mespock said:
I still don't get it. What is so bad about being liberal!
If you have to ask the question Rich, time to switch sides buddy.
onebadmk8 said:
He is a piece of $hit. Bottom line, the WORST ever in Living History.
What exactly is living history? And history will show very favorably on President Bush. The guy has done so much it is amazing AND we haven't been attacked again (knock on wood) even though everybody supposedly hates us soo much.
bufordtpisser said:
I do not believe that George Bush was the best choice for president, but he was miles ahead of the traitor that he was running against.
Hit the nail on the head Buford. Anybody, even Geno's cat would have been better than the traitor John sKerry. Talk about a piece of sh!t.
Barry2952 said:
Did you see GWB on TV last night? He was so "broken-record" that they went to commercial during his press conference..
Yep, handled all the whiny bullsh!t liberal questions with aplomb.
Barry2952 said:
Approval rating the lowest for any second term President.
Only because gas prices are high and people have been lied to about S.S. When the truth gets out, bump in polls.
Barry2952 said:
Significant loss of support for private SS accounts after wasting 60 days on the road.
Nope, wrong again. 74% of Americans support the private savings element as an addition to the S.S. when it is explained to them. Again, the truth only needs to come out.
Barry2952 said:
If this economy was a dick, you could hammer nails with it.
GDP - Percent change from preceding year.
Yep, '04 almost matched Clintons best year. If a Democrat was in office, you'd be yanking your crank over how great the economy was.
Barry2952 said:
People dying every day in Iraq due to his stupidity.
Due to the WORLDS stupidity. Give me a break.
Barry2952 said:
Search for WMD ends without finding even one or any trace of an infrastructure to support them.
Hop on a plane and go to Syria and Iran. You'll find them all there.
Barry2952 said:
Outrageous fuel prices. Blames Congress for not passing an Energy Bill 10 years ago. How about your daddy GWB?
But I thought Bushy had a deal with the Saudis to lower the price of gas to win the election? Whiny, whiny. Tell China and India to stop growing so you can buy your gas for your gas guzzler $.20 a gallon cheaper. Why don't you start riding a bike and help us all out.
Barry2952 said:
Can get nothing done despite controlling both Houses.!!
I'd post all of Bush's accomplishments but why bother. The left is deaf, dumb and blind. Americans are realizing who the real obstructionists are. The Democrats in the House and the Senate.
I have to get back to replacing my shock mounts. Have a nice day guys.