Wtf Man


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 14, 2004
Reaction score
Winter Park (near Orlando)
Today I got the worse new of my life so far....Im 20 years old and when I moved to this house 13 years ago my parents bought me a dog a PURE BREAD LIGHT BROWN AND WHITE cocket spaniel ....I named him scruffy and I love this dog....The last couple of years I have not shown it as much but I still do and lately his health is going down...about 6 months ago I took him to get his shots updated and he had what they said was warts on his head and neck so they gave us some pills and one broke and the other went away.....Well it has gotten worse and now he has a gland that has ruptured out of his rear end and the F@cking vets (more than one) say to fix the growths (CANCER NOT F*&KIN warts....)and the gland is about 900$!!!!! and there is very little chance that he would recover because of his age.....I cant believe they can charge so much If I had it I would pay it and pray my :q:q:q:qing heart and soul out that he made it but its not an parents can afford it either and I just sucks so bad to find out that your going to loose a family member after all these years .....I know its a dog and they dont live forever but it still hurts so bad......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well I hope everyone has a good thanksgiving mine is gonna suck because after this week I am going to have to take him to be put to sleep...Enjoy the holidays and sorry for the long a$$ rant .....

Its not just a dog, it IS a family member, I know what you're going through, its a killer, just give him/her as much attention as you can while shes still alive. good luck
Our previous dog before the one my parents got now(cocker spaniel[sorry to say, I hate it, PITA!]) started to go down hill really fast and we had the similiar situation of paying out the @$$ and hoping she'd live or just put her down. We decided to put her down because it was the best thing we thought, she was in way to much pain. Alot of her organs were just shutting down. He was a great dog, was very strong and passed on at the age of 17. She was a mix and I do not remember how to spell it lol.

Sorry to hear man, like it was said already, give it all the love and make it as comfortable as possible while its still w/ you guys.
Sorry to hear about your dog. Vet bills are expensive, but are way less than if it were a human and sometimes the procedure is the same. It seems high but the cost of healthcare in general for pets or humans is what it is. In humans we often have insurance and we forget the "true" cost of the care. If this wewre a human you may just pay $500 deductable and call it good? But the costs may be many thousands.

The best thing on a pet is to get pet insurance when they are young. Its only $8-$10 a month. Do some research and find a reputable carrier. Your vet will tell you who to get. But its too late for your dog. They will not insure a dog over 5 years old to start. You have to start when they are young to get them covered. Then they can stay covered. The older the pet the higher the rate.

Dogs are fun....but in the end they are a living being with a life much like us humans and they get sick like we do. Feed them well (not cheap food from Safeway thats .99 cents a bag)! Read the ingrediants and buy only Science diet type stuff...its more expensive, but you pet will live TWICE as long on quality food. The cheap food is like chicken heads, pigs feet, dirt and ground up horses and such. Just avoid all that. Buy food from your the big bag for $80.00 and it will last 2-3 months for a medium to small dog.

I am sorry to hear about you dog. Very sad.

3 years ago my dog (Scupper) his poor sick and I took him in and they said his lungs we're filled with fluid and he could not breathe? They said it was some lung ailment it would be $3000 to operate and he may not make it. I was shocked! He looked healthy. I could NOT make the decision to put him to sleep. I stood in the hospital in looked at him through this incubator box and he was looking at me. He look healthy. But out of that box he could hardly breathe? So I open the door and took him out and he was ok? Then he could not breathe, so I put him back. I did this about three times and I started to cry because I knew it was all over with. The doctor stood there and asked what my decision was. I could not answer. So I took him out again and he just sat in my lap and looked he was ready to go home....then he started slowly not being able the breathe again. The doctor looked at me and said; " will take 10 seconds for him to go to sleep and it will be all over, is this what you want to do"?

I was unable to the doctor took this as a "yes" and whipped out a syringe from her vest pocket and stuck it into the dog and that was it. I stood there in shock as this dog looked at me in the face and it was like he was asking me to go home and sit on the chair or play ball.....then he closed his eyes 2-3 times and kept looking at me and then he went limp in my arms and I just stood there, balling like a baby....and I'm a big guy...the type you would never see cry.

Dogs are fun....but there is a lot of responsability that goes with properly owing a pet. Its not like a gold fish you flush down the drain when it dies. I have another dog now and I dread the day that something happens to this one.
I am sorry to hear about your dog, i know the pain of losing a dog. I lost my dog 3 months ago and i still miss him even now, pets are a member of the family the same as anyone. Pets show unconditional love to their owners and that is one reason we feel so much pain when they are gone. Your pain will ease just remember the good times with your dog!!!!!!
thanks guys I just wish I could do something more for him He is old and he doesnt move very well either (now more so because of the cold weather we are having) His eyes are bad too so he is having a hard time seeing and doesnt wanna do much I know he is suffering I can see it in his eyes....I dont wanna do it but I am gonna have to put him down I almost wish they did it today and helped him out but then again I would have died if I came home and he wasnt there........My heart hurts so much right now .....
I feel your pain Silver. I have gone through this several times in my life with pets that are part of the family. I can't stand cats...but my wife had this cat that was amazing. Like no other cat I've seen. So friendly...would come when it was called...just a great pet. I had to put it down last year. It was 23 years old. That's a long time to have a pet.

My son had to put his Lab down last week. Cancer. It tore me up beyond belief.

Many years ago, Jimmy Stewart was on the Tonight Show and read a poem he had written. There wasn't a dry eye in the house. I would like to post it here for all to read:

He never came to me when I would call
Unless I had a tennis ball.
Or he felt like it,
But mostly he didn't come at all.

When he was young
He never learned to heel
Or sit or stay,
He did things his way.

Discipline was not his bag
But when you were with him things sure didn't drag.
He'd dig up a rosebush just to spite me,
And when I'd grab him, he'd turn and bite me.

He bit lots of folks from day to day.
The delivery boy was his favorite prey.
The gas man wouldn't read our meter,
He said we owned a real man-eater.

He set the house on fire
But the story's long to tell.
Suffice it to say that he survived
And the house survived as well.

On the evening walks, and Gloria took him,
He was always first out the door.
The Old One and I brought up the rear
Because our bones were sore.

He would charge up the street with Mom hanging on,
What a beautiful pair they were!
And if it was still light and tourists were out,
They created a bit of stir.

But every once in a while, he would stop in his tracks
And with a frown on his face look around.
It was just to make sure that the Old One was there
And would follow him where he was bound.

We are early-to-bedders at our house--
I guess I'm the first to retire.
And as I'd leave the room he'd look at me
And get up from his place by the fire.

He know where the tennis balls were upstairs,
And I'd give him one for a while.
He would push it under the bed with his nose
And I'd fish it out with a smile.

And before very long
He'd tire of the ball
And be asleep in his corner
In no time at all.

And there were nights when I'd feel him
Climb upon our bed
And lie between us,
And I'd pet his head.

And there were nights when I'd feel this stare
And I'd wake up and he'd be sitting there
And I'd reach out my habnd and stroke his hair.
And sometimes I'd feel him sigh
and I think I know the reason why.

He would wake up at night
And he would have this fear
Of the dark, of life, of logs of things,
And he'd be glad to have me near.

And now he's dead.
And there are nights when I think I feel him
Climb upon our bed and lie between us,
And I pat his head.

And there are nights when I think
I feel that stare
And I reach out my hand to stroke his hair,
But he's not there.

Oh, how I wish that wasn't so,
I'll always love a dog named Beau.
Jimmy Stewart
awww im so sorry. i have 5 dogs myself and i wouldnt know what to do if one of them passed. i really feel for u.
but just comfort him and let him know that u love him so u wont feel guilty when he goes cause u know we cant really tell how dogs are communicating with us.
last summer i gave mouth to mouth to a palmaranian it was crazy but he is still alive today :D
thanks man that was very nice........
I am not looking forward to next week at all I am in such a pickel Because I want him here but I dont want him to suffer anymore.....I am cant stop thinling about this either...I know what I have to do but everytime I look at him and he looks at me with his little brown eyes I swear It looks like he is gonna cry.....Thanks guys for all the support....I will Always remeber my best friend...
I'm very sorry to hear about your dog!! My prayers will be with you. I know how it feels to lose a pet that's been part of your family for sooo long!!
My parents had a pet bunny for awhile. It had to have jaw surgery $$. And thats a freakin $15 bunny. But i guess a pet is a pet and its still part of the family. We also had a dog that ended up being put to sleep. Its a tough decision to willingly end a life but dogs cant speak and it could easily be the better thing to do.
Hey man sorry to hear about the dog. Just remember all the good times. I have a cocker spaniel that is 15 years old with warts and cancer and she is on her death bed. But every night she sleeps in my bed and I use every available minute I have to be with that dog. Things will be alright you just have to prepare yourself that the dog will not be around much longer and enjoy what time you have left.
mine is 13 and he has the warts and cancer also.....see what sucks is my girl and I got another one about 1 1/2 years ago and I can image whats gonna happen in 10-15 years when that one maybe getting the same problems....Thanks guys for all the support....

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