will show very favorably on President Bush. The guy has done so much it is amazing AND we haven't been attacked again (knock on wood) even though everybody supposedly hates us soo much.

bufordtpisser said:
I do not believe that George Bush was the best choice for president, but he was miles ahead of the traitor that he was running against.
Hit the nail on the head Buford. Anybody, even Geno's cat would have been better than the traitor John sKerry. Talk about a piece of sh!t.

Barry2952 said:
Did you see GWB on TV last night? He was so "broken-record" that they went to commercial during his press conference..
Yep, handled all the whiny bullsh!t liberal questions with aplomb.

Barry2952 said:
Approval rating the lowest for any second term President.
Only because gas prices are high and people have been lied to about S.S. When the truth gets out, bump in polls.

Barry2952 said:
Significant loss of support for private SS accounts after wasting 60 days on the road.
Nope, wrong again. 74% of Americans support the private savings element as an addition to the S.S. when it is explained to them. Again, the truth only needs to come out.

Barry2952 said:
Economy "soft".
If this economy was a dick, you could hammer nails with it.

GDP - Percent change from preceding year.

Yep, '04 almost matched Clintons best year. If a Democrat was in office, you'd be yanking your crank over how great the economy was.

Barry2952 said:
People dying every day in Iraq due to his stupidity.
Due to the WORLDS stupidity. Give me a break.

Barry2952 said:
Search for WMD ends without finding even one or any trace of an infrastructure to support them.
Hop on a plane and go to Syria and Iran. You'll find them all there.

Barry2952 said:
Outrageous fuel prices. Blames Congress for not passing an Energy Bill 10 years ago. How about your daddy GWB?
But I thought Bushy had a deal with the Saudis to lower the price of gas to win the election? Whiny, whiny. Tell China and India to stop growing so you can buy your gas for your gas guzzler $.20 a gallon cheaper. Why don't you start riding a bike and help us all out.

Barry2952 said:
Can get nothing done despite controlling both Houses.!!
I'd post all of Bush's accomplishments but why bother. The left is deaf, dumb and blind. Americans are realizing who the real obstructionists are. The Democrats in the House and the Senate.

I have to get back to replacing my shock mounts. Have a nice day guys.
^-- Proof the brainwashing from '04 hasn't worn off yet.

Keep telling yourself those "broken record" lies Bryan, whatever makes you sleep at night. Meanwhile the REST of AMERICANS are slowly waking from their coma and are beginning to feel the sting in their anuses from the reaming they've been getting from the GOP.

Did you catch GW's answer to the question, "Are you stoned, or just stupid?"

GW's Ans: "Well I can say with some authority that I am NOT stoned."
Change the law.

Hell maybe we should just change the law so that Billy boy can get back in office. He was to busy soiling the blue dresses of the interns to go after O'sama. Maybe if he would have done his job 911 would not have happened at all and we could all be happy. America Voted. George won. Deal with it. Change it at the next go round if you think the Dems can field a viable candidate. Afetr all, I do not vote party line. I vote on the issues. And the biggest issue during the last election was do we keep a known, or vote for a traitor.

That press conference was a joke! He didn't answer any of the questions asked of him, instead he skirted every question with some memorized line of bullshirt! He'll be remembered alright, as the president who has done the most damage to this country in history!
Is it just me or does anyone else remember stable gas prices until bush deceded to invade Iraq? To me it seemed like right when we invaded that gas prices started going through the roof.
my first lincoln, i remember filling up for 18 bucks. 99 cents a gallon.

Hey fellas 3 and a half years to go . . . . .
Time for a reality check again I see.

Chew on these facts.
Inventories have been growing and the price is dropping (under $50) right now.

The transportation bottlenecks that were disrupting deliveries have cleared up. An indicator of this are current oil tanker rates. Do your own search for proof of this.
Current Reserves...
- New discoveries have been declining for 40 years.
+ World consumption has been outpacing reserves for over 25 years.
= For every new barrel of oil discovered, the global economy uses 4 barrels.

In the next 25 years alone, consumption in India, China and the US is projected to grow 50%.

Remember OPEC? In 1997, they produced 24.7 million barrels of oil, in 2003 they were only putting out 22.1.

Factoid: The U.S. has not built a new refinery in 30 years. Yes, 30 years! People can ship us all the crude on the world and it would do us no good. As far as gas goes, we can't refine any more of it anyway.

So do some searching instead of whining. Gas will only be going up for ever and ever. There is a finite supply and we are guzzling it.

Stop blaming Bush for everything. He is the 1st President in 20 years to actually have an energy policy. Carter and Clinton had squat. Reagan and Daddy Bush didn't do squat either. It's time do build more refineries (Bush proposed using secure closed military bases) to increase capacity. Great Idea btw, but the Liberals (ie: Democrats) will kill that idea too. And stop being selfish and start drilling in all OUR 'precious' places.

Let's start there and quit blaming the President because it cost you $3.00 more to fill up your big 300 h.p. V-8 engine's gas tank.

Get you head out of your ass. "Worst President Ever" and stupid to boot.
Yeah, Bryan, can't you see that this is the illogical, cry-baby, blame-everything-on-Bush-despite-the-facts thread? The really funny part is that the left actually believes they've won the argument with insults.
Kbob said:
the left actually believes they've won the argument with insults.
Goes with the territory. When you can't argue the merits based on the facts, well, you know.

I have no fear. A solid majority of Americans know that GW will be seen as one of the Greatest Presidents Ever. It's not a popularity contest when you're changing the world for the better. People naturally resist change, and then when it happens, they say; See, that wasn't so bad after all.
MonsterMark said:
A solid majority of Americans know that GW will be seen as one of the Greatest Presidents Ever.


Then again there are those who think the Spice Girls were the greatest singing group of all times.
i am not american, but i have studied your history, and i think it's fair to say that Nixon was probably one of, if not your worst president of the past century.
67Continental said:
i am not american, but i have studied your history, and i think it's fair to say that Nixon was probably one of, if not your worst president of the past century.
Yet even Nixon had his moments. I'm thinking particularly of China.
mespock said:

Then again there are those who think the Spice Girls were the greatest singing group of all times.
We're not holding that against you, Rich.
He is a piece of $hit. Bottom line, the WORST ever in Living History.
Im sure you think somone like good old john would be better??????
sorry he is not the better man he lost rember.

for $18 mine is on the way,
don't warry barry they have you coverd to

An energy policy?? More like more payback for his oil buddies. 8-10 billion in breaks for the oil companies that are already making record profits. No increase in the CAFE for car manufacturers. And the Tom Delay special-- Immunity from lawsuits for MTBE manufacturers, most of whom are in texas. This will dump the cost of cleaning up water supplies polluted by MTBE in the laps of the the taxpayers.
Yep, sounds like a great energy policy to me!!!!
97silverlsc said:
And the Tom Delay special-- Immunity from lawsuits for MTBE manufacturers, most of whom are in texas. This will dump the cost of cleaning up water supplies polluted by MTBE in the laps of the the taxpayers.
That blame lies directly on the shoulders of the EPA who wanted a 'cleaner' burning fuel that saved 5% in emissions but cost 10% in gas efficiency, and kills you as a side benefit. Nice shot, wrong target.

Considering that Texas converts nearly half of all our petroleum goods, it would seem logical that many of Bush cronies from Texas were involved. Wow, talk about pointing out the obvious.
[font=Arial-Bold+0]A little dry, but interesting reading if you like to invest in energy and energy companies like I do.

Energy Information Administration/Petroleum Supply Annual 2003, Volume 1
Not a link btw, you have to 'earn' this info.

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