WTB: Mark VIII shifter


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 20, 2004
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Ontario, Canada
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I'm in need of a cheaper working floor shifter from my '94 Mark VIII (don't need cable or handle, just the mechanism bolted to floor.)
Let me know what you have and how much please. I found one up here but it's to stiff for my liking and they want to much.
Thanks :)
Not alot, I'm still paying off the bills for the time I was off work for almost 9 months from my surgery. :( How much do you want for one? I don't need the handle, mine is perfect but the slider part is stiff now going into park as I decided to take a swipe at it when I got pissed off the other week when I got cut off. :(
Still looking...
I do need the shift knob too, today the button to put it in gear popped out as well :(
I found a complkete one today with black good knob and topplate $30.00 plus shipping for complete set.
I have one coming, but thanks for the offer, I never heard back from you at the beginning of the week. I'll let you know if it falls through...
i need the actual shifter cable. its for a 97 if that makes any difference. the plastic guide piece by the shifter broke and the wire got bent beyond repair.

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