2002 lincoln lse for parts or whole!

i was actually going to sell the wheels and tires all together,,
Pm me with a price on the headliner parts that Benny passed on. Mine does not slide back and forth properly so I could use them. My moonroof works fine....just need the parts that make the headliner cover slide. Zipcode 45638.
i guess grill and rear surround and exhaust tips are still for sale was holding them for canadian ls on here but havent heard from him..
not really sure what they go for i was offered $100 Does that sound about right?
Are the wheels/tires still available, how much shipped to 46032?

How much for the ashtray?

PM me prices.

grill is gone..everything else still here except body kit .rear surround is still available.
If anyone wants the rear surround $90 shipped..It needs the little rubber piece the goes around where the liscense plate screws in .
Can I get a good pic of the rear surround? I need to make sure nothing is broke on it. Thanks, Jason
sure man no problem..it will probally be next week sometime but ill let you know a few days in advance
If anybody is interested in wheels tires those are for sale also..Tires have 4500 miles on them and wheels are in great shape.I have the reciept for the tires and they have a 30,000 mile free repalcement warranty on them.I was thinking $600 for wheels and tires since thats what just the tires cost.Tires are falken ze 512's.
Yea sorry my daughter had my camera and couldnt find it..ill get them to you tonight..
Lol that's what I ment. My bad that's what I get for typing when I'm half asleep
It actually had a pioneer aftermarket one..Its a decent one but not top of the line or anything..
still have alot of parts left..I took most of the main parts off put im scraping the rest of the car monday ..

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