Recent content by #Jeff504lsv8

  1. J

    Throttle body

    It was making a bunch of noise like it was trying to cycle and I had no throttle at all so I just changed it
  2. J

    Throttle body

    Did your still rev up some when that happened? And Did you get the p0352 to ?
  3. J

    Throttle body

    The three codes I posted is off my scanner that's the only code that has
  4. J

    Throttle body

    It's all motorcraft ignition coils
  5. J

    Throttle body

    Would that cause that p0352 code
  6. J

    Throttle body

    About a week ago my throttle body went out so I bought a used one and I work fine for about a day now I have these 3 codes it'll crank up and run really good for about 3 seconds then it goes into etc failsafe mode... I just put new 8 ignition coils and spark plugs p2107 P0352 P2100
  7. J

    Fuel pump no power

    2005 ls v8. Fuel pump not coming on i changed pump all fuses and relay still fuel pump will not come on. I did find a burnt injector fuse i changed that to
  8. J

    No power to cooling fan

    Where is the fuse or relay for the fan my fan locked up and now I have no power coming to the fan plug
  9. J

    05 LS fan motor

    220 is to hot mine Ran 195 to 210 with factory fan
  10. J

    05 LS fan motor

    I put a 1050 cfm fan from O'Reilly's keeps cool but when ac is on it will run hot
  11. J

    05 LS fan motor

    Does anybody know if I can just buy a new fan motor or know where I can get a new cooling fan
  12. J


    One more question for yall will the auxiliary pump cause me to run hot i put a hot wirr to it to see if ita work and it doesn't come on
  13. J


    One more question for yall will the auxiliary pump cause me to run hot i put a hot wirr to it to see if ita working and it doesnt come on
  14. J


    Ok cool thanks
  15. J


    What after market coolant fan are being used to replace the the oem fan