WTB 2.5 center caps


Dedicated LVC Member
Oct 22, 2009
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Looking to find a good looking set in the standard silver color with SVT or cobra on it. I've found them on ebay for $40 but Im sure someone here is sitting on a set. This is the type i need in this aution or something similiar, I could throw my Ford oval ones in the deal if your interested, they are in good shape just a bit too small and had to be taped to make em stay.


Let me know what you've got, PM or post pics please.
Thanks for the link. Thats almost exactly what im after but I dont think the black and chrome would go well with the silver finish on my wheels. If the chrome SVT was silver I think it would be ok.
truthfully, the 'SVT' lettering is so small, it shouldn't make a difference. I doubt you would notice a difference between chrome and silver letters.
Still looking. What I really want are a set of cobrastar centercaps. If I dont find some on here I'll buy the black SVTs from ebay and send them in to get done.
I'll sell my really nice ford ones, if someone is interested. They are just under 2.5, They click in but are loose so Im not sure what size right now. Ill post them in the for sale section with a bunch of other stuff I have.

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