Worst President in History


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 24, 2005
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Watch Obama criticize the Supreme Court in front of Congress and the nation.

He's not only ignorant, but he's a liar.

Watch Alito say 'not true' as Obama spews forth his garbage.

Put it this way: What if Bush in another SOTU speech had said, "30 years ago the Supreme Court saw a Constitutional right to murder millions of unborn babies."
What a difference a year of Obama makes. He's a record breaker, that's for sure.
funny that's he doesn't support this when it helped him become president.

I was a Bush supporter until about the last year and a half or so of his presidency when he lost his back bone.
Either he has the itchiest right temple in history or he's the biggest a$$ that ever occupied the oval orifice.
Rev. James Manning on YOUTUBE has been trying to tell EVERYBODY for about two years. YOU GOTTA CLICK ON "THE REV". Sometimes SOMEONE that comes off as a nutcase HITS THINGS RIGHT ON THE HEAD. How can a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER that's never had to make a payrole,,never been LAID OFF,,NEVER BEEN FIRED,,RUN ANYTHING. Reading all them books and having all them degrees hanging on the wall doesn't teach you about THE REAL WORLD.

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