Coolant leak from under car?


Dedicated LVC Member
Jun 30, 2012
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Hi all, I know it's been covered time and time again, but I can't find a solution to this one. This morning I noticed a puddle of coolant coming from directly under the engine and the leak seems pretty constant. It drips even when the engine is cold. I looked from above and checked every possible hose for leaks, I couldn't find a trail or any marks of coolant spraying. Are there any coolant lines running under the engine? The car runs fine and does not overheat.
What year and which engine (if you really want help)?
There are no coolant lines running under the engine.
Any leaks from the top of the engine or above will run down to under the engine.
Directly under the engine where (back, front, middle, left, right, ...)?
Sorry joe, i was posting from my phone rushing into work. It's the Gen 1 (2000 v6). It seems to be coming directly from the middle of the engine.
You'll have to trace upward it to where it is really coming from.
I agree with Joe. "under the engine" covers a lot of area. It must be leaking from somewhere else and dripping down. Make sure both of your bleeder screws are closed all the way. It is also possible it is leaking somewhere closer to the front and being blown back by the fan before dripping down. How many miles?
I agree with Joe. "under the engine" covers a lot of area. It must be leaking from somewhere else and dripping down. Make sure both of your bleeder screws are closed all the way. It is also possible it is leaking somewhere closer to the front and being blown back by the fan before dripping down. How many miles?

Both screws are closed, its about to touch 145k
Check the water pump. When mines was leaking like that a week ago it was the water pump, leaking from the Oring that pushed into the head.

How It was noticed, I had to shine light from a angle to see where the coolant would reflect the light.
That sounds like a plausible idea Blueberryyum02, last month the upper hose at the water pump decided to tear open and p!ss out all my coolant in a 1 mile stretch from my home. I'll look into it in a few.


Water pump is what first comes to mind here as well.
BUT ... if you did some hose "reworkings" last month, you'd be wise to check/tighten all connections again.

~ Anytime we do any kinda work on cars, it's good practise to go back a week or so later and retighten stuff.
Water pump is what first comes to mind here as well.
BUT ... if you did some hose "reworkings" last month, you'd be wise to check/tighten all connections again.

~ Anytime we do any kinda work on cars, it's good practise to go back a week or so later and retighten stuff.

I agree with you 100% I had to go back in and tighten my thermostat cover it was loosing pressure and I noticed small bubbles of coolant only after it cooled completely and I was squeezing the hoses to listen for air.

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