How do you feel about Biden NOW?


Active LVC Member
Jun 15, 2018
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Has anyone seen this from the "Deep State Tribunal"? 'Should Biden need to rely on lawmakers to pass his agenda, however, Schumer could still sidestep Republicans through reconciliation, a budget rule that would allow Democrats to pass certain legislation with just 51 votes. Schumer on Monday floated using the rule to take gas-powered cars off the road by 2040.' Now I don't mind being the guy driving a gas burning minority car or even driving an electric vehicle, but don't tell me I can't take my gas burner out once in a while to exercise it or take it to a car show.
I feel the same way about him that I did years ago and before he was elected.
I couldn't stand Xiden before and I dang sure don't like him now! Coming from a Navy Veteran here who took their oath a lot more serious than any of these clowns that somehow got elected.
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Has anyone seen this from the "Deep State Tribunal"? 'Should Biden need to rely on lawmakers to pass his agenda, however, Schumer could still sidestep Republicans through reconciliation, a budget rule that would allow Democrats to pass certain legislation with just 51 votes. Schumer on Monday floated using the rule to take gas-powered cars off the road by 2040.' Now I don't mind being the guy driving a gas burning minority car or even driving an electric vehicle, but don't tell me I can't take my gas burner out once in a while to exercise it or take it to a car show.

You won't want to drive your car to a show when gasoline is $8 a gallon.

The E.U. model won't work here. This country is too spread out... with a lot less dense population... other than the major metropolis' .
:( Yeah, I had seen that the other day. These clowns plan to disarm everyone.

Well, you have to start with that when you plan to do things that many people very much don't want done to them.
Anyone notice the requirement to be evaluated by a psychiatrist/psycologist???

That sounds like an automatic fail to me.

I have a better idea. It's called the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory test. It's required to work in Nuke plants.

Years ago it was 500 questions, (with about 50 major "red flag" questions. Last time I took it... it had been reduced to 300.

It will definitely filter out the "disturbed" people from the rest.

Personally.... the first people I would like to see take the test... is Biden, Harris... and Pelosi. ESPECIALLY Pelosi !!!

"The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is a psychological test that assesses personality traits and psychopathology. It is primarily intended to test people who are suspected of having mental health or other clinical issues."
They could easily adapt the MMPI to a 100 question test... for a firearms purchase... with 20 or so red flag questions... as long as the test isn't designed to fail.

The actual MMPI works like it should. The thing about the test, is to be honest. Don't try to make yourself look too good.

The questions such as "I hear voices in my head", (which I don't), is an obvious fail if answered yes... which would be a denial to make any purchase.

The 500/300 test does work. I've seen people get "pulled aside" because they did fail it.

I could tell more (true) stories, but should watch what I say.

Again... I would like to see Biden, Harris, Pelosi, (and the majority of the House take it... but we all know that the results would be "doctored".
Switzerland is the only country in Europe... that doesn't follow the E.U. model.

In fact... Switzerland trains and arms EVERY citizen. In Israel... every citizen, (including women), serves 3 years in the military.

Too many spoiled brats in this country today... that "feel entitled" because other people before us sacrificed their lives.
What really grinds my gears is that the gas tax we have in place to fix our infrastructure such as highways/roads/bridges ect.ect.... can't come close to fixing is electric cars going to repair roads hahaha ...and have all these politicians kissing babies thought about how to set up all these charge stations???? It's a big joke
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