joegr and "ETC Failsafe Mode" THANKS!


Well-Known LVC Member
May 4, 2008
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So I bought another LS, have a 02 V8 Sport, and bought a 06 V8 with only 51K. Here's the Thread about it.

Changed out the noisy Goodyear Eagle GT's for some Michelin Energy A/S's. On way home this happens.

Engine started to lose 80% engine power. Warning Beep goes off and Info Display says - "ETC Failsafe Mode". Cut off engine and it does it again and again all the way back home.

Then check engine light comes on.

I take it to Autozone to read codes. P2110 and P2107.
My independent shop Tech says Throttle Body needs to be replaced, and Ford Service writer asked a Ford Tech and he says Throttle Body also. And that after replacing Throttle Body I need Dealer to reset the Computer to that new, or used replacement throttle Body. Ford Service Manger said frequency Interference problem from coil #4, joegr email's me that it's 99.9% Coil Pack # 4.

So I replace coil pack #4 today and reset disc battery to reset ECU and then after more drama I email joegr this:

So changed out the #4 coil pack on the 06. Boy how easy it was compared to the 02 with all that crap to move out of the way on the 06.

Disconnected the battery after I replaced it. Started car and the park brake warning came on and beeped. Drove about 10 mins still beeping. Stopped car. Restarted same problem still warning.

Came back home shut car off. Went back out, started car again warning GONE! Took on 20 mins test ride. No more problems. THANKS A MILLION. I was starting to feel like a Idiot for buying another one. LOL! Going to be buying the Accel's as soon as I can

Sorry such a long post, but want to thank joegr, and let anyone know to save them from replacing the Throttle Body and or ECU. Try "Coil Pack #4! Thanks joegr!!!!!
for those keeping score...

failed throttle bodies: 5 failed coils 1,000,047

seriously, no matter what the symptom is, step one in trouble shooting is always replace the coils and plugs, then start the troubleshooting over again...
failed throttle bodies: 5 failed coils 1,000,047. What are you saying??
Coils fail a lot more often than throttle bodies...
and there have been sooooo many people that have replaced throttle bodys only to keep having their problems because of misdiagnosis...
Should probably be said that some 03s actually have faulty tbs. Coils should always be the first step, chances are you need them anyway.

Tire low? Change coils and plugs. Then inflate tire.
I hope it is okay to come in and piggy back on this thread - seemed like the sensible thing to do in lieu of starting a whole new thread...

A couple of weeks ago as I was driving home down the highway, my throttle siddenly spiked, then fell, and I was unable to accelerate the car, so I made my way over to the shoulder, and by that time, the throttle was behaving normally. I got off the highway, checked what I could check, and went on my way.

Then last night leaving work, when I started the car, the throttle shot up as soon as I turned it over, and then came down real low and the car started to vibrate considerable. Needless to say, this freaked me out a bit, so I cut the ignition, again checked under the hood best I could, oil and fluid levels, etc... then when I started the car again, everything operated as normal. This exact sequence happened to me again this morning, except this morning, I saw the ETC warning flash onto my console which led me to the ol' forums.

Would your suggestion still be to replace the coils before going to the throttle body? If so, can you point me to what and where you would purchase?

I believe that it is in my signature, but I have an '06, approx 65k.


What, exactly, are the DTCs that have come up for this? When you move the throttle plate by hand (key off), is it smooth and is the closing spring force strong?
I will be checking the DTCs this evening, before I drive home. As for the throttle plate, Ill have to do some research as to what this is, where to find it, and maybe I can check it at lunch.

Thank you much.
Did you get ETC Failsafe Mode in the message center? Did you get a check engine light?
Hello Guys

Need some help! I have a 2006 V8 LS, it's doing crazy things pertaining to the throttle body and parking brake.

This problem just started,

two days ago, the parking brake warning comes on and instantly the check engine light come on and the throttle goes out and the car wont accelerate. at this point the car is still running, and you get the ETC warning. the codes pointed to a bad throttle body, position sensor and other stuff related to the throttle body.(p2106, p2135, p2104 and p2111)

The car goes into fail safe mode every time this happens!

Two days later, the car does the same thing but this time the car shutdown the engine and would not start back up. I tried to start it 5 times in about 10 minutes. finely, I disconnected the throttle body position sensor wire and the throttle body motor wire and plugged them back in and the car started back up, I drove it back home.

Question 1: what does the parking brake have to do with the throttle body?

Question 2: is this a bad throttle body, a bad position sensor or both?

Question 3: Could this be the parking brake telling the throttle body to shut down as a safety fetcher to keep me from pushing the gas paddle.

If question 3 is correct, then my problem is only the emergency parking brake issue. does this sounds about right?

Thanks for all the help in advance
1. Both systems are sensitive to EMI noise.
2. No, it almost never is.
3. No, it doesn't work that way. Oddly enough, pressing on the gas pedal will tell the parking brake to release (if you are in gear).

How is your climate control working? Does it put out hot air when you don't want it? Failure of the DCCV (controls hot coolant flow through the heater cores) can cause enough EMI noise to cause parking brake errors.

9+ times out of ten, ETC problems are caused by EMI from marginal/failing COPs (ignition coils). If you do a little searching of this site, you will find this. Your best, first course of action would be to replace all eight of the COPs. Use Motorcraft ones only. You can get them for around $50 each at on-line Ford parts places. You must also replace the spark plugs at the same time. Make sure the gaps of the plugs are set to exactly 1.0 mm. You will have to adjust some or most of them. Look up the correct way to check and set the gap, as the plugs are very very easy to damage.
Thanks for the reply.

Yes, I am getting cold air out of all vents, on each side of the car (DCCV GOOD)

I will look into purchasing new coils.

What ever is going on is causing both of these problems to happen at the exact same time.

Thanks again

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