Would it be tacky to put an SVT badge on my Linc??


Dedicated LVC Member
Jul 2, 2005
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I recently purchased this SVT badge off ebay, which I plan on putting on the back of the Linc later this year when I get around to getting it repainted and outfitted with a new custom interior. I've got the COBRASTAR badges on the sides of my Car and was thinking of getting either Custom Lincoln Or Continental words made to match the size of the SVT but the thought just crossed my mind... Would it be in bad taste??

I don't want to be the dick, but yes I would see that as tacky. Cobra stars I can see because they have the lincoln logo in them but a straight SVT badge would be out of place IMO. To each his own, I'm not the law. But who am I to judge? I love the conversation I get when I take my car to the lincoln dealer.

I wouldnt put them on my car I dont like badging. You can if you have a SVT motor, blower or other major SVT speed up gades
My idea behind it was like Lincoln SVT, I'm gonna be getting the interior remade this summer and replace the lincoln stars on my seats with cobrastars and was thinking of the theme. Earlier I was pondering my idea and was like dam would that be tacky :shifty:

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