Would it be o.k. to hang an Obama or Biden?

Although i dont care for them both as candidates. I agree that was uncalled for. Ignorance is so stupid these days and more and more people are showing that side of themselves.

would it be "art" or a hate crime if the roles were reversed.

No, it's stupid either way. However, "been there done that" over a month ago as TheDude pointed out, where was the "faux outrage" then?

Now THIS is serious........


ATF disrupts skinhead plot to assassinate Obama
October 27, 2008 - 4:35pm

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - Federal agents have broken up a plot to assassinate Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and shoot or decapitate 102 black people in a Tennessee murder spree, the ATF said Monday.

In court records unsealed Monday, federal agents said they disrupted plans to rob a gun store and target a predominantly African-American high school by two neo-Nazi skinheads. Agents said the skinheads did not identify the school by name.

Jim Cavanaugh, special agent in charge of the Nashville field office for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, said the two men planned to shoot 88 black people and decapitate another 14. The numbers 88 and 14 are symbolic in the white supremacist community.

The men also sought to go on a national killing spree, with Obama as its final target, Cavanaugh told The Associated Press.

"They said that would be their last, final act _ that they would attempt to kill Sen. Obama," Cavanaugh said. "They didn't believe they would be able to do it, but that they would get killed trying."

Skinheads, can't trust 'em, can't shoot 'em.
No, it's stupid either way. However, "been there done that" over a month ago as TheDude pointed out, where was the "faux outrage" then?
Were you not paying attention?
There was outrage expressed from everyone.
No one gave it a pass or explained it away as art.

I don't get the impression that this guy is being shunned or feels any profound community pressure to take it down. Quite the opposite. He seems rather proud and is discussing it with the press.

Now THIS is serious........

Skinheads, can't trust 'em, can't shoot 'em.
Yeah and the Islamasists have a target on Bush's head too.
Interestingly, one of Obama's close allies and mentors was responsible for a campaign of bombings in NYC and Washington, DC as well as violent riots in Chicago...

It's an important story, but unrelated. One of the things that make liberal hate so different isn't just the fact that it exists, you have hateful people on both sides of the aisle, but the fact that it's excused and even embraced with group think on the left.
Calabrio, I missed the threads about these incidents on this board - could you point me in the right direction?

Calabrio, I missed the threads about these incidents on this board - could you point me in the right direction?


Yeah, I must have missed those too. Seems that most of the RWWs on this board would dismiss a characteracture of a black man, let alone Obama, as an "expression of free speech". And while you are running down those posts, show me those AMERICANS who have threatened to assassinate our POTUS, GW Bush. And don't forget to give me that list of names of actual human beings that were targeted in those bombings by Ayers.

Yes, you are correct, there are bad apples in every bushel. Some are just more focused and motivated than others. :rolleyes:
In this Politically Correct 21st century, a swastika, or 'KKK' or a NOOSE are symbols of hate, and, as such, are representations of hate and intolerance.

I wonder if it would be alright to do the same thing to a dummy of the chief of police in LA-after all, it's just a halloween display, right?

I'd like to put the idiot female who faked the robbery in a room with the moron who thought this display was 'art' or a holiday decoration, and make certain they were armed and could not come out of the room, regardless of what they did to each other. Two less idiots in the world-add to the group the genius who determined that it is not a hate crime to construct such a display-they don't get to leave the room either...totally classless society, selective application of the law, ignorance everywhere-God help us all.
FYI, this jerk even made Olberman's "Worst Person in the World"

Countdown with Keith Olbermann - The Official Web site- MSNBC.com

I still waiting for McCain's denouncement of Todd's race-baiting w/ faking the attack by a black man, or of the skinhead plot to assassinate Obama. I'm sure the McCain campain's negative attacks on Obama and NOTHING to do w/ motivating these losers.
So, are you equating "skin heads and racists" with Republicans? (EDIT)
If so, then you better be prepared to immediately and openly associate "Al Queda" with Democrats.

Second, let's be serious about the racist story. It's not an assassination story,it's a story about a pair of Internet racists conspiring to kill innocent black people in a killing spree that would als end in their deaths, and even in their disgusting zeal, they didn't really expect to ever reach the President. These disgusting, dangerous scum didn't even have any guns yet....

Olberman is still a bold fresh piece of steaming crap.
Of course he called it a "misguided Halloween Prank" he was proper to note that it was in the spirit of violence.
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No, it's stupid either way. However, "been there done that" over a month ago as TheDude pointed out, where was the "faux outrage" then?

Were you not paying attention?
There was outrage expressed from everyone.
No one gave it a pass or explained it away as art.

No, Calabrio - I wasn't looking for the link to the skinhead assassination attempt, I was looking for the 'outrage expressed from everyone' regarding the 'in kind' Obama lynchings that is referred to in these posts. I can't find any outrage here on the Obama effigy lynchings that took place over a month ago that Johnny is talking about - and the ones that I have seen recently in Washington. I don't see any posts about those incidents against Obama. I have done a search on it and just couldn't find anything...

Could you point me to the links on those... Thanks!
So, are you equating "skin heads" with racists?
If so, then you better be prepared to immediately and openly associate "Al Queda" with Democrats.

ABSOLUTELY NOT! If I were to associate Al Queda to ANY US political party, it would be the GOP, after all it was GW BuSh who's ignorance and inaction in the summer of 2001 contributed to the success of the attacks of 9/11. It was the GOP party who joined hands with Al Queda and cheered the errosion of our civil rights while GW BuSh enacted a virtual police state and spied on our own US troops phoning home from the war zone. It was the GOP party's econimic philosophy that was the major contributor to the downfall of our economy. It IS THE GOP party that Al Quada wants to win on 11/4/08 so that they could complete the crumbling of the US as a super power.

Second, let's be serious about the racist story. It's not an assassination story,it's a story about a pair of Internet racists conspiring to kill innocent black people in a killing spree that would als end in their deaths, and even in their disgusting zeal, they didn't really expect to ever reach the President. These disgusting, dangerous scum didn't even have any guns yet....

Just a moment ago you were attempting to disconnect the "skinheads" from being "racists", now you are claiming they ARE racists? Make up your mind, you can't have it both ways.

Olberman is still a bold fresh piece of steaming crap.
Of course he called it a "misguided Halloween Prank" he was proper to note that it was in the spirit of violence.

This coming from a guy who worships the words of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter??? LMAO. Calabrio, I'm afraid you've just tossed yourself deep into the steaming pile of other RWWs here, including Bryan, David "Percy" Fossten and shagdrum.

...big typo I meant "Skinheads and Racists with Republicans."
I'll correct it.
...big typo I meant "Skinheads and Racists with Republicans."
I'll correct it.

Doesn't change the fact that race-baiting Todd was a McCain campaign worker. I'd be betting SHE was planning on voting republican. McCain has yet to denouce that act.
ABSOLUTELY NOT! If I were to associate Al Queda to ANY US political party, it would be the GOP, after all it was GW BuSh who's ignorance and inaction in the summer of 2001 contributed to the success of the attacks of 9/11. It was the GOP party who joined hands with Al Queda and cheered the errosion of our civil rights while GW BuSh enacted a virtual police state and spied on our own US troops phoning home from the war zone. It was the GOP party's econimic philosophy that was the major contributor to the downfall of our economy. It IS THE GOP party that Al Quada wants to win on 11/4/08 so that they could complete the crumbling of the US as a super power.
By design, that's too large a steaming pile of crap for anyone to respond to in total. EVERYTHING you just said was either meant to mislead or an outright lie.

Just a moment ago you were attempting to disconnect the "skinheads" from being "racists", now you are claiming they ARE racists? Make up your mind, you can't have it both ways.
I corrected the typo...
That should clear things up in case the nature of the mistake wasn't apparent enough to you.

This coming from a guy who worships the words of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter??? LMAO. Calabrio, I'm afraid you've just tossed yourself deep into the steaming pile of other RWWs here, including Bryan, David "Percy" Fossten and shagdrum.
I'll dismiss you're "worshiping' comment outright.
But I'd certainly prefer the company of Bryan, Fossten and Shagdrum over the company of the American hating, marxist, creeps on Democratunderground or the DailyKos that you've chosen to align yourself with.

You're exploiting this story in a way that isn't just dishonest, it's immoral.
By design, that's too large a steaming pile of crap for anyone to respond to in total. EVERYTHING you just said was either meant to mislead or an outright lie.

I corrected the typo...
That should clear things up in case the nature of the mistake wasn't apparent enough to you.

I'll dismiss you're "worshiping' comment outright.
But I'd certainly prefer the company of Bryan, Fossten and Shagdrum over the company of the American hating, marxist, creeps on Democratunderground or the DailyKos that you've chosen to align yourself with.

You're exploiting this story in a way that isn't just dishonest, it's immoral.
Personally, I recommend the "ignore" feature. :rolleyes:
Doesn't change the fact that race-baiting Todd was a McCain campaign worker. I'd be betting SHE was planning on voting republican. McCain has yet to denouce that act.

You're really a pathetic tool.
Todd is an isolated nut who recanted her story the next day.

Perhaps you didn't notice, but the conservative media was THE FIRST group to say that the story lacked any credibility and that is was likely a fraud. No one attempted to use her story for political gain, no one, other than you, have tried to make the story into anything more than it is. A nutty young woman who's looking at legal problems.

To make a public pronunciation denouncing some mentally ill woman. Should McCain spend some of his limited air time (see, he doesn't have as much money to spend because 1. He kept his word regarding public financing (unlike Obama 2. He isn't actively soliciting illegal contributions (unlike Obama)) addressing the actions of every isolated individual who may support his Presidential cause?

This is remarkably hypocritical coming from a guy who doesn't think Obama or the Democrat party should more aggressive denounce the actions of ACORN and aggressively protect the voting roles of the state of Ohio.
Johnny, like many liberals/socialists, doesn't have a moral compass. Because of that, he is only satisfied when he can find a weaselly example to accuse the other side of hypocrisy. This assuages any possible inferiority he feels for being a godless, hateful individual who needs to poke at others to mask his own lack of behavioral standards.
Perhaps you didn't notice, but the conservative media was THE FIRST group to say that the story lacked any credibility and that is was likely a fraud. No one attempted to use her story for political gain, no one, other than you, have tried to make the story into anything more than it is. A nutty young woman who's looking at legal problems.

:bsflag: Drudge and FNC were the first to jump all over this until she confessed. The FIRST thing that came from the Obama camp was sympathy towards Todd for her suffering. Then when she confessed, Obama's camp made not one mention of it.

To make a public pronunciation denouncing some mentally ill woman. Should McCain spend some of his limited air time (see, he doesn't have as much money to spend because 1. He kept his word regarding public financing (unlike Obama 2. He isn't actively soliciting illegal contributions (unlike Obama)) addressing the actions of every isolated individual who may support his Presidential cause?

That is the lamest excuse, all he has to do is make a 5-second comment to an open mic, or during one of his stump speeches. I wouldn't "cost" him a damn dime.

This is remarkably hypocritical coming from a guy who doesn't think Obama or the Democrat party should more aggressive denounce the actions of ACORN and aggressively protect the voting roles of the state of Ohio.

ACORN has not been convicted of one crime, despite being charged. WHEN they are convicted of voter fraud, then we'll listen to your whining. Meanwhile, you are silent on all of the GOP efforts to block voting, like the fliers telling Virginia democrats they are supposed to vote on 11/5 (among many others). Take a look in the mirror, say HI to Mr. hypocrite.

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