Wtb air box


Well-Known LVC Member
Mar 19, 2011
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Well since I'm doing a tune up on my car might aswell get rid of my cone filter and do the cold air air box mod
Just don't wanna do it on my 1 and only
Do any of you guys have one laying around
If so how much? See if I can afford to buy a another one

Oh yea and
Can I use the fram air filter cleaner on a k&n?
You have a Gen 1 correct?

I have all the stuff out of a Gen II from when I put my K&N intake in
iivan just do it on the one you have. Its easy to do just following the LVC article. Use a dremel and a cutting bit and sanding wheel. Once everything's put back together you can't tell it's been modded.
iivan just do it on the one you have. Its easy to do just following the LVC article. Use a dremel and a cutting bit and sanding wheel. Once everything's put back together you can't tell it's been modded.

I'm afraid if rather just buy another
What's your price tag?

I have no clue what they sell for... But if we can get some opinions I'm willing to give you a good/fair deal. This stuff is still sitting in my trunk ;)

I have no clue what they sell for... But if we can get some opinions I'm willing to give you a good/fair deal. This stuff is still sitting in my trunk ;)


Eehhhhhh :( not the same air box:(
I have no clue what they sell for... But if we can get some opinions I'm willing to give you a good/fair deal. This stuff is still sitting in my trunk ;)


You didnt reuse those hoses? Got any pics of your engine bay?
I used the ones that came with the intake... Not ok?

I can go take one

No i'm sure its fine, its just that i bought mine used. Didnt realize they supplied the hoses. FML maybe thats why i'm having a bit of a rough idle.
No i'm sure its fine, its just that i bought mine used. Didnt realize they supplied the hoses. FML maybe thats why i'm having a bit of a rough idle.

Came with hoses, but I had to cut them to length.

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