How do you feel about Biden NOW?

A typical response from the North Bay Lib mindset. Newsome is a member of the SF Bay good ol' boys club having auntie Nancy in his corner. When recent storms had many parts of this state suffering, your boy Gavin spent time in Mexico working on his tan and stocking up on cheap hair gel. He has failed this state as the self-proclaimed homeless czar. He left San Francisco as a failed mayor- look at it now. He is ramming electric cars down our throat without the power grid to support it. He has prosecutors who are soft on crime and rampant shoplifting. He just had his businesses accounts "saved" at Silicon Valley Bank beyond the 250K that the rest of us would have been covered for- Thank you sippy cup Joe. His wineries and liquor business would have taken a real hit on that one. Outside the big population areas of this state he is not considered an outstanding, or even a good governor. His act won't play well outside the Democratic people's Republic of Kalifornia.
He should use the money he sends to that stupid "Train to Nowhere" (California High Speed Train Authority) that will never be completed in the next few decades and is a big money pit. Who wants to ride from Bakersfield to Madera? Not many.
Then why doesn't the government hold automobile manufacturers accountable for drunk drivers???

Especially those that kill people in accidents?

There is a severe flaw in your logic.
How about those that intentionally drive their cars into crowds of people, killing some and maiming others? This last deranged girl had a car. Maybe without the guns, she would have just used her car? Where can you draw the line if you decide to go after the tools used, instead of the people using them?
A typical response from the North Bay Lib mindset. Newsome is a member of the SF Bay good ol' boys club having auntie Nancy in his corner. When recent storms had many parts of this state suffering, your boy Gavin spent time in Mexico working on his tan and stocking up on cheap hair gel. He has failed this state as the self-proclaimed homeless czar. He left San Francisco as a failed mayor- look at it now. He is ramming electric cars down our throat without the power grid to support it. He has prosecutors who are soft on crime and rampant shoplifting. He just had his businesses accounts "saved" at Silicon Valley Bank beyond the 250K that the rest of us would have been covered for- Thank you sippy cup Joe. His wineries and liquor business would have taken a real hit on that one. Outside the big population areas of this state he is not considered an outstanding, or even a good governor. His act won't play well outside the Democratic people's Republic of Kalifornia.
And a typical angry ad hominem from a Trumper.
Then why doesn't the government hold automobile manufacturers accountable for drunk drivers???

Especially those that kill people in accidents?

There is a severe flaw in your logic.
Apples to Oranges comparison. A car is not solely designed to easily murder people in large numbers. An assault rifle is.

There’s a reason why our military issues assault weapons to our soldiers and not passenger vehicles :)
Apples to Oranges comparison. A car is not solely designed to easily murder people in large numbers. An assault rifle is.
That statement would be false... on both counts.

Joegr already pointed out that motor vehicles have been used to kill people in mass quantity, by driving into crowds.

One nut tried it on the Capitol building a couple years ago. Fortunately he never made it past the barricades... but did kill/injure a couple of officers.

Obviously you are not an avid sportsman (hunter). Probably have never had venison either... or had to deal with wild hogs.

You are ignorant too, because the AR-15 is NOT an assault rifle. You probably don't even know what the AR in AR-15 stands for.
I have several AR-15 rifles... but none of them are considered an "assault rifle".

Just because the Left wing libtards call them that... doesn't make it true. You've been sucking Pelosi's teat for too long.
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