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  1. H

    2002 LS Door Handles

    Howdy folks! Are the door handles on these cars the same for both rear and front? Thanks in advance!
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    DIY: Window Regulator Replacement VIDEO

    Awesome post. Will be doing this exact procedure in a week or two. Thanks M4rk!
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    How many time have U replace the degas bottle

    Awesome. Thanks, yet again, Joegr!
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    How many time have U replace the degas bottle

    Is replacing the Degas bottle something a monkey (basic tool set - jack & stands) like me could do? From what I've read, the driver wheel has to come off to gain access to a bottom bolt of some sort.
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    Rattling Noise From Driver Front

    Thanks everyone for the responses. I had the dealer do the front brakes and all is back to smooth sailing again. According to my service rep, the rotors were "very warped" and could be cut, so I didn't have to replace them.
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    Rattling Noise From Driver Front

    I've been noticing a rattling noise the past few days coming from my driver front when I get to certain speeds and it goes away when the brakes are applied. Does this sound like a caliper issue? I received a coupon from a Ford Dealership here in AZ that says they'll do brake service using...
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    02 LSE Losing Engine Coolant

    It seems the cap was the culprit. After the ride home yesterday, there was no loss off coolant or leaking under the car. Same on the way into the office today. Thanks to everyone who responded!
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    02 LSE Losing Engine Coolant

    The parts store is only a few miles from my office (replaced it there). The engine temperature just barely hit the mid way mark on my way back, but I did pop the hood and take a look. Nothing visually from above or underneath the car. My ride home is about 25 miles, so I'll do the same when I...
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    02 LSE Losing Engine Coolant

    I haven't replaced it yet, but I did (just now) replace the cap on the degas bottle. It's an aftermarket cap. If the problem persists, I suppose it's time to replace the degas bottle.
  10. H

    Once again! Mileage and year of your car

    02 lse v8 - 121,000
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    02 LSE Losing Engine Coolant

    I had my oil changed last week and the tech told me, "your radiator cap is worn and you're losing coolant." Every since I replaced the T-Stat housing with the Jag aluminum part, I've always kept an eye out for any liquids under my car and up until this morning I've seen none. Suppose I should...
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    Cool options no one knows about the LS's.

    From a post I found when trying to figure out if my DCCV is going out on me: A/C - Heater System Check: Press the Off & Floor buttons simultaneously, and then press Auto Should start a test on your system.
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    Taking orders for gen1 heatshields

    Ah yah! :) Mine should be shipping soon! Off Topic - Been seeing a few LSs running around the Glendale area lately... No LSEs though. :N
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    Attempted Theft

    As soon as I got home last night, I cleaned out my garage and made room for the LSE. Better safe than sorry.
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    Attempted Theft

    Thanks for your reply Joe... Makes me feel a bit better...
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    Attempted Theft

    Hi everyone, So I was out smoking a cigarette on break here at work, and noticed this on my driver door (assuming this happened over the weekend at my house): They jacked the metal up pretty good, I'm just thankful they didn't get away with the LSE. Are these cars easy for dirt-bags...
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    Anyone interested in a custom heat shield if I make a few??

    I've got pretty much this same setup, except I'm using a Spectre air filter. I was planning on mimicking your wire stabilizer. :) This heat shield is gonna rock!
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    How much would you pay??????

    Don't be jinx'n me man! I love my 02 LSE!! :)
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    Heat is Blowing Cold on One Side Hot on the Other

    I had this issue a few months back where the driver's side of the A/C stayed cool, but the passenger's side blew hot. Shut off the A/C for awhile, then it came back on fine. Unfortunately, it just happened again yesterday. Shut it off and when I got back in the car this morning everything was...
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    Anyone interested in a custom heat shield if I make a few??

    I am ABSOLUTELY in for one! Thanks a TON!