XM radio


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 21, 2004
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Anyone put the xm in their car? what kind of mounting options do i have?
i have an XM Roady 2 in my car. I removed the vent to the left of the computer display and mounted it there. I will take a picture of it for you so you can see what I mean.

edit: here you go:



Ski fi 2 comes with all the stuff you will need to attach it any where. It even comes with the kit to attach it to the vent and still get some cool air with out removing it..LOL

Ski fi 2 also has a base so you can slide the radio in and out with no problems. So you can take out of the car without disonnecting anything. Although you do not need to take it into the house. you can log in online and listen with your computer. Just depends on what you want to do.
i actually remember seeing someone put it where a carphone would go, like next to the radio on hte pass side. that would be a nice setup.
poneyhexed said:
Ski fi 2 comes with all the stuff you will need to attach it any where. It even comes with the kit to attach it to the vent and still get some cool air with out removing it..LOL

Ski fi 2 also has a base so you can slide the radio in and out with no problems. So you can take out of the car without disonnecting anything. Although you do not need to take it into the house. you can log in online and listen with your computer. Just depends on what you want to do.

mine came with the whole kit too - multiple mounts, slide on and off, etc, but you can't attach it to the vent because the area around the vent is recessed - so when you put it on, it fits, but with a slight downard tilt, making it hard to take it on and off. I can still get cool air - the vent is open behind the XM unit. The unit is not permanently there, it's merely mounted on the slide mount.

I have used the Skyfi unit, and personally, it's much more difficult to use from an interface perspective, and MUCH bigger. I also don't like how the display works when you are searching through channels for songs. Personal preference. I prefer the compact size of the Roady 2. Also, the online radio sound quality is not so good, I prefer using my radio in the house.
Get Sirius instead. It's better and since it's doing better financially, I expect it to be able to get much more programing than XM..
I don't find Sirius to be better....and Sirius has 50 fewer channels than XM....
i use xm on the computer, and i like their selection, and i used it in my uncles truck today...and i liked it (more selection) but iv never tried sirus
I've got both Sirius and XM. Sirius in my wife's Jeep and XM in my truck. I prefer Sirius becuase I think they have a better play list. I guess it depends on your musical taste.
I have the same XM reciever that 67 has. Mine is mounted in the ash tray for now...
I find XM to be much better than Sirius. They listen to Sirius at work in the shop because they like Howard Stern, which is the only reason people get Sirius...I don't care for him myself...his show is the same every day.
my95mark8 said:
I have the same XM reciever that 67 has. Mine is mounted in the ash tray for now...
I find XM to be much better than Sirius. They listen to Sirius at work in the shop because they like Howard Stern, which is the only reason people get Sirius...I don't care for him myself...his show is the same every day.

I had mine in the ashtray for a long time, but I found it kept my eyes off the road too much - I get too distracted.
I originally had XM hooked up to my Alpine IVA D300. I liked that settup because everything would be on the LCD screen and you did not have to strain to see what was playing like the small screens on the FM modulated pieces have.

Then XM dumped the channel I bought it for and replaced it with MLB and O&A along with upping the price!

I removed the unit and went with Sirius even before the had Howard on. Since I switched and do not have my Alpine installed in my Lincoln yet I bought a Sirius S50 unit. All I can say is how I wish I had never purchased XM now :mad:

Sirius programming is much better in my opinion PLUS it does not fade out when going under trees or when the weather is very bad. I tried different antenna's with the XM and it would still loose contact with the sattelite often. Sirius uses more than one sattelite stream so it is a much stroger signal. Also the Sirius units where cheaper than the XM hardware. The S50 unit I am now using also records and memorizes 50 hours if content that you can listen to out of your car with a pair of ear buds and it's internal rechargable battery.

I also have it mounted with the included kit that let it clip to the center air vent on my dash.
2002WRXSTi said:
Sirius programming is much better in my opinion PLUS it does not fade out when going under trees or when the weather is very bad. I tried different antenna's with the XM and it would still loose contact with the sattelite often. Sirius uses more than one sattelite stream so it is a much stroger signal.

XM uses 2 Satellites, Sirius uses 3....I have my XM antennae INSIDE my car, and I never lose the signal in bad weather, or even when I am under bridges in the city. I will lose it if tree cover is 100 percent.
I have Sirius.

But since I don't want to pay for any more accounts and I use two cars, I use the window suction cup to hold the mounting station. At the end of the night, I bring the head unit inside, put it in the boombox and listen at home.
67Continental said:
XM uses 2 Satellites, Sirius uses 3....I have my XM antennae INSIDE my car, and I never lose the signal in bad weather, or even when I am under bridges in the city. I will lose it if tree cover is 100 percent.
Me too. I have my antenna on the rear deck.
I also bring mine it the house at night, and listen on the computer.
I am a big fan of "The Boneyard".
67Continental said:
XM uses 2 Satellites, Sirius uses 3....I have my XM antennae INSIDE my car, and I never lose the signal in bad weather, or even when I am under bridges in the city. I will lose it if tree cover is 100 percent.
Well even with the antenna mounted on my roof as recomended it would fade in and out when going down tree covered roads. During heavier storms it was even weaker. I live on the East Coast so when in mountain areas or some towns like Bound Brook XM would drop like mad.

I do not know if XM still charges you extra but Sirius lets you listen online for free, so that is how I listen in my home.
2002WRXSTi said:
Well even with the antenna mounted on my roof as recomended it would fade in and out when going down tree covered roads. During heavier storms it was even weaker. I live on the East Coast so when in mountain areas or some towns like Bound Brook XM would drop like mad.

I do not know if XM still charges you extra but Sirius lets you listen online for free, so that is how I listen in my home.

I live on the east coast too, in fact, just took a long trip to maine....no dropouts...maybe you had a bum atennae?

XM online is free as well....I have only been a subscriber for 2 years, but in that time, it was never a cost service.
67Continental said:
I live on the east coast too, in fact, just took a long trip to maine....no dropouts...maybe you had a bum atennae?

XM online is free as well....I have only been a subscriber for 2 years, but in that time, it was never a cost service.
I haven't had XM in at least that long now. I did switch from the Terk antenna to a Sony antenna and it got better but in the wooded areas I drive it would go in and out.

Any way you want to look at it when they dropped the channel I listened to and added O&A changing the price along the way and lied. Called them asking when the channel would come back they would say in a month. After a few I quit and when I switched to Sirius (way before Howard) I loved there music line ups a lot more. I was on XMfan.com saying this and it was like I was the Unibomber or something cause they are all XM die hards!

I had it, I switched and it is better from everything I listen to on it. I wont go back and I had XM before Sirius for a while :shifty:
I am glad you like it. I hope that there will always be 2 for people to choose from.

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