Question for you Right Wingers


Staff member
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
I have a serious question / comment for you neocons and right wingers...

Probably 80% of what I hear from you guys, and from McCain / Palin these days, is nothing but negative.

Cheyry picking facts, statements taken out of context, screams of "he's a muslim" and "He hangs out with terrorists" --- All this negative stuff I keep hearing. Not only from McCain, but also, and ESPECIALLY from the people here.

While I cant speak for everyone, I can tell you that all it does when I hear it / read it is.... lose you credibility. It makes me so I just think of you as whack job nut cases and I pretty much put zero stock in anything you say because 9 times out of 10, it is something that is a waste of my time because it isnt credible.

I'm sure I'm not the only one in the country who thinks this way.

The real issues get lost in the mix.

I'm not trying to be personal or attack anyone. But if all such statements really do is push people further away from your viewpoints and make people write off your statements as not credible, thus not pay attention to you, then why do you keep on making them?

Here is an idea...

Why dont you try to sell me on voting for McCain, instead of NOT voting for Obama?

This means -- do not mention Obama.... Make your case ONLY on McCain / Palin and what they will do for our country. Dont mention democrats or Obama.

Oh, and one other thing. Nobody is all good or all bad. So, a piece of advice. Stop talking as though McCain is all good and Obama is all bad. Neither is perfect or evil. Both have good attributes and not so good attributes.

Just my .02

Joey, I'm not a great McCain fan. In this election, I'm voting against Osama, not for McCain.

If you were to be able to find THE LEAST BIT BELIEVABLE the promises of B O I might be at least a little bit inclined in his direction. But I got very tired of his calls to class warfare, the attempts at wealth redistribution, and such nonsense as the idea of extra taxation of business entities (How foolish, they'll only build the extra taxation into their pricing.). The net result is to give more money---the taxes---to the government and ultimately take it from everyone who buys from the business. The consumer is the major loser.

Such machinations aren't hard to understand---unless you simply refuse to see.
I see negative on both sides. I also see a war hero & a proud american when I see McCain. I see a guy with no experience & someone who may not even be an american born citizen when I see Obama.

To be quite honest, I do not like Palin or Biden.

Here is something for you to read, I recieved this in an e-mail & agree 100%.

Dear Friends:

My name is Joe Porter. I live in Champaign, Illinois . I'm 46 years old,
a born-again Christian, a husband, a father, a small business owner, a
veteran, and a homeowner. I don't consider myself to be either
conservative or liberal, and I vote for the person, not Republican or
Democrat. I don't believe there are "two Americas " but that every
person in this country can be whomever and whatever they want to be if
they'll just work to get there - and nowhere else on earth can they find
such opportunities. I believe our government should help those who are
legitimately downtrodden, and should always put the interests of America

The purpose of this message is that I'm concerned about the future of
this great nation. I'm worried that the silent majority of honest,
tax-paying people in this country have been passive for too long. Most
folks I know choose not to involve themselves in politics. They go about
their daily lives, paying their bills, raising their kids, and doing
what they can to maintain the good life. They vote and consider doing so
to be a sacred trust. They shake their heads at the political pundits
and so-called "news", thinking that what they hear is always spun by
whomever is reporting it. They can't understand how elected officials
can regularly violate the public trust with pork barrel spending. They
don't want government handouts. They want the government to protect
them, not raise their taxes for more government programs.

We are in the unique position in this country of electing our leaders.
It's a privilege to do so. I've never found a candidate in any election
with whom I
agreed on everything. I'll wager that most of us don't even agree with
our families or spouses 100% of the time. So when I step into that
voting booth, I always try to look at the big picture and cast my vote
for the man or woman who is best qualified for the job. I've hired a lot
of people in my lifetime, and essentially that's what an election is - a
hiring process. Who has the credentials? Whom do I want working for me?
Whom can I trust to do the job right?

I'm concerned that a growing number of voters in this country simply
don't get it. They are caught up in a fervor they can't explain, and
calling it "change". "Change what?", I ask. "Well, we're going to
change America", they say. "In what way?", I query. "We want someone
new and fresh in the
White House", they exclaim.. "So, someone who's not a politician?", I
say. "Uh, well, no, we just want a lot of stuff changed, so we're
voting for Obama", they state. "So the current system, the system of
freedom and democracy that has enabled a man to grow up in this great
country, get a fine education, raise incredible amounts of money and
dominate the news and win his party's nomination for the White House -
that system's all wrong?" "No, no, that part of the system's okay - we
just need a lot of change." And so it goes. "Change we can believe in."
Quite frankly, I don't believe that vague proclamations of change hold
any promise for me. In recent months, I've been asking virtually
everyone I encounter how they're voting. I live in Illinois, so most
folks tell me they're voting for Barack Obama. But no one can really
tell me why - only that he's going to change a lot of stuff. "Change,
change, change." I have yet to find one single person who can tell me
distinctly and convincingly why this man is qualified to be President
and Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful nation on earth - other
than the fact that he claims he's going to implement a lot of change.

We've all seen the emails about Obama's genealogy, his upbringing, his
Muslim background, and his church affiliations. Let's ignore this for a
moment. Put it all aside. Then ask yourself, "What qualifies this man to
be my president? That he's a brilliant orator and talks about change?"

Friends, I'll be forthright with you - I believe the American voters who
are supporting Barack Obama don't have a clue what they're doing, as
by the fact that not one of them - NOT ONE of them I've spoken to can
spell out his qualifications. Not even the most liberal media can
explain why he should be elected. Political experience? Negligible.
Foreign relations? Non-existent. Achievements? Name one. Someone who
wants to unite the country? If you haven't read his wife's thesis from
Princeton , look it up on the web. This is who's lining up to be our
next First Lady? The only thing I can glean from Obama's constant
harping about change is that we're in for a lot of new taxes.

For me, the choice is clear. I've looked carefully at the two leading
applicants for the job, and I've made my choice. Here's a question -
"Where were you
five and a half years ago? Around Christmas, 2002. You've had five or
six birthdays in that time. My son has grown from a sixth grade child to
a high school graduate. Five and a half years is a good chunk of time.
About 2,000 days. 2,000 nights of sleep. 6, 000 meals, give or take.
John McCain spent that amount of time, from 1967 to 1973, in a North
Vietnamese prisoner-of-war camp. When offered early release, he refused
it. He considered this offer to be a public relations stunt by his
captors, and insisted that those held longer than he should be released
first. Did you get that part? He was offered his freedom, and he
turned it down. A regimen of beatings and torture began. Do you
possess such strength of character? Locked in a filthy cell in a
foreign country, would you turn down your own freedom in favor of your
fellow man? I submit that's a quality of character that is rarely
found, and
for me, this singular act defines John McCain.

Unlike several presidential candidates in recent years whose military
service is questionable or non-existent, you will not find anyone to
denigrate the
integrity and moral courage of this man. A graduate of Annapolis,
during his Naval service he received the Silver Star, Bronze Star,
Purple Heart and Distinguished Flying Cross. His own son is now serving
in the Marine Corps in Iraq . Barack Obama is fond of saying "We honor
John McCain's service...BUT...", which to me is condescending and
offensive - because what I hear is, "Let's forget this man's sacrifice
for his country and his proven leadership abilities, and talk some more
about change."

I don't agree with John McCain on everything - but I am utterly
convinced that he is qualified to be our next President, and I trust him
to do what's
right. I know in my heart that he has the best interests of our country
in mind. He doesn't simply want to be President - he wants to lead
America , and there's a huge difference. Factually, there is simply no
comparison between the two candidates. A man of questionable background
and motives who prattles on about change can't hold a candle to a man
who has devoted his life in public service to this nation, retiring from
the Navy in 1981
and elected to the Senate in1982.

Perhaps Obama's supporters are taking a stance between old and new.
Maybe they don't care about McCain's service or his strength of
character, or his unblemished qualifications to be President. Maybe
"likeability" is a higher priority for them than "trust". Being a
prisoner of war is not what qualifies John McCain to be President of
the United States of America - but his demonstrated leadership certainly

Dear friends, it is time for us to stand. It is time for thinking
Americans to say, "Enough." It is time for people of all parties to
stop following the party line. It is time for anyone who wants to keep
America first, who wants the right man leading their nation, to start a
dialogue with all their friends and neighbors and ask who they're voting
for, and why. There's a lot of evil in this world. That should be
readily apparent to all of us by now. And when faced with that evil as
we are now, I want a man who knows the cost of war on his troops and on
his citizens. I want a man who puts my family's interests before any
foreign country. I want a President who's qualified to lead. I want my
country back, and I'm voting for John McCain.

Phone: 760.434.1395
Here is an idea...

Why dont you try to sell me on voting for McCain, instead of NOT voting for Obama?

This means -- do not mention Obama.... Make your case ONLY on McCain / Palin and what they will do for our country. Dont mention democrats or Obama.

Good luck with that, Joey.
I have a serious question / comment for you neocons and right wingers....

You’re not exactly being serious Joey, when you open your question up with the statement noted above.

But to answer your question, I would respond exactly as board member turborich posted in his cut and paste of Mr. Joe Porter. I suggest you read it. It is common sense, which unfortunately many Americans today seem to lack. Here is his most profound statement and one I have been questioning since Obama’s nomination: “I have yet to find one single person who can tell me distinctly and convincingly why this man is qualified to be President and Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful nation on earth – other than the fact that he claims he's going to implement a lot of change.” Read through Mr. Porter’s comments and the questions he poses and then ask those same questions to yourself. Personally, I despise the party system and all the politics of it. I choose, not based on party, but rather whom I believe can best lead this country. I’m sorry, but Barack Obama is not that man!

You cannot make a case for McCain without contrasting him with Obama. So I'm going to answer this my way. Don't like it? Too bad.

1. McCain is a far safer, more reliable choice in terms of experience and track record, whereas Obama is an unknown with a set of ideas for the country that have been proven to fail in many other countries including North Korea, Soviet Union, and Cuba.

2. McCain would do far less to harm the country than Obama. His track record with terrorism and national defense alone is reason enough to vote for him.

3. Not all change is good.

4. Joey, you've often complained about massive government spending, yet you're poised to vote for the guy who wants $1 TRILLION more federal spending with no way to pay for it, as opposed to McCain, who is a proven spending cutter and is anti-pork. This point alone shows you are not paying attention to the facts.

By the way, this quote:

Probably 80% of what I hear from you guys, and from McCain / Palin these days, is nothing but negative.

Cheyry picking facts, statements taken out of context, screams of "he's a muslim" and "He hangs out with terrorists" --- All this negative stuff I keep hearing. Not only from McCain, but also, and ESPECIALLY from the people here.

While I cant speak for everyone, I can tell you that all it does when I hear it / read it is.... lose you credibility. It makes me so I just think of you as whack job nut cases and I pretty much put zero stock in anything you say because 9 times out of 10, it is something that is a waste of my time because it isnt credible.

Amazes me when I put it in context with your constant bashing of Bush. Maybe you should have a look in the mirror.
Amazes me when I put it in context with your constant bashing of Bush. Maybe you should have a look in the mirror.

Except for one thing you are unaware of... I gave bush a chance in the beginning. When he ws elected, I didnt like him, but sat back and gave him a chance to do his thing. He did pretty much nothing before 9-11. I think my only negative comment about him before then was that he was on vacation all the time.

It wasnt until he started talking about going into Iraq that I had issues with him. Then everything went from so so to terrible IMO.
Cherry picking facts, statements taken out of context.

Actually, that is coming from the left, not the right. Much of what we post is in reaction to the dishonest, specious arguments by the left (both in this forum and in the MSM). It adds to the picture presented and puts it back in context. We are attempting to cut through the intentional Obfuscation of the left here. While that is supposed to be the job of the MSM, they are in league with Obama, so it is left to us to try and do their job.

Where are facts being "cherry picked", or "taken out of context" by "right wingers" here?

Also, there is not much of a case to vote for McCain. He is a weak candidate. When have any of us "right wingers" said otherwise? However, as I have said (and many others have said similar things), the difference between McCain and Obama is diappointment and dispair. It is really the choice of the lesser of two evils.
I think my only negative comment about him before then was that he was on vacation all the time.

There is a prime example of you taking that fact out of context. Not really your fault, the media was attempting to smear him by making it sound like he was shirking his responsibilities to take a break. You simply bought into the specious argument because you probably didn't know any better.

The fact of the matter was (and is) that these "vacations" are working vacations at best. Wherever he goes effectively becomes the White House. He is still conducting business the same as usual, just in a more. The president really doesn't get time off during his four or eight year term as president (except for maybe a small break here and there). He is neccessarily working all day and on call 24/7.
I have a serious question / comment for you neocons and right wingers...

Probably 80% of what I hear from you guys, and from McCain / Palin these days, is nothing but negative.

Cheyry picking facts, statements taken out of context, screams of "he's a muslim" and "He hangs out with terrorists" --- All this negative stuff I keep hearing. Not only from McCain, but also, and ESPECIALLY from the people here.

While I cant speak for everyone, I can tell you that all it does when I hear it / read it is.... lose you credibility. It makes me so I just think of you as whack job nut cases and I pretty much put zero stock in anything you say because 9 times out of 10, it is something that is a waste of my time because it isnt credible.

I'm sure I'm not the only one in the country who thinks this way.

The real issues get lost in the mix.

I'm not trying to be personal or attack anyone. But if all such statements really do is push people further away from your viewpoints and make people write off your statements as not credible, thus not pay attention to you, then why do you keep on making them?

Here is an idea...

Why dont you try to sell me on voting for McCain, instead of NOT voting for Obama?

This means -- do not mention Obama.... Make your case ONLY on McCain / Palin and what they will do for our country. Dont mention democrats or Obama.

Oh, and one other thing. Nobody is all good or all bad. So, a piece of advice. Stop talking as though McCain is all good and Obama is all bad. Neither is perfect or evil. Both have good attributes and not so good attributes.

Just my .02

I wish it was that easy.
I could say McCain policys are xyz so you should vote for him.

I think both candidates have alot of bad ideas.

I do think that McCains ideas.... if he is elected will not get passed.

On the other hand what Obama says has a darn good chance of going thru.

So if your going to vote for him keep that in mind.
You better like what he says.

I for one dont.
Also, there is not much of a case to vote for McCain. He is a weak candidate. When have any of us "right wingers" said otherwise? However, as I have said (and many others have said similar things), the difference between McCain and Obama is diappointment and dispair. It is really the choice of the lesser of two evils.

I find it very easy to make a case for voting for my candidate, without having to depend on smearing the other guy. And the right seems to have a very difficult time making a case FOR their candidate, so they have to spend their time smearing the other guy. It is very apparent throughout this politics thread. Just a quick glance will tell you the smear story, and not the positive story.

I think I have a new debate 'rule' that needs to be called into play here "Argumentum ad Obamaeum." (ah latin, I just feel gooey now ;) ) All posts will eventually lead to someone bashing Obama.
I find it very easy to make a case for voting for my candidate, without having to depend on smearing the other guy. And the right seems to have a very difficult time making a case FOR their candidate, so they have to spend their time smearing the other guy. It is very apparent throughout this politics thread. Just a quick glance will tell you the smear story, and not the positive story.

I think I have a new debate 'rule' that needs to be called into play here "Argumentum ad Obamaeum." (ah latin, I just feel gooey now ;) ) All posts will eventually lead to someone bashing Obama.

any election is a choice between two candidates. Just because one candidate isn't a strong candidate doesn't mean that he is not worth voting for.

All the left had to support Kerry in the 2004 election was that he wasn't Bush. Does that fact make their argument weaker?

Also, "smearing", by definition, implies and assumes that what is being said about the person is untrue. At best, you can say that some of what is being said about Obama is not provable, but that doesn't make it untrue. And there is more then enough about Obama that has been proven true (voting for infanticide, Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, sex ed in elementary school, etc, etc...).

Contrast that with the faulty claims about Bush; AWOL/National Guard, "domestic" spying, cocaine use, "abuse of power" in firing federal lawyers....hell, just go watch Oliver Stone's "W" film.

Also, consider the fact that all the MSM is trying to give you is the"positive" story on Obama and downplay (if they cannot down ignore) the negative. So it is left to the alternative media and the average joe to try and "vet" Obama. You need to fully know both the positive and the negative of both candidate to make an informed decision. You don't get the from the MSM. They only spin things in Obama's favor and against McCain. It is up to us to hold the media accountable and expose the negative parts of Obama's past while pointing out the smears against McCain and Palin.
I wish it was that easy.
I could say McCain policys are xyz so you should vote for him.

I think both candidates have alot of bad ideas.

I do think that McCains ideas.... if he is elected will not get passed.

On the other hand what Obama says has a darn good chance of going thru.

So if your going to vote for him keep that in mind.
You better like what he says.

I for one dont.

So, are you voting for....McCain?!

Color me shocked!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
I find it very easy to make a case for voting for my candidate, without having to depend on smearing the other guy. And the right seems to have a very difficult time making a case FOR their candidate, so they have to spend their time smearing the other guy. It is very apparent throughout this politics thread. Just a quick glance will tell you the smear story, and not the positive story.

I think I have a new debate 'rule' that needs to be called into play here "Argumentum ad Obamaeum." (ah latin, I just feel gooey now ;) ) All posts will eventually lead to someone bashing Obama.

You can disagree with his policy without bashing him.
Do I think if he gets elected the country will go to hell in a hand basket ?
His tax the rich to feed the poor is not something I could ever vote for.
Here you go.

So, are you voting for....McCain?!

Color me shocked!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:'s so easy to pigeon hole people I can be guilty of it at times.
I know for a fact that the democratic party is registering illegal aliens to vote! People from the Obama campaign are targeting the illegal alien crowd to vote. They even give them Obama bumper stickers & yard signs. I don't know how these people will legally vote but they will! Did you know they do not even ask for your drivers license to register you here in NV. Just your first & last name & your address! That is why acorn got in trouble here & got raided!!! CORRUPTION by the obama camp!

How in the hell can you vote when you don't have a valid drivers license & don't speak English?
I know for a fact that the democratic party is registering illegal aliens to vote! People from the Obama campaign are targeting the illegal alien crowd to vote. They even give them Obama bumper stickers & yard signs. I don't know how these people will legally vote but they will! Did you know they do not even ask for your drivers license to register you here in NV. Just your first & last name & your address! That is why acorn got in trouble here & got raided!!! CORRUPTION by the obama camp!

How in the hell can you vote when you don't have a valid drivers license & don't speak English?

This is a whole different matter.
Don't get me sarted on illegals.
Get me on that subject, and there won't benough bandwidth on this site for anyone else to post.
Why dont you try to sell me on voting for McCain, instead of NOT voting for Obama?

This means -- do not mention Obama.... Make your case ONLY on McCain / Palin and what they will do for our country. Dont mention democrats or Obama.

McCain served his country & is a real life war hero

McCain salutes the American flag & loves his country

McCain has more foreign policy experience

McCain has 20+ years experience

McCain is not a radical right winger, He often goes against his own party. He will compromise & end this right/left bickering

McCain will keep the constitution in tact & follow it

McCain is far less dangerous then the other choice

Here are a few reasons why. Ask yourself these same questions about the other guy.

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