Radar Detectors


Dedicated LVC Member
Jun 19, 2012
Reaction score
Dearborn Heights, Michigan
Not sure what to get brand wise, any suggestions? whats good and on the cheaper side?

I know Valentines are awesome but I'm not shelling out the dough for one.
Valentine's are great... all the other ones will alert you that you've been pulled over
Only the expensive ones can save you. All the rest will alert you, but by that time you've probably already be gunned.

I for one will not pay $200+ for a unit that MIGHT save me a ticket. . Some of the higher end ones can be had used for $100-$200 though.
Valentine's are great so are escorts.
I run escort passport 8500 X50
If you want a radar detector YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR.
Don't speed, and you can save yourself from buying one.

I have a higher end cobra unit which I find to be more of an annoyance then anything.
Make sure you read the reviews on the iradar, i thought about picking one up but the reviews are pretty mixed.
How does any radar detector save you from an instant-on laser trap:confused: Unfortunately, cops have found ways to defeat them. My dad does ride-alongs with the local PD and he has came to the conclusion they are worthless. People get pulled over all the time that have them. If a cop goes instant-on as you are flying past, you are screwed 100% of the time.
escort passport 9500 here..gets really annoying when it picks up redlight cameras..since there are a million around here now.
How does any radar detector save you from an instant-on laser trap:confused: Unfortunately, cops have found ways to defeat them. My dad does ride-alongs with the local PD and he has came to the conclusion they are worthless. People get pulled over all the time that have them. If a cop goes instant-on as you are flying past, you are screwed 100% of the time.
it probably doesn't. but no one around here uses laser, and they just leave the radar gun on all the time.
it probably doesn't. but no one around here uses laser, and they just leave the radar gun on all the time.

Not probably. It doesn't period. :p. A radar detector is worthless in laser situations and instant-on radar scenarios. Hopefully they don't wisen up in your area because they already have here. Another fun fact, cops also use what is called a radar detector detector. I have come to grips with the fact that if I speed I can get a ticket. I sold my radar detector years ago because it didn't help at all and my dad bursted my bubble from first-hand experience watching all of these people get tickets just as much as the people who don't have radar detectors.
its just another tool. its not a crutch, just another set of eyes. if you choose, use it as such.

some radar detectors can also detect oncoming emergency vehicles. fire trucks and ambulances, if so equipped. which is a nice heads up.

the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
you should always be watching.
valentine or bust. i have a solo s2. and its ok, but its no valentine..

y u no like iphone?

Because ive had the 3 and 4, several copies of each. They're slow, they crash, not many free apps, drop rating was very poor.
Sumsung Galaxy Skyrocket S2 is what I'm using now...its OK..but I want an S3 as soon as my spare line is allowed its upgrade
No matter kind you end up getting... if you get pulled over, turn it off. Having one beeping away as the cops at your window pretty much guarantees a citation
I have a Valentine One but it crapped out. I can have it fixed for free but would rather update it when I send it in so it will work with the accessories.

I scored a Beltronics that was refurbed and while it doesn't have the front/rear features of the V-One it picks up farther than the V-One by a ways.

I know where the State Troopers sit with Laser and it has told me that that Trooper has the laser on me NOW :eek: but I knew he was there in the weigh station so I was good.

On one major back road on way home with Bel it started beeping at a light. As I drove a mile up the road down into valley and then up over hill. Bingo there he was sitting over in shoulder waiting for someone to come hot over the hill.

I love both my detectors and feel naked when driving in a vehicle without one :(
Because ive had the 3 and 4, several copies of each. They're slow, they crash, not many free apps, drop rating was very poor.
Sumsung Galaxy Skyrocket S2 is what I'm using now...its OK..but I want an S3 as soon as my spare line is allowed its upgrade

Samsung FTFW IMO. I have an Infuse now and going for the (Galaxy Note 2) or (Galaxy S3) next. Either way, it will be a Samsung. I hate everything Apple has except for the iPod Touch in my console that's invisibly connected to the stereo. I never even look at it. It is the newest style with the camera and still has plastic on the screen from the factory but is in a complete covered case. I only remove it for music updating and that is not often at all. Anyone ever been on the LVC chat with an iPhone?

Oh yeah, I just don't believe in radar detectors. If it alarms you, that's because you're busted. A lot of good that does. You might get lucky and get to slow down before he gets you and he might shoot at you again to see if you slowed any but hopefully for your sake, you have traffic all around you. Other than that, I have always found them to be annoying and beeping at nothing most times. I'm all into electronic gadgets but that's one thing I'll never own again. I do want to install a rear view camera some day soon.
I want cameras pointing out at every direction from my car, with a nice hard drive to constantly record what's going on. People get too brave, and those sworn to "protect" constantly abuse their power
I want cameras pointing out at every direction from my car, with a nice hard drive to constantly record what's going on. People get too brave, and those sworn to "protect" constantly abuse their power

Agreed on the last statement. I remember paying $200 for having legal window tint because of some prick state trooper that had a malfunctioned tint meter. 25% on the drivers window, 26% on the passengers window, 17% on the right rear side window.... On top of that, I didn't have the little 1X1 sticker in my window to say the tint was legal and according to him, "it's not there because your tint is illegal." 10 min later, I go to Hartselle City Police and let 4 officers come outside and use one or two meters and they tested out good. Even with their own eyes as they walked out, they said the tint was fine. Madison City tested it at my request and it tested perfect. Huntsville City tested it and it tested perfect. The tint installer put his meter on it and it tested perfect but I still got stuck with $100 for illegal tint and $100 for not having a sticker on my window for tint that I didn't even install. If I would have had camera evidence for court that day, I may have beat the case. God I was pissed that day. He has since stopped me for speeding and asked me if I have had anything done to my windows since he seen them last and I said no. I told him to test them again but he wouldn't. He said "I feel like if I do, I'll feel obligated to end up writing you another citation for it" My Ass! He knows his meter had dead batteries or was malfunctioned. He knew I would waste another one of his off days in court and this time, I will bring in about 5 officers to prove him wrong. I learned. Cost me $200 but I learned. Always bring a witness to court!

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