Active LVC Member
Does anyone have a pic of the LMS Xpansion I muffler? Also, has anyone here powercoat their intake manifold? I was thinking a bright silver, like the jet-hot coating on headers, would be nice!!!
did you costom cut your bumper to make those fit?ONEBADMK8 said:Heres the mufflers.
Sifrino3 said:Mufflers on an Angle. . .
seanklsc said:Thats what I meant
ONEBADMK8 said:No. All 94 and up Marks have the oval "relief" in the bumper.
DOHCtor_Mark said:the reason I have the borlas is because all I saw on the LMS website was the Expansion IIs. I didn't even know THIS site existed back then.
Markviiiedrea said:except my 94
DAMN! thats all right i dont have mufflers any way so it dosent matter right nowONEBADMK8 said:Sorry 94.5 and up Marks is what I meant.
DOHCtor_Mark said:I bought my Mark back in July. Got the mufflers in late I think and I happened upon this site and the LMS one around November/December timeframe. I wonder if I can sell them to a T-Bird owner or an '05 Mustang owner. They're really nice sounding mufflers with 4" oval magnaflow tips, just not pretty like the Xpansion I's.