Overheating!!! Help!


LVC Member
Jun 29, 2014
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I have a 02' LS v8 that just started overheating yesterday. I replaced the thermostat with hopes it might be bad but no luck. Now the overheating is very erratic. I can start it up and have it idling forever with the air or heat on and it it the temperature stays right in the middle. I drove it on a 130 mile round trip and I did notice the gauge was just a hair past the halfway mark. Once getting off the expressway the temp would jump fast and the coolant boils over. The fan does work at least when I had it idling initially. I've bled the system 3 times but maybe I'm doing it wrong? I fill the coolant up in the reservoir as well as the thermostat housing. Once water starts coming out of the housing I put that cap back on then I take the cap off the heater bleeder. I let the car idle until a steady stream comes out and then I fill he reservoir and put the cap on. Am I doing this correct? I hope it's something simple like trapped air. Any ideas?
I have a 02' LS v8 that just started overheating yesterday. I replaced the thermostat with hopes it might be bad but no luck. Now the overheating is very erratic. I can start it up and have it idling forever with the air or heat on and it it the temperature stays right in the middle. I drove it on a 130 mile round trip and I did notice the gauge was just a hair past the halfway mark. Once getting off the expressway the temp would jump fast and the coolant boils over. The fan does work at least when I had it idling initially. I've bled the system 3 times but maybe I'm doing it wrong? I fill the coolant up in the reservoir as well as the thermostat housing. Once water starts coming out of the housing I put that cap back on then I take the cap off the heater bleeder. I let the car idle until a steady stream comes out and then I fill he reservoir and put the cap on. Am I doing this correct? I hope it's something simple like trapped air. Any ideas?

Your LS is overheating? That is unheard of. I'd give advice if there were prior instances that deemed relevant.

Lol. Your plastic cooling components are at or nearing the end of there life. You need to replace all of them, or your overheating issue will remain. Do a search on the cooling system and you will find the information you need.

Quick answers to common questions. Parts cost?$450 - $700. Parts cost with labor? probably more than you paid for the vehicle. Do all of the cooling system plastics need to be replaced? yes... all of them. But my car doesn't overheat all of the time, just sometimes. We know.

Do a search, and be ready to open your wallet or get your hands dirty. More than likely... both lol.
Hehehe .... Nice Soul, remember when you were at this point once, now since your experience, including myself and plenty of others, we can explain it like it really is. The car has surpassed it's 10yr mark, the entire cooling system is made up of plastic plumbing (near 90%), it's gotten old and it's starting to deteriorate, needs replacing. Starts to develop hairline cracks, clamping ends start breaking apart. Degas bottle develops cracks that only leak a little or a lot temperature depending. One can bleed the system until the cows come home, if it can't maintain pressure in the closed loop system it's going to overheat. If you are having to add coolant to the reservoir (degas bottle), there is a leak somewhere.

fun times ... however, I'd do an entire LS cooling system overhaul "again" any day compared to tensioners and timing chains.
fun times ... however, I'd do an entire LS cooling system overhaul "again" any day compared to tensioners and timing chains.

well thats a given, I would almost always replace parts on a motor instead of parts in a motor! LOL
Do you have the hydraulic fan? If so it may not be doing its job. Sometimes the solinoid on the pump craps out. If you have not replaced the hoses then they are most likely leaking. On the v8 the aux pump craps out too.
Replace all plastic, DCCV, AUX Water pump, and fan solenoid.

I have a 02 v8 replaced all plastic, DCCV TOOK A CRAP I guess the pressure was to much for it. And the fan actuator is going to be replaced.
I think I got it fixed and just had air in the system. My plug for the heater bleeder valve won't seal the hose and water keeps dribbling out from here. Has anyone had this problem and do I just need to get a different plug?
You can try a larger screw, but the real fix is to replace the bleed hose and screw. These come with the OEM degas bottle, which you certainly need too. You wouldn't have had air in your system if you didn't have micro cracks in the plastic letting it in. In a few days (maybe weeks) you will have the problem again and will have to bleed the new air out. You can keep doing this until one of the plastic parts cracks wide open and you lose most of your coolant at once.
I think I got it fixed and just had air in the system. My plug for the heater bleeder valve won't seal the hose and water keeps dribbling out from here. Has anyone had this problem and do I just need to get a different plug?

Mines is like that now I just put a bigger screw and a worm clamp to seal it.
Ok so I put a screw and clamp on it and it stopped the leak. It's not fixed but I think I found the cause. I had it scanned and the cylinder temperature sensor was one of the codes. The high speed fan doesn't consistently stay on even with the AC on. On a hot day like today with the AC on I would think the high speed fan would stay on. Even after the temperature went above the half way mark the low speed on the fan was on.
So, you have a hydraulic fan problem in addition to the cracked cooling parts. If the fan works on low, then you can probably fix it by replacing the actuator and flushing the Mercon V fluid.
Many posts on here about these issues.

There is NO CRACK !!! in "that" video.


Is there anyway to hard wire in a toggle switch for the high speed until I order the correct part? If I just ground the brown wire would that work?
Is there anyway to hard wire in a toggle switch for the high speed until I order the correct part? If I just ground the brown wire would that work?

If you're talking the fan I doubt it. It's hydraulic; an electric fan was deemed too taxing for reliability on the gen 1 electrical system.
wiring in a switch to fix something that is powered by hydraulics...

that'll be a first.

There is no crack in the cooling system. It holds pressure.

wow, after all these years, finally somebody with an LS is having cooling problems not related to sh!tty worn out plastic parts.

it has been long told that one day, an LS would rise up, throw conviction out the window and fulfill the prophecy of the overheating lincoln not due to broken pieces...

never though that day would be during my lifetime though.
Is there anyway to hard wire in a toggle switch for the high speed until I order the correct part? If I just ground the brown wire would that work?

Your fan is hydraulically driven. I used a jumper wire on my electric fan for my genII so that I could run the fan on high at my own leisure... but it didn't help or solve the overheating.

Now is probably a good time for you to decide how much you like this car. I can garuntee you that this is just the beginning of your maintenance. If you decide to do things right by replacing the plastic cooling components, it will cost you a good $500 - $700 if you do it yourself. This of course excludes your fan and radiator.

Assuming you appreciate the car enough to do this... do you appreciate it enough to spend $400 - $550 on coils and plugs? You'll need those soon enough. Not to mention... your transmission is a roll of the dice. Not to mention how wore out your suspension is.

The LS is a great car, but only if you love it. If you aren't prepared for repairs and maintenance you bought the wrong car. Do things half assed and you get half assed results.

The LS likes it's own OEM parts, and they aren't cheap... let alone plentiful.

Best of luck to you, everything you need to know is in this forum. But if you don't love your LS, let her go now.

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