Wth is going on with the site?


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 21, 2004
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Whats going on with the site? all these 1/2 complete mods making things agrivating.
pepperman said:
Patience Grasshopper, one does not learn everything in a day :D

sure he does! do you know anything bout it?
i don't have a clue andy, people may be waiting for the funds to complete the mods.
pepperman said:
i don't have a clue andy, people may be waiting for the funds to complete the mods.

funny...real funny:mad:
looks like it's being worked on as they go ahead with the various changes (trial and error thing). Being in the IT field i can tell they aree having trouble with running the newly added scripts from what it looks like either mistyped or extra spaces. They got this far i'm sure they will figure it out soon
I did notice something weird this morning, I tried to log on around 5:45 am and i couldn't even get to the site. I wonder what is going on :confused:
the server this site is on might have been goign through some kind of of updates cuz at 7AM i couldn't get to it and gave me some kind of access error so i gues they started early in the AM doing changes
Here are three pics of what i have been seeing yesterday. When i logged on at 3:00am yesterday morning it looked nothing like this, and at 5:45 am i tried logging on and like JoeyGood i got an error message.



yea im still getting that on the "post comment" page...the other stuff has gone away.
MrWilson said:
yea im still getting that on the "post comment" page...the other stuff has gone away.

Andy, most of the stuff has gone away there are still some things wrong but they are mostly small things, my guess is that they should be gone by the end of the day.
pepperman said:
Andy, most of the stuff has gone away there are still some things wrong but they are mostly small things, my guess is that they should be gone by the end of the day.

Im working on it and trying to figure out what happened.

just a thought

Check the scripts that are running the PHP might be some typos in there or spaces where there shouldn't be. I would be glad to help you out but i would need to run it on a dummy pc with your source code for the site just so no problems come up durring trial and eeror.

Bust ask away if you need anything
got this one message that said i should wait 20 sec. between searches and try again in 3 sec. when i clicked on todays post link but i guess he was in the process of doing something cuz it's gone now and i can click on it freely now

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