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  1. J

    Sport and non-Sport?

    What year is your car? And the Trans shift gate is a key also.
  2. J

    02 LS V8 Sport Cylinder firing order?

    Yep. That's what I needed to confirm, cyl order. Thank you Sir!
  3. J

    02 LS V8 Sport Cylinder firing order?

    I'm trying to track down a misfire or skip. Can someone give me the Correct cylinder number diagram for the 02 LS V8 Sport please. Goggling give me 2 different images. Thanks. I'm looking for Cly # 6.
  4. J

    Highest Mileage LS V8?

    No one is close to 300k?
  5. J

    Highest Mileage LS V8?

    My 02 LS Sport V8 is at 258k miles. Its parked a lot now due to another car I have. Just wondering who has the Highest Mileage LS V8. With the Original Engine? I don't think mine is. I was just wondering how far they can go?
  6. J

    Accel 420005 coils

    I've had them in my 02 V8 Sport for 1 1/2 years now. At 236k miles. No problems. Felt better too. Here you go....... How many Falures of Accel Coils. Anyone ?
  7. J


    You are going to Ignore just everything that's going on Factually, and just Rant your Persons Opinioned attacks huh? But the Chickens are coming home to Roost. This? Jared Kushner's ties to the White House, link to the Russia investigation Jared Kushner's ties to the White House, link to the...
  8. J


  9. J


    You just don't get it do you?
  10. J


    Mods please Delete. Post 162 and 160 posted by error.
  11. J


    Moore claimed this. Its not been substantiated at all. Allred has called Moore out to go on record and oath about it, and Moore has yet to reply. Handwriting expert say Signatures change with age, and that the best way to test is to DNA the ink. If it is found to be inked in 1977, age wise...
  12. J


  13. J


    And we are getting bits and pieces that Donald Trump Jr. began a WikiLeaks email communication between June 2016 and July 2017.... Yes, until July 2017... Session back in the Hot Seat at the Senate today to be questioned again, under Sworn in Oath. The Oath goes, Do you solemnly (swear/affirm)...
  14. J


    Give me Break already with Rhetoric. Sessions the US Attorney General says No, he didn't Meet with A Full Russian Ambassador. A Russian. What's he doing having Private meetings with Russians anyway, while they were kicked out of the US and under sanctions?
  15. J


    And..... at the end of the day. Session had met with Russians on different occasions. But said NO he did not. Did Session meet with any Russians or Not? The Village Idiot knows he did, and so did Sessions. But you see "No", meaning something else. Really? And if as you say he meets with...
  16. J


    If I may add/ask? Why just about everyone in the Trump Campaign is on Record lying about meeting with Russia, and what they met about? If Its ok? That's where their main problem is? Session the US Attorney General does not know He's talking to a Russian? Which He denied under oath. FYI: The...
  17. J


    ...was appointed special counsel in May to lead the investigation into potential coordination between Russia and associates of President Donald Trump's to meddle with the 2016 campaign." *** Funny how Trump keeps trying to get people to say He's not under investigation?*** If Not I wonder why?***
  18. J

    Control Arms and Struts Same as T-Bird?

    I have already replaced the Ball joints. Working on Control arm/bushing options. All, front rear, upper lower = 8. I thought the Moogs, were as good as, if not better than Ford. Agree that Ford's are great. Trying to keep from spending, $2000 not including labor for a 02 LS with 256k on it...
  19. J


    /\ Cute. But it's so serious this FBI investigation is making the case. Just to back up the claimed fallacy, and debunk that the sources are the problems. Like it or not this all happened, and is the problem, regardless of the verified News source. I hate to tell you......... but, just thought...
  20. J


    Throwing the Podesta Group in just muddy's the water here. Its being investigated. But that aint going to change Trump and his Campaign people problems. Podesta will be investigated too. We can run all around the world if you want. But........ I dare you to tell me which thing here is not a...