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  1. fabrizio

    Throttle body E-clip retainer & bushing

    Ford part number #F5RZ9F955AB , cost $9 dollar each doorman Help! #47099 , cost $3 dollar 5 pieces kit The doorman's bushing clip have larger pin clips, you may sandpaper the pin to get the proper gap to insert the E-clip. You can reuse the E-clips. I did not unmount the throttle body, not...
  2. fabrizio

    Throttle body E-clip retainer & bushing

    I've been searching with the tips you got me. I found this ford part number #F5RZ9F955AB and a doorman kit wich contain 5 pieces #47099 ( it was at accesories section as you suggest).
  3. fabrizio

    Throttle body E-clip retainer & bushing

    Thank you for help, I'll check on the nearest autozone Yes, if you can share the part number could be great. I did the McGyver too :D. Best regards, Fabrizio ** I found some keywords clip retainer accelerator clip accelerator linkage linkage rod accelerator linkage bushing throttle Cable...
  4. fabrizio

    Throttle body E-clip retainer & bushing

    Hi, thank you for your help. My car can't accelerate cause it loose some retainers on the throttle body lever. pics uploaded(i took the pics for ebay good state throttle body) 2001 LS V8 Do you know if i can get the plastic and retaner clips only? or do i have to buy the entire throttle...
  5. fabrizio

    ACCEL Ignition COP install

    Hi Hite! Could you share the bracket dimensions please? Best regards!
  6. fabrizio

    Timing Chain Teardown Time

    There is two types of primary timing chain. One with single roller chain and other with multilink(silent chain). My car had the silent type chain(multilink), I found some links at the bottom of the oil pan so I'm planning to replace the primary lower chains. You can see the missing links ,pic...
  7. fabrizio

    Timing Chain Teardown Time

    There were some tinted marks on one sprocket so I believe this was changed time ago. Either way i feel good about the motor status. I did not want to use the car waiting a major failure.
  8. fabrizio

    Timing Chain Teardown Time

    Hi! At the shop they unmount the secondary timing chain tensioners , it had the second gen tensioners, the metal ones. The tensioner have groove marks so I decided to replaced them;The timing was ok , parallel flat cam marks OK. The chain guides were ok , not brittle at all. The crankshaft...
  9. fabrizio

    2001 Lincoln LS v8 Drive belt part number ?

    Thank you !
  10. fabrizio

    2001 Lincoln LS v8 Drive belt part number ?

    Hi! 2001 Lincoln LS V8 I have to replace the drive Belt, it has been hard to find the motorcraft one. Is it the correct part numbre ? Motorcraft : JK6-1056 / xw4z8620ab What about using a "GATES" belt? pn # K061058 Or a "DAYCO " pn # 6k1050 Reliable brand aside from OEM? Thank you!
  11. fabrizio

    2001 Lincoln LS - No 5th Gear

    No continuity, just the nominal resistance, if something is burned or open you could know(electrical). To check continuity just should measure as Jorge said. Of course if your wire is bad you'll have a bad reading on component resistance. @Airman89 what scanner did you use to do a koer test...
  12. fabrizio

    2001 Lincoln LS - No 5th Gear

    You could do this test.
  13. fabrizio

    Forscan and KOER + functional test?

    Hi @Driggy , Ty for reply there is no much info about Lincoln ls and forscan. Your message is very helpful , Now I have the pressure gauge, forscan+ elm327. just need time to do it.:cool: Best regards
  14. fabrizio

    2001 v8 PCM, how to diagnose it as culprit of bad shifting?

    I have some pictures, let me go home and I'll upload them. There's some numbers, I think is the VIN/part number. My car does not have keypad.
  15. fabrizio

    Buzzing noise coming from my fuse box

    You can connect a multimeter and read if you get good signal. Yo can swap the relay. Of course,should get a good battery. Just some info about relays may point out to the issue. The relay have a rated voltage to close the contacts providing 12v at coils. It has tolerances, you could turn on...
  16. fabrizio

    Buzzing noise coming from my fuse box

    Well that's discard the relay, I don't know what else could be. Switch position ? Off/On/accessories? Are you sure it was the relay 010? Do you feel any vibration?
  17. fabrizio

    Buzzing noise coming from my fuse box

    It's turning on and off continuously. Relay 010 - blower motor. -Bad wiring/no good contact -Bad relay -Bad signal(could be your battery ) It will end your relay lifetime. I don't know if the blower motor belongs to AC system but if not escencial you could disconnect until repair. Do you have...
  18. fabrizio

    Forscan and KOER + functional test?

    So you even can't read any parameter? connection does not work for you? which LS model do you own? Do you use forscan for phone or PC? ty for reply
  19. fabrizio

    Forscan and KOER + functional test?

    Hi! Does anyone use forscan to do a KOER test on lincoln ? And Can you do funcional test? I would like to do a funcional test for Pressure control solenoids. 2001 Lincoln LS v8 Best regards!
  20. fabrizio

    Most expensive free car I have ever owned.

    Hi! Same situation here , It was a gift , I'm trying to keep it on road , I think it still being a good car of course too old (mine 2001 v8) but I love it xD,nice front shape. Best regards!