Mlara1129's C-List Finds

Wow that looks surprisingly good. Also is it me or does that roof rack look good on the LS?
Perhaps it would be too much wood. Wood with a million buttons in it (like the center) just looks cheap and fake IMO. The wood panels on the door and above the glove box are more attractive because they aren't all broken up. Wood-grain is nice in moderation; but can easily be overdone, just like chrome.

With all the buttons yes but i have a double din.
mlara, saw your vid plastidipping the OEM 8spokes. But I am confused, so you only have one wheel? I wanna see pics of them on!
It was just the one. Its a junk wheel i have laying around. Doesnt hold air anymore.

Looks good right?
Wow forgot i put that up, the ad is prob about to expire lol

No One seems to be interested at that price. No rush tho.

Thats a gen2 lse spoiler? Looks a little big too be it.

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