What did you do to your Mark VIII today?

I had a Duralast in my MK8 and it was junk! Went with the Die Hard Gold, 10 year warranty, 1st 3 years full replacement and next 7 pro rated. The Die Hard Gold in my Blazer is 9 going on 10 years and still cranks good. Have the Gold's in all my vehicles!

1994 Mark VIII (20).jpg
Sorry about the bad Duralast you had. I'm sure, with all things, a few out of the bunch are going to be bad or not checked as they should be. I have never had any leaking terminals on my Duralast Gold. Has the same warranty as the Die Hard. Just like the Duralast alternator I have. The first one lasted 2 weeks but I have now been going well over two years on the 2nd one. Haven't had any problems with it yet but I'm sure the day is coming and when it does, it's not going to be hard to find and it's going to be free.

Anyway, just ordered another new Motorcraft door jamb switch just to know that both will be new and not 17 years old. I'm not having a problem with the passengers side or anything but at the same time, preventing a potential problem. The one I got a few weeks ago from Rockauto was a new Motorcraft and well greased as it should be. Swaps out in 2 to 3 minutes, with ease. $8.57 to the door. For the 95, the part# is the same for both sides. 6C2T-13713-AA The one I put in the drivers side has been working perfectly and now my interior lights don't just come on for no reason anymore lol. The switch broke out and fell in the floor anyway.
I wounder if that's what is wrong with my anti theft alarm not arming, (the door switches). All lights go out, doors, trunk and hood and still won't arm. Just turns solid green and stays lit all the time which tell's me it's not arming for some reason. Haven't looked into it too much yet.
I wounder if that's what is wrong with my anti theft alarm not arming, (the door switches). All lights go out, doors, trunk and hood and still won't arm. Just turns solid green and stays lit all the time which tell's me it's not arming for some reason. Haven't looked into it too much yet.

uhh. isn't that what its supposed to do? that's what mine does.
if you have doubt, get in it, lock the doors with the remote, and open the door.
Getting a couple tires put on after work. Other than that, all I plan on doing outside is a bit of soldering under da hood.

It's going to be chilly. Brrrrrr
Getting a couple tires put on after work. Other than that, all I plan on doing outside is a bit of soldering under da hood.

It's going to be chilly. Brrrrrr

84 here today for the high and then 76 tomorrow and for the next few days. Lows are going to be in the mid to high 40's. Got a little cold front moving in.
Am gonna try to detail my LSC today so I can sell it to a Buy here Pay here lot. However it's been raining on and off the last few days so not sure if it'll be worth the effort today?

The Avanti I drove up to Carlisle Tuesday sold at least even in the rain :cool:
Quick question. Didn't want to start a thread.

My pass rear spindle where the upper control arm mounts has a shot bushing. I can move my entire spindle\hub\wheel assembly in and out. Since im going Thursday to have a 4 wheel alignment and 2 new tires I need this fixed.

Queation is: My little brother has a 92 Supercoupe (5speed manual) :D it won't be on the road for some time, can I swap those bushings? It LOOKS the same. =/
Bad idea. The bushing would likely be ruined when you removed it.

Just buy replacements for your car. Moog K8588.

It's good practice to replace both sides.
Quick question. Didn't want to start a thread.

My pass rear spindle where the upper control arm mounts has a shot bushing. I can move my entire spindle\hub\wheel assembly in and out. Since im going Thursday to have a 4 wheel alignment and 2 new tires I need this fixed.

Queation is: My little brother has a 92 Supercoupe (5speed manual) :D it won't be on the road for some time, can I swap those bushings? It LOOKS the same. =/

I have a Moog one that I'll sell. It's brand new, still in the box. I took it out to take the pictures below.

I bought it for my 97, because I was thinking about doing a whole rear end bushing overhaul (I have most of the other bushings too, still brand new, if you want them), but when I checked them out, they were actually in good shape. It turned out i had a loose lower shock bolt making a ton of noise.

Let me know...


For the K8588, I have left OR right. Just one.

I'll get a list together of all the ones I have, and see if you want anything else too.

I'll let you know tomorrow.
If you have one for each side, the upper where it mounts on top of the spindle, il take them both asap. Inbox me and we can talk about it.
Filled up with premium (93 octane) again this morning. Checked mpg. Computer says 20.6 but calculator says 23.5mpg. I decided a couple of weeks ago to start using straight premium again instead of the 87/89 blend I've been using. I was getting 19.9mpg according to the trip computer (20.3 by the calculator) before. Now after running straight 93 octane for two weeks, it has jumped from 19.9/20.3 to 20.6/23.5mpg. I got premium for $4.01 a gallon at the Murphy USA in Biscoe this morning. That's the cheapest it is around here. So I'm going back to straight premium from now on. And she runs sooooo much smoother now too. It's nice.
Should change your fuel filter too, you'd be suprised how nasty 87 looks after a while
I've seen fresh O2s fetch up to 3.5 per gallon
Filled up with premium (93 octane) again this morning. Checked mpg. Computer says 20.6 but calculator says 23.5mpg. I decided a couple of weeks ago to start using straight premium again instead of the 87/89 blend I've been using. I was getting 19.9mpg according to the trip computer (20.3 by the calculator) before. Now after running straight 93 octane for two weeks, it has jumped from 19.9/20.3 to 20.6/23.5mpg. I got premium for $4.01 a gallon at the Murphy USA in Biscoe this morning. That's the cheapest it is around here. So I'm going back to straight premium from now on. And she runs sooooo much smoother now too. It's nice.

Thats a nice jump in mpg's. Keep it up if you can, your car will thank you. :)

My comp averages @ 19.3~ 80cty/20hwy. The math shows anywhere between21.1-22.4mpgs at each fillup. Started keeping track the "real" way a couple months back, I was pleasantly surprised.
Should change your fuel filter too, you'd be suprised how nasty 87 looks after a while
I've seen fresh O2s fetch up to 3.5 per gallon

The new fuel filter is sitting in the trunk right now:) And I do plan to change out my O2's as soon as I can afford a set:(

Thats a nice jump in mpg's. Keep it up if you can, your car will thank you. :)

My comp averages @ 19.3~ 80cty/20hwy. The math shows anywhere between21.1-22.4mpgs at each fillup. Started keeping track the "real" way a couple months back, I was pleasantly surprised.

I'm happy with the results. And in my experience, the "real" mpg's will be a little better than what the computer says. The way I figure it, the increase in mpg will pretty much offset the extra cost of premium. So it equals out in the long run. And it's worth it just for how much better she runs and idles now.

I average 23.7, 50% hwy/50% city on 87, it goes up a little on 94

That's absolutely amazing. The last time I saw combined average mileage like that in my Mark was when I first got the '96 and it only had 65k miles on it:eek:
That's absolutely amazing. The last time I saw combined average mileage like that in my Mark was when I first got the '96 and it only had 65k miles on it:eek:

My '96 even with 200k on the clock would knock out 24 to 25mpg on my commute on Rt78.

Just fired up my Silver '98 LSC today to get some charge in the battery and get the rust off the brakes. Started car and it claimed 67 miles of gas left in tank. Drove to Somerville to see if used car lot would be interested in it but as I was driving I decided I should take it home and give it a good cleaning first.

On way home (aprox 6 miles) I look down and see it says 10 miles left and the gas gauge is below E :confused: Then on the 2 mile long road across the highway from me I watched the miles go from 10 to 0 :eek: Had to sit at a light behind a landscaper with the range reading 0 thinking as soon as I gas it it'll probably fall flat on it's face in the middle of 202 :(

One more thing to try to figure out on this car...
Installed the new Motorcraft door jamb switch for the passengers side, just because... Now I know I have two new switches and should be problem free on that for many years to come. One switch from rockauto is only $8.57 "to the door" and it's such an easy swap, no reason why anyone wouldn't do this for both sides. It comes pre-greased and is an original Motorcraft part.

I'll ad the pics to this post later of the swap. It's so simple to do and cheap enough to do, IMO, no reason for the WD-40 band-aid if you're having a door jamb switch problem.

My problem that I was having was that sometimes while I would be sitting in the garage and watching TV while I smoked one of my (5 to 8 cigarettes a day), my interior lights would just come on for no reason. I was having a problem with the drivers side switch and replaced it with a new one and that fixed the problem and it even started venting ASAP. So anyway, now I know I have two brand new switches that won't have to be worried about anytime soon. Part number again for the 95 and should be the same for 93-96 is (SW-6345) 6C2T-13713-AA or 6C2Z-13713-AA
it rained early morning hear got cought in it.so i decided to do a burn out got side ways stayed on it had a blast till i noticed that a undercover cop was watching the hole thing.opppppps. he followed but didnt pull me over. got really lucky with that.
I did a tune up on Sexy today and nearly cried when I pulled the driver's side plug closest to the firewall. If I EVER see the PO who told me that all the car needed was an oil change, I will run his a$$ over. Well, maybe not. Don't want to scratch my paint. I found original plugs, some of which had seriously rusty threads from water getting into the coil cavity. Happened a couple of times on the '98 and it made it run like crap. I promptly dried out the area, but this was nuts. All wires and boots are healthy and I put NGK Laser Iridium plugs, anti-seize and boot protector back in. I noticed the occasional miss when I installed the new mufflers, so this is why I rectified the problem immediately. I can't get to the routine maintenance fast enough on this critter. Trans and coolant are next... Happy the 'rotten tooth' has been pulled - all the while thinking about the Kansas gathering and how cool that must have been. :p

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