X-Cal question


Dedicated LVC Member
Jan 29, 2006
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Hey I just got the XCal and I had a few questions.

1) what setting do you normally have yours set at?

2) did you mount the X-cal somewhere or do you keep it out of the car?

thanks all i am just trying to figure out how often I should use it and if I should have it in the car or leave it at home.
use it once - plug it in and flash the tune into the car - then keep it in the glove box incase you ever need to flash it back.

I have never adjusted the tune myself - I simply upload the tunes Torrie makes for me. The end-user adjustments - IMHO - are just too coarse to be very any good - ExtremeTune is not good and the unit options are hardly better. Stick with the tuner's tune - they know what they are doing.

If you feel the need to do better - get the Pro Racer Package - it's the full tuning software that the SCT dealers use (only it can only be used on one car...). Frankly - too deep for me yet.
okay there are 4 settings F 1, 2, 3,. which setting do you set yours on Quik.

I am worried that if my car gets broken in they will steal it out of the glove box. made I can hide it some where
ask your tuner which setting is what. (F = factory - where your stock un-tune PCM code sits).

I use the more aggressive setting that doesn't ping under WOT.
Torrie is tuning it for me. so I will ask him which setting is which.
I dont have that option of f,1,2,3 Mine is factory or custome tune or what ever I modify it too.....Is there someway to get a free tune from the I net....I dont like the one I have for some reason I have knock from idle to 2000 (if I cruising and floor it or if im stopped and jump on it) Its just a little out of the way to go back where I got it .....Just a dumb question
SiilverLS - not sure what that means.....

The XCal pulls your PCM code into the 'F' (for factory) position to allow you to restore it if needed. You cannot pull files off the XCal, retune them, and then load them back into you car.

The only way to tune - is to start with a base file - which is a 'cracked' version of your PCM code, apply the tune to it, then upload it to your car.

A SCT dealer can aply a tune to the base file, or/and enable options that allow your XCal2 to adjust them (for example - injector size). He has access to the database of all the PCM codes available.

Or you can use the SCT ExtremeTune software on a base file and create a modified version, then upload it. The software is pretty clunky. Yuo have to find someone to 'give' you a base file of your PCM code.

Or use the Pro Racer package and do the whole tuning thing yourself.
well that helps out alot....

I am asking if there is somewhere online I can get a tune for free....Poeple on here are saying they got there X-Cal and now Tori is sending them a tune....I know they bought them from him and wondering if there is somewhere I can get one also...Or do i have to have purchased it from him??

I love the tune and it works great just not happy with the knock Im getting

Also any clue on where to get a base file of my ECU...

Thanks again

Sounds Like Im gonna have to go back there and get them to adjust it.....
Well - think of the XCal as a delivery mechanism for tuner's to seller the services. So if you didn't buy the XCal from Torrie - you should expect to pay something for his time and expertise.
Quik LS said:
Well - think of the XCal as a delivery mechanism for tuner's to seller the services. So if you didn't buy the XCal from Torrie - you should expect to pay something for his time and expertise.

Amen to that!:D BTW I got an email from Torrie that hid Dyno is BACK in business.
Just waiting for mine to come in. Ordered it last week. Can't wait to hook it up.

Will it come with the tune in it or will I have to E-mail Torrie to get it?
My question may be dumb but why can t people just go to the dealership and have them tune the car to the best tune, like the one lou is running. If the car is more powerful and more efficent couldnt the dealer change the tune themselves. Or is it basically like an aftermarket head unit. The factory one plays good enough, but you can always upgrade to a better one... if you catch my drift.
the stock tune is a compromise that Ford has to make to meet - everyone's driving style, warranty claims, epa, ...etc

just like an intake - why doesn't Ford just put on a better intake to start with? - only a handful of people really see the need for it.
itsnotmydaddys said:
My question may be dumb but why can t people just go to the dealership and have them tune the car to the best tune, like the one lou is running. If the car is more powerful and more efficent couldnt the dealer change the tune themselves. Or is it basically like an aftermarket head unit. The factory one plays good enough, but you can always upgrade to a better one... if you catch my drift.

That is not a dumb question...and one that many people have the misconception of. Quik has given you the proper answer...but to be more specific to your question, Ford dealers do not have the ability to tweak a tune. They can only flash what the factory provides them. Those flashes (the software) are stored on the factory servers and the dealer has to access them. They can then flash your ECM. Dealer flashes are to correct deficiencies with the ECM and related components and parts...such as engine and tranny performance just to name a couple.

lloydrage...it truly sounds to me you have a misconception of how the SCT tuner is to work. It is NOT a chip that stays hooked up to the car. You simply upload and store the factory tune, download the tune that was provided and disconnect the tool and store it in a safe place. One the tune is flashed to the car, your tool has no other purpose until you are ready to install the factory tune, install a new tune, tweak your tune, or use the tool as a scan tool to read OBD codes. If I misunderstood you, I apologize...but that is how I was reading your posts.
sport you hit the nail on the head. I know understand. thanks
where is the best place to buy a XCal 2? Do they make them for an old ass 95 Conti (OBD II)?

BTW, I got a ford dealership to flash my stock computer this past august. Most worthless $80 I have spent. I could tell no difference at all. I thought maybe a 10 year newer program would have some performance benefit but nope.
nope - XCal uses the ODBII port - 1996+ vechiles, and mainly focused to the newer Ford PCMs.
heres another question lets say i buy the xcal 2 from torrie, do i need to pay for tunes or are they already included? also how does he now what tune is best for my car, example does he ask me for tire size modifications ect... what are long term effects on the car will it damage or wear something out faster? do i have to keep going to him to change paramaters on my car like takeing away the rev limiter, changeing shift points ect... pardon my ignorance on the matter but I am learning
the price usually includes three tunes.

by default - he includes most of the common options - performance, rev limiter, ...etc. He has done many LSes and had them on his dyno - so he has a good map of what can be done - performance wise.

if you have somethin unique - like tire size adjust - you just need to let him know.

if you change something later - he can re-make the tune file and e-mail it to you.
is their specific tunes for like city driving long distance driving track driving ect... in those three tunes that you talk about? thanks for the input quick I will be buying it soon....
joshluvsla said:
is their specific tunes for like city driving long distance driving track driving ect... in those three tunes that you talk about? thanks for the input quick I will be buying it soon....

Yeah, factory for the first two and extreme tune for the last.
joshluvsla said:
is their specific tunes for like city driving long distance driving track driving ect... in those three tunes that you talk about? thanks for the input quick I will be buying it soon....
You can ask for any three to your specs. I have one really hot tune I use as long as I can get good gas. One detuned hot tune for slightly bad or lower octane fuel and one I call Bad Gas which is very conservative but still better that stock and as a last resort I can always go back to the stock tune. I would guess that my Bad Gas tune is mainly the stock engine tuning with the improved throttle & shift (transmission) settings.

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