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  1. M


    well, today the solution to that dashboard-problem came to me in the person of an old lady hitting into my car... :( She totally smashed the car, so it is not repairable anymore. That is to bad, cause all the new parts that I had replace. ie. the aircompressor is brandnew (one week!!) Well sunny...
  2. M


    Happy new year!!! Hope you had a big party and many good wishes! You are so right about the speedo. Tonight I realized a strange thing: The Spedo works fine, when I am going backwards. Amazing, isn't it? Probably, just a question of turning around the pols + and - at the connector? I'll...
  3. M


    Ok, I did the tune-up and had no major problems. Placed it back and everything works like before. I did the "Quick-Test" and it showed me nothing on the left side (Oil/temp/battery-panel) in the middle it showed speed 01 and where the mileage is located there it showed e two times 52 52...
  4. M


    does the dash prove out on ignition on?? should turn all segments/displays on, then off, then reset to 'normal' mode... Yes it does!
  5. M


    It is the whole dashboard wich looks strange. What is the DCL tuneup? Where can I find infos about that. Tomorrow I will have a look athe wires going to the sensor. Sounds really like that is the problem of the 0 speed shown.
  6. M


    Just forgot: Of course the cruise-control will not work as well, as there is no info about the speed. Seems to be linked to the problem of the speedometer... Chris
  7. M


    I just baught a Lincoln Continental '90 which runs fine. The only problem is the dashboard. I can only see the speedometer when I bench myself so low, that I can hardly sit on the seat. Or, when I look right from the middle of the car everything looks fine. But straight from the drivers-seat...