

New LVC Member
Dec 30, 2005
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I just baught a Lincoln Continental '90 which runs fine. The only problem is the dashboard. I can only see the speedometer when I bench myself so low, that I can hardly sit on the seat. Or, when I look right from the middle of the car everything looks fine. But straight from the drivers-seat there I see only 188 mph and some other trash.
When I drive it will not show the speed, but will stay on 0 mph.
So here is the question:
1. Does this mean, that the dashboard is damaged, or is it a question of angle? I checked all bulbs and they are just fine. Had only to replace two of the smaller ones. The dimmer also works fine.

2. Where does the information for the speedometer come from. Perhaps this part is damaged, so that the speedometer doesn't get any info about the speed. Where can I find this thing and how do I check if it is working?

Many thanks for your help.

Just forgot: Of course the cruise-control will not work as well, as there is no info about the speed. Seems to be linked to the problem of the speedometer...
ok.. without consulting my manual...

speedo staying at 0, with no cruise.. sounds like speed sensor (in trans I believe, but will post soon with more info, after I get my manual out).

the other dash problems.. are they limited to speedo?? or do the modules on either side work? (the gas/temp/oil/volt and the trip computer/info center)

have you done the DCL tuneup yet?? it fixes a lot of the problems with the digital dash... There are also suspect connections on the back of the center module (one with main computer for dash) that may need resoldering.

the other possiblity is that module may be bad. That may also affect the cruise, but not positive right now.. again, gotta dig my manual out
1st.. info is from a 92 manual, I have a 91 and it pretty much all matches up for it, so it may be good for 90, afterall they are same bodyline

ok.. VSS (vehicle speed sensor) supplies both speed control module and dash. its mounted in the transaxle (lower LH rear of engine on transaxle).
according to my 92 manual, only way to get a 0 speed indication, is bad vss/wiring to it, or bad cluster

does the dash prove out on ignition on?? should turn all segments/displays on, then off, then reset to 'normal' mode...

AFter re-reading the entire original post, it sounds like a bad cluster :(
do the DCL tuneup if it hasn't been done. Let me know more, I can sometimes repair the clusters, depending on what is failed.
It is the whole dashboard wich looks strange.
What is the DCL tuneup? Where can I find infos about that. Tomorrow I will have a look athe wires going to the sensor. Sounds really like that is the problem of the 0 speed shown.
does the dash prove out on ignition on?? should turn all segments/displays on, then off, then reset to 'normal' mode...

Yes it does!
here is the DCL tuneup...


to make sure I understand whats happening.. dash does self-test on power on... then you can't read it at all unless your at an odd position??? or it just displays 0 for speed with other incorrect info????

just for 'shiggles'.. try this.. press and hold all 3 buttons on left side of the dash, then turn on ign to run.

you should see different numbers in speedo and odometer displays.. manual also says that if ANY of the symbols in the 'CCA' flash its a bad dash. The CCA is the speedo/odo part and the gas/temp/oil/volt part. the message center (on right end of dash) can have flashing symbols.. thats normal.

they call that the 'quick self test'

in about a month, I *may* have a working dash from a 90 that I am hoping to pick up for parts... let me know if you need it. its different than the 91 (mine), so it won't be usefull to me.
Ok, I did the tune-up and had no major problems. Placed it back and everything works like before.

I did the "Quick-Test" and it showed me nothing on the left side (Oil/temp/battery-panel) in the middle it showed speed 01 and where the mileage is located there it showed e two times 52 52, with blanks in the middle. Does that mean, that everything is ok? Or is that a failure-code?

I think, that the problem of not beeing able to see the numbers from the drivers seat is a question of angle. I tried to adjust by laying some rolled paper under the fixing of the dashboard, which keeps it in a better angel for my sight. I can live with that solution.

But I didn't find the position of the speed sensor. Do you mean, that it is located at the lower rear of the motor on drivers side, or passengers side? And is it viewable from above or do I have to climb under the car?
VSS is located in transaxle, probably from below car. What I posted was quoted from the manual.

I dont know if thats a code or not, my factory manual only states that it will show 'different numbers'.

The way my 91's cluster is, (which is different than the 90), there isn't much that can be adjusted as far as angle goes. Mine is LCD segments, backlite with bulbs. I dont know if the 90 is the same. Mine is viewable from almost any angle, because the LCD segments block/pass light, and are not reflective (like LCD watches, ect). if yours is constructed similarly, I am thinkin you may have a problem with the LCD panels or the connections to them.

Right now, without me actually seeing the symptoms I am almost at a lost as to what can cause your problem. If 'shimming' the bottom or top of the display is a fix for the angle problem, then go for it. but you of course do need the speedo working.
Happy new year!!!
Hope you had a big party and many good wishes!
You are so right about the speedo. Tonight I realized a strange thing: The Spedo works fine, when I am going backwards. Amazing, isn't it? Probably, just a question of turning around the pols + and - at the connector?
I'll have a look tomorrow. Thanks so much for your help. I think, that getting your dashboard is not the badest Idea. Let me know, when you have it. What do you count me to pay for it?
ok.. speedo works in reverse but not forward... hmmmm... since it is just a pulsed output from the VSS, I don't know if polarity would be a problem. (and I am sure the connector is keyed so it only goes one way) I am leaning towards bad VSS for the speedo problem. it is supposed to read both forward and reverse. Another possiblity is a really fried speed control module, that is pulling the signal down too low for the dash to use.. they are wired in parallel.

check your private messages on the dash subject.
well, today the solution to that dashboard-problem came to me in the person of an old lady hitting into my car... :( She totally smashed the car, so it is not repairable anymore. That is to bad, cause all the new parts that I had replace. ie. the aircompressor is brandnew (one week!!)
Well sunny sunday and the death of a beautiful car... Thanks to god, that my girlsfriend and I came out of that mess, without serious injury....
Thanks again for your help, MichiganTeddybear, I realy appreciate you sharing your knowloedge here... Was a great help.

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