All the suburban cops, troopers and sheriffs around here have rolling radar on almost all the time.
The city cops on the other hand only have maybe a dozen radars in their cruisers and it's rare that I come across a city cruiser with radar.
The troopers and sheriffs sitting in the usual speed traps around a corner or past a bridge also have the radar on all the time as there isn't enough time for it to be practical quick drawing especially while having donuts and coffee

The V1 picks them up 1/4-1/2 mile away.
There are many fish in the sea. The cops can write as many tickets leaving it on without having to do the extra work of quick draw on people.
It's human nature to fish where the fishing is good and only work as hard as you have to.
In the 7 years that I've had my V1s I have never been painted locally with instant on radar.
Only once at night driving to conneticut I was painted with instant on.
It is always good to know your local area and exersize more caution outside of it.
The Blinder M20 and now the Laser Interceptor jammers have saved me numerous times over the years I've been instant painted by lidar.
These devices work very well.
Took me up to 3 seconds to slow down enough to turn it off so the cop could get a time (the guy put his gun down and then painted me again after I turned it off) and then gave me a funny look as I went by.
For those interested in reading some comprehensive tests of the V1, Escort, others and laser jammers check out