LS Blinker problem


New LVC Member
Mar 23, 2008
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I have a 2002 Lincoln LSE, but i'm having issues with the blinker lights. They work on and off. Does anyone know how much it costs to replace the blinker relays including installation?
Its probably just low in fluid. Mine was like that too. I took it to the dealer and they topped it up when they did my last oil change.
One of my front corners stopped working and the bulb was fine. It turned out to be a fuse blown on the pass. side fuse panel.

The whole blinker fluid low.some people think it funny to walk into an auto parts store and ask for crap like that. 68 volkwagon radiator cap muffler bearing and blinker fluid.. kinda dumb
have a 2002 Lincoln LSE, but i'm having issues with the blinker lights. They work on and off.
Um, that's how blinkers work... first on, then off, then on again and so on.
On a serious note, auto electric isn't cheap. I want to bring my car in to jumper the hid's (wire it so the lows stay on when i turn the brights on). $80/hour for labor. This was a custom job, not just repairing existing. So mybe you'd only be in for an hour plus parts. I have no idea about electrical, so hopefully someone more knowledgeable can chime in.
And I suppose you have to pay for diagnostics as well. Don't know what that runs, since they would have to determine what's causing the malfunction.
On a serious note, auto electric isn't cheap. I want to bring my car in to jumper the hid's (wire it so the lows stay on when i turn the brights on). $80/hour for labor. This was a custom job, not just repairing existing. So mybe you'd only be in for an hour plus parts. I have no idea about electrical, so hopefully someone more knowledgeable can chime in.

Hey pektel, I think I replied to you in another thread about that. It's pretty easy, and you can probably do it yourself. No need to spend $80/hour in labor. :D
Yep, you did. But I know nothing about electrical. I even have the diagram you posted.


Very helpful to the right person, but I'd need actual pictures of the wires, which ones to solder, and I have no idea where to get diodes and capacitors. I might have to hae someone take a look at it to help me out with materials and to get me started...
Yep, you did. But I know nothing about electrical. I even have the diagram you posted.


Very helpful to the right person, but I'd need actual pictures of the wires, which ones to solder, and I have no idea where to get diodes and capacitors. I might have to hae someone take a look at it to help me out with materials and to get me started...

Someone should make that into a kit
shouldn't the 9005's and the 9006's bulbs be the other way around as in the top ones should be the female and the bottom ones the male's.
shouldn't the 9005's and the 9006's bulbs be the other way around as in the top ones should be the female and the bottom ones the male's.

No. When determining the sex of the connectors you don't look at the plastic part, but the metal connectors inside. The 9005/9006 male plug looks like it's female, but it's not, because there are two metal prongs on the inside (hence it's male :D). I know it's kind of confusing, but trust me, it's correct.

One thing to note about my diagram, too, is that I used a 4700uF capacitor, which is a rather large capacitor. You may be able to get away with a 2200uF cap; I just used the 4700uF to be on the safe side.
That reminds me, I need to check my blinker fluid level & muffler bearings.
While I'm at it I better change from winter air to spring air in my tires & have my lug nuts calibrated.

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