Mine is also grounded to the battery ground in the trunk. Others may have it going to the shock tower. Terms of the best ground, although not practical for an amp ground in an LS, wouldn't that be the engine block?
The amp ground is not supposed to be any longer than 18 inches... though I've broken this rule myself, running from the back all the way to the engine block is definitely not advisable.Mine is also grounded to the battery ground in the trunk. Others may have it going to the shock tower. Terms of the best ground, although not practical for an amp ground in an LS, wouldn't that be the engine block?
Usually, right at the battery will be the cleanest (electrically) power and ground connections that you can get.
so its safe to ground my amp to the -terminal of the battery? even if the cable is pretty long?
As long as the cable is pretty big, yes. Better yet would probably be to move the amp to the trunk near the battery.
by the way my amp lights dim pretty nasty i assume its badd ground and also my amp is drilled to the seat
my bet is that you are either not getting enough power, returning enough power, or creating enough power for your application
Technically batteries generate electricity too, but for a far shorter amount of time.doubt that is your problem
power wires deliver and return electricity
alternators create electricity
batteries just store the electricity