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    which oil

    What are the advantages of using 5-20 over say 5-30 or even 10-30? My mark has like 180k on it.
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    Got a coil conversion kit but missing rear springs

    Well this bites. The local junkyard doesn't have a single MN12 Thunderbird or Cougar in stock at all. Much less any Marks. Poo.
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    Got a coil conversion kit but missing rear springs

    Couple more questions, will the springs in the thunderbird have the lower rubber perch thing that my coil spring conversion kit had for my other Mark's conversion kit? That is the only thing that really concerns me. Also on one of the struts, one of the splined press-in bolts that are on...
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    Got a coil conversion kit but missing rear springs

    I found a guy parting out a 94 mark and it had the complete front coil conversion kit and the rear spring perches and rear shocks but was missing the rear coils. can i just source a set of thunderbird rear coils and be done with it? This is what i got.
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    Need to replace starter in my 93, what tools and which car is easiest to salvage?

    I don't have a lot of money these days. I need to replace the starter in my 93 so I can start using it. I am going to go to my local pick it yourself yard and grab a starter off of another car for my 93. I went to the compatibility page for the starter at Orielly Auto Parts for my starter...
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    My power windows no longer work from drivers side (97 mark)

    This is a weird one. About 2 months ago, my door ajar sensor was acting strangely and my power windows from the drivers side started acting up. You would hit the down button and the window would not go down. I could not make the passenger side go down either but the passenger window side...
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    93 mark won't start, problem with anti-theft?

    Well the problem was occuring even after I charged the battery up fully and tested it with my load tester. It was holding at around 800 amps for 15 seconds with the load. When I put the freshly charged and warm battery (was inside while charging), the problem was still there. The battery is...
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    93 mark won't start, problem with anti-theft?

    An update. I went out to my car yesterday and put the key in and it started up just fine like nothing was wrong with it at all. Wierd but I think its a bad starter/solenoid at this point. It warmed up to about 40 yesterday when i tried to start it. I shall see in the next few days if the...
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    93 mark won't start, problem with anti-theft?

    My car isn't rusty at all, we live in an area where they use zero salt when cleaning roads. I have seen junker Datsuns from the '70s driving around with very little rust but all beat up looking. As for the anti-theft, I haven't done that yet. its cold and I just replaced the charged up...
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    93 mark won't start, problem with anti-theft?

    I'm thinking bad starter too. But I really REALLY don't want to have to change it. The car has settled to the ground, is facing the wrong way to be towed out, and is covered in several inches of snow, and is blocking the trailer that I have to get out. Ugh.
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    93 mark won't start, problem with anti-theft?

    More info. I charged the battery up all the way. Used my load tester on it and it held at around 800 CCA with a load on it for about 15 seconds. Put the battery in and tried to start the car. I hear a clicking from under the hood but I can't tell where its coming from. Still no start. :(
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    93 mark won't start, problem with anti-theft?

    Ya know, I wonder if it could be the starter/solenoid? I don't drive this car, my kid does (i drive my 97) and he mentioned to me that once in a while, he gets a no-start situation but after turning the key a few times, it would fire up. I took the battery out of the car for now and have it...
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    93 mark won't start, problem with anti-theft?

    Thanks! I shall try disconnecting the battery, disconnecting the antitheft module, and then reconnecting the battery later today.
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    93 mark won't start, problem with anti-theft?

    I tried using the lock/unlock using the key as well. I beleive its factory since it uses the factory fob to turn it on and off. and it uses the factory "anti-theft" green light on the display panel thingy. I have never had a problem with this before. When you turn the key on the 93-96...
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    93 mark won't start, problem with anti-theft?

    I have had my 93 for about 6 years now. Always started except for the dead battery incident about 2 years ago. Well the car has sat for the last 2 weeks due to bad weather here and I went out to start the car to move it today. STupid thing would not start. As soon as you turn the key, the...
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    How do I know which memory my 97-98 remote is?

    It turns out that its a mem1. Crap. I need a mem 2, anyone wanna trade a mem 1 for a mem2?
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    How do I know which memory my 97-98 remote is?

    I know that the mem1 and mem2 are for seperate seats and mirrors which is what I want. i want my wife to have one and me to have the other. The problem is that I had 2 mem1 remotes which both worked on the same memory. I want to confirm that this new remote is a mem2 remote if possible.
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    How do I know which memory my 97-98 remote is?

    I have two Memory 1 remotes for my 97 Mark. One of them started failing, something on the circuit board wasn't working right. I found another memory remote at my local junkyard but this one does not say Memory 1 or Memory 2 at all. No identification saying which memory it is. How can I...
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    Guess this is goodbye

    1000 bux to buy it back? That seems high to me or is that common?