What happened to the 'Plot to Kidnap Obama' thread?


Dedicated LVC Member
May 17, 2005
Reaction score
Santa Rosa, Ca
It vanished, mysteriously, Monster.

Anyhow, my response to your first post about other people acting "indignant." was:

'Yeah, because watermelon used as bait for a black-person doesn't have ANY racist connotations.'

My response to your "you're a blind Obama supporter and you'd never support a Republican" (paraphrased):

'I mailed in my vote this morning; I voted for Barr.'

Edit: I don't honestrly think you're a racist, but what would a black member feel if he/she came across your post? This election has made you irritable and extremely irrational; levels above and beyond '04.
It vanished, mysteriously, Monster.

Anyhow, my response to your first post about other people acting "indignant." was:

'Yeah, because watermelon used as bait for a black-person doesn't have ANY racist connotations.'

My response to your "you're a blind Obama supporter and you'd never support a Republican" (paraphrased):

'I mailed in my vote this morning; I voted for Barr.'

Edit: I don't honestrly think you're a racist, but what would a black member feel if he/she came across your post? This election has made you irritable and extremely irrational; levels above and beyond '04.

I agree with what you said about a black person being made to feel a little uncomfortable seeing that post. I did see it but chalked it up as just another crazy post. But just because 1 black person doesn't see it as racist or disrespectful doesn't mean the next black person won't.

I myself am a proud black american man who has read many of these post and has actually read statements that would make any black visitor to this site not want to return. But hey i been a member for a while now and have grown use to others opinions and views especially during this very uncomfortable time.

Oh i can easily go back and forth with a few who i think are obvious about how they feel when it comes to black people and there opinions of what black people are and will typically do, but it's a lost cause. I say just wait and see what happens in the long run.

"Issues" is a massive understatement.

I only asked this because this was one of his statements in another thread.

Bob Hubbard
Puting my dislike and mistrust for blacks aside, My true gut feeling is that Obama is not qualified to be president.
I have to go out of town and will not be here to defend the "freedom of speech' issue I was going to lay out in an attack on Obama's 'thought police' coming to a town near you.

Too bad too. The thread was starting to look like a slam dunk for 'freedom of speech' issues.

Maybe we can try it again when I get back.

Or else I am sure you can find the picture by 'googling'. It is an old picture and wasn't created for the purpose of capturing the Messiah.

We have so many issues in this country. Our loss of 'Freedom of Speech' is only the tip of the iceberg.

I just have to laugh to myself. You guys frothed at the mouth under Bush and how he took all your rights away yet you are going to sit back and let the radical left in this Country take everything away from you without you saying a word. Pathetic.

See you in a couple of days.
Go on and post anything you like, KKK symbols, Swastikas and the like. Just understand that your "joke" may offend some members.

Have a good trip.
Does a bear sh!t in the woods?

I feel sorry for you. But at least your honest in how you feel. I will do the best thing i know how when it comes to the type of person you are and just hit the ignore button. Your ignorance is sickening.
I feel sorry for you. But at least your honest in how you feel. I will do the best thing i know how when it comes to the type of person you are and just hit the ignore button. Your ignorance is sickening.

Do you honestly think your opinion matters too me?
If there is one thing that could never be said about me, it is I hide my feelings.
I am outspoken in my beliefs, and blacks are only the tip of the iceberg.
As I said in another thread, "Don't get me started on illegals, there wouldn't be enough bandwidth on this site to explain my hatred of them.
It vanished, mysteriously, Monster.

Anyhow, my response to your first post about other people acting "indignant." was:

'Yeah, because watermelon used as bait for a black-person doesn't have ANY racist connotations.'

My response to your "you're a blind Obama supporter and you'd never support a Republican" (paraphrased):

'I mailed in my vote this morning; I voted for Barr.'

Edit: I don't honestrly think you're a racist, but what would a black member feel if he/she came across your post? This election has made you irritable and extremely irrational; levels above and beyond '04.

Go on and post anything you like, KKK symbols, Swastikas and the like. Just understand that your "joke" may offend some members.

I agree with what you said about a black person being made to feel a little uncomfortable seeing that post. I did see it but chalked it up as just another crazy post. But just because 1 black person doesn't see it as racist or disrespectful doesn't mean the next black person won't.

I myself am a proud black american man who has read many of these post and has actually read statements that would make any black visitor to this site not want to return. But hey i been a member for a while now and have grown use to others opinions and views especially during this very uncomfortable time.

Oh i can easily go back and forth with a few who i think are obvious about how they feel when it comes to black people and there opinions of what black people are and will typically do, but it's a lost cause. I say just wait and see what happens in the long run.

Yep...I knew it. :rolleyes: ;)
Hello to all, I see the issue of race is brought up again! Racist have the right to be racist in private, and you guys always bring up frredom of speech, read the constitution, it says you have the freedon of speech just as long as you don't offend anybody. You guys are so quick to claim to hate black people, well being from detroit, i would love to see you tell you true feelings out in public. Its easy to be the Big Bad Wolf in front of a computer screen.
Hello to all, I see the issue of race is brought up again! Racist have the right to be racist in private, and you guys always bring up frredom of speech, read the constitution, it says you have the freedon of speech just as long as you don't offend anybody. You guys are so quick to claim to hate black people, well being from detroit, i would love to see you tell you true feelings out in public. Its easy to be the Big Bad Wolf in front of a computer screen.

I already ignored him it's a waste of time dealing with ignorance like that. Then you have cheerleaders as well pulling up there skirts running behind him.
Hello to all, I see the issue of race is brought up again! Racist have the right to be racist in private, and you guys always bring up frredom of speech, read the constitution, it says you have the freedon of speech just as long as you don't offend anybody. You guys are so quick to claim to hate black people, well being from detroit, i would love to see you tell you true feelings out in public. Its easy to be the Big Bad Wolf in front of a computer screen.

I have been called a racist all my life, and those that know me are well aware of my feelings.
I have been called many things in my life, but dumb is not one of them.
Other than having been on talk radio a few times discussing race and immigration issues, I don't think standing on a street cornor pitching my views would be a smart thing to do.
On the other hand, I would use ANY public forum designed to encompass other people's views that differ from mine, and I would expect participants to respect my views, as I would theirs.
I have found radio talk shows one of the best ways to get information both pro and con.
"Hiding" behind a computer screen is a moot issue.
We all use this medium in our daily lives, but there are other outlets to express our concerns.
You don't know me personally, only what you read here, and you have all the right to judge me as you see fit but, I have been involved in immigration matters for the past fifteen years here in Los Angeles, and have expressed my view in public forums so, I don't feel I have to "hide" behind a computer screen.
When I stated "public forums" I refer to meeting halls in this area.
...read the constitution, it says you have the freedon of speech just as long as you don't offend anybody.

Ahh...no. The constitution says no such thing. Since it is clear you need to read the constitution, here is the relvant part:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Weather or not you offend someone is irrelevant as far as the constitution is concerned.
Shag is right - the first amendment defends the right to offensive speech. It is easy to defend 'non offensive' words - but, our founding fathers knew that to truly be free you had to have the liberty to state whatever you wanted.

What you can't do is force someone to listen to your offensive words- use the ignore feature, that is your freedom of speech as well... the freedom to just turn it off.
Ahh...no. The constitution says no such thing. Since it is clear you need to read the constitution, here is the relvant part:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Weather or not you offend someone is irrelevant as far as the constitution is concerned.

the concept of freedom of thought or freedom of conscience. In practice, the right to freedom of speech is not absolute in any country and the right is commonly subject to limitations, such as on "hate speech". This is because exercising freedom of speech always takes place within a context of competing values.

nothing is absolute, you do not have the right to offend people, or make people uncomfortable
Shag is right - the first amendment defends the right to offensive speech. It is easy to defend 'non offensive' words - but, our founding fathers knew that to truly be free you had to have the liberty to state whatever you wanted.

What you can't do is force someone to listen to your offensive words- use the ignore feature, that is your freedom of speech as well... the freedom to just turn it off.

Shaq is wrong! The constitution grants you freedom of speech but prohibits "hate speech" and "hate speech" is defined as: Hate speech is a term for speech intended to degrade, intimidate, or incite violence or prejudicial action against a person or group of people based on their race, gender, age, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, language ability, ideology, social class, occupation, appearance (height, weight, hair color, etc.), mental capacity, and any other distinction that might be considered by some as a liability. The term covers written as well as oral communication and some forms of behaviors in a public setting. It is also sometimes called antilocution and is the first point on Allport's scale which measures prejudice in a society.
No, unfortunately the KKK and skinheads and Marxists:p have as much right to spew their hate as anyone... they can get on their soapbox in the middle of the park and talk all they want if they have followed the rules with permits, etc.

First amendment attorneys make a darn good living defending it. I can take of my clothes while dancing - first amendment... You can wear an SS uniform on the street corner - first amendment. They are both oddly covered, and protected.

And yes you can make people uncomfortable. That is how change occurs. Many people aren't 'comfortable' when you talk about change, but if you don't talk about it, how will it happen?

Violent speech is generally protected by the Constitution. However, the line between controversial and criminal speech has proved evasive for courts. Speech is not protected if it advocates "imminent" violent or unlawful conduct. Speech can be calculated to incite people, but not if it incites people in the wrong environment. Thus, screaming "fire" in a crowded theater is actionable, but not necessarily doing so in a park.

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