I dont know if I would call its a constant squeal. It is as if it squeals when a specific section of belt hits the drive pulley. Thats why I thought coolant. Any other ideas of what it could be given the recent work done? Obvioulsy I know thats a loaded question considering you are going on my...
2001 LS V6 107,000 mi
So I just had my pcv elbow and upper radiator hose replaced by a local shop. When my wife got home with the car it was squelling from the front of the engine, likely the belt/pulley area. It was not doing this at all before I took it in. Is it possible that coolant has...
I think I may have a similar problem in my '01 V6 with 107,000 miles. I just had the PCV elbow and upper radiator hose assembly done and all of a sudden this squaling started. Is it possible that coolant got on the belt? I have seen a few places that this can cause squeling. Mine is there at...
Did the O2 sensor this weekend just to be sure and got the 171 and 174 codes again, as expected. I ordered the parts and they should be here today or the next day so I will take a look at them and see if its what I need. I know the local Ford dealer can get me the elbow next day for $30. Thanks...
Well I sprayed some starter fluid down into the back section of the intake and the engine bogged and then came back up like it was being flooded. So it looks like thats my problem. Can anyone (tireman since you suggested RockAuto) confirm that the part number below is the correct part for the...
Thanks joegr, I was going to try that tomorrow since I have off. When I ran my freeze data from code P0174 it gave me 4 fuel trims:
ST FTRM1 9.3
LT FTRM1 25.0
ST FTRM2 17.9
LT FTRM2 25.0
ST FTRM3 64.8
LT FTRM3 -44.0
LT FTRM4 -39.5
ST FTRM4 68.7
Code at 658 RPM, Load...
I will try the O2 sensor tomorrow and clear everything and see what comes up after that. I will also try to inspect all of the lines really well. Where did your valve cover breather lines split, at the elbows too? Is the bank 1 sensor 1 O2 sensor closest to the engine on the passenger side? How...
What about fuel? Is there any way to check for enough fuel (pressure guage or scan tool)? It may be worth throwing on a $11 fuel filter before getting into the intake. Anyone know what the fuel pressure should be? Just trying to rule things out here. Thanks again.
I have an O2 sensor at the house and will try swapping that in tomorrow morning. The 1/1 O2 sensor should be closest to the engine on the passengers side right? Any other ideas on testing. I will try to monitor the fuel trims to confirm that it is a vacuum problem (even if not the PCV elbow)...
More Confused!
OK, so I took the car home for lunch. I had reset my codes yesterday at lunch time and been driving around with my scanner plugged in to record when I got a code. Well on the way home I did get a code but it was the P0133 again with no other codes (even pending). With the car...
89 in-lbs does seem more resonable. Are there any autoparts stores that carry repair manuals for the LS, I have never found one.
tireman, the car is idling fine now, should I expect it to get rough when I pull the vacuum hose off of the throttle body if the PCV is OK? If the PCV elbow was...
Great. So I am assuming that is for the lower manifold bolting to the block. What about the upper plenum to the lower manifold? I checked out RockAuto for the parts and was hoping you (or anyone) could confirm the one part number for me. Is the little PCV valve elbow under the manifold that...
Thanks tireman, any idea on how much torque they need when going back in (intake bolts)? Will I definately need to replace the PCV valve if the elbow is cracked under the manifold or is this one of those while your in there things? Are the intake manifold gaskets rubber? Thanks.
Great, thanks for your help. I checked the recorded data on my scanner and it looks like the code popped at idle (780rpm), still an indication of PCV leak? Also, is there any way to determine if it were the MAF? I hear Ford has had some troubles with them. Thanks again!
I will check that tonight. If I do end up taking off the intake manifold to get to the PCV hose can anyone tell me the torque spec or procedure for re-installing them. I don't have a manual.
Got a check engine light last week and popped codes P0171, P0174, and P0133. Erased them twice and they cam eback so it wasn't a hickup. I believe 0171 and 0133 are pending and 0174 lit the lamp. The car may be a little down on power but seems to run fine otherwise. No idle problems and cruises...
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